

lunedì 25 giugno 2018

The restoration of the Tribes of Jacob

The restoration of the tribe of Jacob and the regathering of Israel.

The Book of the Torab is altogether a unique Divine Book, but no other books have meaning today at Israel @70 than the book of Isaiah 49,6

“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant
    to restore the tribes of Jacob
    and bring back those of Israel I have kept.
I will also make you a light for the Gentiles,
    that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”

This Bible and Torah verse, is a prophecy fulfilling in our modern days, God is talking not only to Jeremiah but also to the Messiah,whose primary work is to re-gather the jewish people of israel, into their own Land.

After this first mission, is the second mission of the Messiah: after he re-gathers the jews, He will also be the promised Messiah for all people, Languagges, Nations, in His global and Universal to gather all people in God's Jewish Kindom, in the land of Israel.

Many believers often quote Jeremiah prophecies, but no other is so modern, that Isaiah 49,6, becouse we can actually see not only the rebirth of the jewish nation, as a jewish land and a jewish Home, but also the re-gathering of the people that make the nation of God, Israel.

It is quiet easy sometimes to get lost in the many Bible prophecies, in the many Torah scriptures promises for Israel, but it's so important today that we know, study and make everyone aware of Isaiah 49,6.

We can see today the regathering of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the sons of Jacob and the 12 Tribes of Israel, God told Isaiah that it was too little that Messiah and God servant would regather the Nation of Israel, but that there is a bigger and more important mission for His jewish servant; a jew would also be the Light of God for all Nations, making the Messiah mission a globalized mission.

Is too little for a little Nation like Israel to be just the Home of the Jews, but for Israel God has a big project: with the Torah and the Messiah Israel from a tiny Nations is to be what today is called a "hub for the world"!

sabato 16 giugno 2018

The other leg of the statue, in Daniel's vision

The "second leg" of Danil's statue dream, revealed.

When Jesus was in this earth, many times He has spoken about Daniel the prophet, making him a prophet of the future and not just an ancient prophet of Israel. By talking about Daniel,  Jesus wanted us to go to the Book of Daniel and read what it was revealed to him, while living as a scattared jew in what is today modern Iraq.

Jesus wanted to Reveal things and to make us know the reality in witch we live in today; the visions of Daniel regarded the futura, and the future is now. We are the future spoken by Daniel the prophet of Judea. A jew!

That a jew could reveal the truth, is not something we expect today, in our modern days of internet, facebook and other web media news, but in fact milion of christians in power, Prime Ministers, ordinary people and even the Queen of England has to face; Daniel the jew knows the truth!

So going to the Book of Daniel is a must in our days, and the reason for it, is that Daniel had a vision, like the modern visionaries in France, Belgium, the Balcans, in Mexico, Africa, and the message is revealing the truth of the future, and how socio-politic facts, are going to effect our modern life.

Look at what the prophet Daniel spoke, told us Jesus and by that revelation, know and understand what is the future for this generation! So we must look at the vision and have a picture of the vision to better understand the real situation on the ground. Yes, boots on, becouse Daniel vision shows a map with geographical Nations, political parties and even Prime Ministers the daily news speaks about on daily basis.

Daniel was a capture migrant in modern Iraq, and what he saw was a clear geo-political situation, on the like of modern journalism; he did not need a master degree in .political science, just a pure Revelation from God, that sees and knows everything. No guessing, perseptions and other helpful human resorces, just a direct Revelation from God, that could last for generations, into the future.

He was a jew born in Israel, living in Iraq and wondering what would happend to Israel in the future, with all the neighbours nations; Iran, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Arabia. This was Daniels world, when Jesus came on earth to guide mankind into the future.

Daniel saw all Israel neighbours fighting for power, and all together these powers, like our modern EU, USA, UK, UAE, where give figures of anumal, to better understand the spirit of each Union of Nations or tribes, and their deep heart and mind. So every world power was given an image, and when these power united together, to do their will without God, where given the figure of a "statue", an idol or a man, not made of love and kindness, but on metals, to show their strenght and the metal they rappresent when facing God's Judgment.

This idol or individual, this man was divided in 4 metals, more or less precious, and when these powers united against God to seek world dominion, had not only a head of gold, but also 2 feet, with wich he must walk in the world, to be able to lift his arrogant head against the Heaven, at a point even to challange God and His Divine Law. This arrogant idol man walked with 2 feet and this is waht matters the most in Daniel's vision and dream.

To unveil and reveal who are these 2 feet is extremely important in our modern days, to understand who are the 2 world powers and "shoes" that go around to provoc God's whrat on the nations, and conseguently the people of the nations, that today we see sick, starving, poor or without food. All these human conditions in Africa, Middle East, Cina, South America, are the direct conseguences of this idol man with 2 feet, that walks freely in our world, with the bad intention to submitt the world, races, and people to what we can describe the "one world order", alias an idol man-made power that walks with his 2 feet.

The 2 feet are more important than the head, becouse who walk our streets and nations, are man-idols or Prime Minister and heads of States, and without these 2 feet, the Head could not act!

Daniel was told that in the future, in the "last days of mankind" and at the end of generations, one man-made power, political, religious and social-econimic union of nations, would become like a "one man" and with this political strenght, wil walk in his own feet, without care for God, and with his own economy power, will try to take the place of God and wil ask people and races, to be taken into consideration, not like God, but in the place of God, in replacement of Him. This is the figure of the Anti-Christ, the idol man of world economy, that will force himself on people, nations.

This is true in our days, and we can even identify this "union of nations" that are looking to unite themselfs, between the West and the Middle East, in order to make the modern vision of Daniel understandeble to us, in order to identify these Prime Ministers of Nations, looking to replace the ancient Daniel statue. Daniel was told the basic infos that are also valid today for us: Iraq, Iran, Syria, the jewish nation of Israel, Egypt, Greece, Rome are the same today. All these nations are alive today, and even with the same names; most of them are in the Middle East, Asia Minor and modern European continent. The legs of this idol are 2 like a man, and 1 leg stands in the West while the other stand East, meaning that in order to walk, this man-made-power, must get help from another part of the world, somewhere near, like the West is near the East, and therefore in a perfect collaboration of islamic nations and christian nