

martedì 19 settembre 2017

Why Messiah is bigger than Moses

Greater is He who regather Israel, than he who took them our of Egypt.

There is an event that the world knows as "the Exodus" of Egypt and that has been the key event for billions of people, christians and jews alike, and that awaits many people ensaved, to be freed from slavery in many modern nations.

The Exodus is the event of all mankind events and the very reason why people celebrate it in every  condition of life: music, movies, cartoons etc..etc.

What however we have not yet celebrate, is the greater event of all: the "regathering of Israel" from the 4 corners of the world by the Messiah, in the land of Israel.

It's now 2000 years since the perfect sacrifice or the better, the"offering of Yeshua" as the perfect Lamb of God made in Jerusalem, to take away all sins the jewish people made in all generations, have gained to the jewish people, the "regathering of Israel" and the conseguent miraculus rebirth in "just one day of the jewish Nation.

This happend to fullfill the ancient prophecy that "all sins of the jews" will be throned and drowned into the sea in a day, and all sin forgotten, never to be remembered anymore!This is not only what the jewish people celebrate every year on Yom Kippur, but what christians celebrate every Passover in March-April when the "sacrificed lamb" i'ts offered in atonement for the sin of the jewish people and all people of the world, in order to save mankind.

We know that God wants to save mankind, trough the jewish people, the God of the jews, the God of Israel and the Light of Messiah. This is a jewish and christian belief worldwide and one of the most important pillars of salvation.

The 100 years celebration of the Balfour declaration, give us today the opportunity to enjoy not only the Exodus from Egypt, where not only the jews but mankind was and is still partially enslavade, but the miracolous "regathering of the Jewish people" in their own land, since the Moses great liberation of Israel. So if we think and believe that Moses was a "Prophet of God" and truly the chosen prophet to put into place such a great event, greater is He (Yeshua HaMassiah) who regather Israel, than he (Moses the friend of God) who took Israel out of Egypt.

Two milleniums after the birth, offering, sacrifice, death and Resurrection of the promised Messiah" spoken by the prophets, and surely by Moses himself, God in a "single sacrifice in the city of Jerusalem" 2000 years ago, have put into place the "final countdown" to the even bigger even of the Exodus, the giving of the Torah and the division of the Holy land by Joshua: the regathering of Israel and the people of Israel!

The rebirth of the State of Israel and the jewish Nation is an event so recent, that we did not really had the time to think about this great event; it happend slowly, in great distress, with strife, and with terrible opposition. Nevertheless it happend, it's happening and its now unstoppable! And for this reason it's today and should be every day, the reason of  joy, thank to God and the fullfillment of a simple Divine Comand: love God and love mankind.

If we believe that the Exodus from Egypt it's a good reason to celebrate and thank God for our freedom, greater is what the greatness of God has done, regathering all His children and certenly the jews in the reborn Holy Nation of Israel.

Israel, the land of Israel, the jews and the jewish people are made Holy and loved, by this simple event, that in fact hide in himself, a much greater joy that the Exodus from Egypt.

This is why the Messiah, His work, His Sacrifice, the offering of His life like the perfect Lamb of God, it's of a greater meaning than the work of Moses, the friend of God.

Since the Godless world and evil Godless and lawless Nations refuse to celebrate this event and works tirelessy to prevent the joyful and rightful "regathering of the jews" in their own land, the reality cannot change: nobody can prevent "the process of the Messiah", since in "one day" He has fullfilled all that the Prophet and ancient Biblical promises, were spoken to Israel.

The work of the Messiah therefore, is greater than the good job Moses did in Egypt, according to the Scriptures and the Prophet Jeremiah: "behold days are coming  declares the Lord, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ 15 but it will be said, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them. For I will restore them to the land I gave their ancestors.Book of Jeremiah 16,14-15

The re-gathering of Israel is surely a "Greater event of the Exodus" from Egypt by the hand of Moses and Aaron, and the Messiah Yeshua-Jesus "regathering of Israel in her own land", is a much "Greater event" that Moses work. In addition to that, the Messiah work not only is far greater than Moses work, but includes also the work of Aaron, the one of the Holy Priesthood; the Messiah is the new Moses and the new Holy Priest of the "New Jewish Temple" of Jerusalem, the One that acts and works for the atonement of all sins.For this very reason the Light of the Messiah will enlight the Nations, the people and the all world from Jerusalem.

Making Jerusalem not only the "House of Worship for all Nations, but the jews and Israel "a Light for the Nation"!

This is what is at stake today, and the only reason why there is so much violence and strife to prevent Israel from being, what Messiah has made the jewish State of Israel to be. And if we celebrate year after year the great work of Moses bringing the jews out of Egypt, Greater is the present work of the Messiah in our days, that is bringing back and regathering Israel, from every corner of the world, to build the United Kingdom of Israel, just as King David was told and promised in Jerusalem.

This is why the Messiah is even bigger than Moses, and His work is even greater than the work of Aaron; the Messiah is not only He who gathers Israel, but also He who will be the Priest for Israel in the "New Temple" to be soon rebuild in Jerusalem.

The Messiah is Prophet and King, Priest and perfet Lamb, Ruler and Prime Minister, Comander in Chief and President of the United Kingdom of Israel in progress as we see it today. In Him God embeds all Divine commitments and titles, for the perfet ruler of the Kingdom.

domenica 2 aprile 2017

Man conspiracy in silence about God's good Law


Opening Jacob's well, closed to women by islam.

Re-opening Jacob's well, closed to women by islamic muslims worldwide.

There is a crucial fact in God's story with mankind, that have changed already 2017 years ago the general condition of women in family and society; it's the encounter of God with a woman in Jacob's well, in Sechem Israel.

Jacob is the son of the miracle of Abraham's life, a son born in God's mind and given to Abraham and Sarah, our patriarchs. Ismael never got a well, and islam never mention water as a sign of divine purity for man and women. But in Judaism and Christianity roots, Jacob's well is the key to Divine Revelation.

Yesterday as todays, water is seen as the symbol of life, purity, and Divine proxymity of mankind, but Jacob wells have been closed and highjacked by islam and muslim followers, and therefore what God established to be a place where man and women could use to provvide themselfs and their families with clear water, is now a close well to women.

Until today islamic followers, muslims all over the world, not only have closed and taken away Jacob's well in Israel in the land of Israel, but also spiritually islam and muslims have deny access to women, to that very "well of water" where Moses and all women have been going since ancient time, to quench the thirst of man and their anumals.

It is well known that not only man have taken care of their flock, but many women, even in ancient history, have quenched the thirst of their flocks, to supply food to their children and tribes.

On a spiritual realm, the closing of Jacob's well by the muslim followers, has a deep and clear meaning; deny access to women to the water, is like signing their death penalty and therefore, muslim scolars must understand what a world without women will mean for every man in the planet. The moder mistreatment of women in the muslim world, their awful tratment in the modern society, is not only closing the provvision of Divine water to all women of the world, but it's in fact endangering man's life.

Why are muslim gelous of Jacob's well? When Abraham told the islaimic followers to close the wells he give to his son Jacob? Where God says that woen should be deny water?

It's a fact that today muslim from palestine, not only claim for themselfs  Jacob's land and wells, but, occupying israel land and jewish Abrahamitic tradition of women inclusion in faith and Divine matters, but they plan to close to all women, muslims and not muslim, the access to the Divine water, that God gave to Abraham in order to quench the thirst of mankind toward God and God's ways.

This is not only a political, geographycal and social issue; reopening Jacob's well that islam has closed to women, means opening the best of God's Creation for man; the Divine woman.

Women are made by God, and by no means women have been aver declared of different of human and Divine dignity; ladies are God's Creation, God's creature, and for this very simple reason, equal is their position in God's eyes. Why than is the women seen with bad eyes by males of islam, whaen God have regarded the woman, as a Divine creature? Who gives man the right to undermine what God has decided?

God's disposition is that male and female, man and women, are both Divine Creations and like every God's Creatures, must be respected for what they are.

Restablishing God's order and God's Creation, it's the issue of modern society regarding the condition of women, all over the world.

In the beginning of Creatin God ....

A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin[d] and onyx are also there.)13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush.[e] 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animalsand all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh.22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
“This is now bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
    for she was taken out of man.

From the Word of God we can see that God gave only one woman to each and every man, and for example the muslim and islamic culture of having many women, and not only one, it's not a way of God Divine law. God gave ONE woman to one man, and to this woman he should cherish the blood of his own blood, the bones of his own bones. Women are equally human and Divine as man. No man or woman can cover  from the face of God.....
Also when man saw the woman, he aknowledged that woman is blood of man's blood, and bones of man's bones, and therefore, who kills a woman, kills his own life.

Before God made man, the water and a well of water, was already made for them, and both of them, could access the same well and the water of the all world. This is not only a material gift, but also a spiritual gift of God to man and woman.
It's time to re-open the Jacob's well, give access to women freely to the well of God's wisdom, freedom, love; the woman needs to be freed from the man-made laws and regulations that prevent women to be what God has caled them to be, that gentle helper and lover that mankind needs today in every family, marriage, society and culture.

It's is the closer of Jacob's well and the male prevention toward women, their misunderstanding of women creation and delicate essence, that make modern life a dry well and a dry violent society.
Women respect, empowerment, dignity must be restored to fix and bless the future of our world; their mistreatment has resulted in a world of caos and strife, that makes our Heaven in this world, a total contraddiction of God's will and good Creation.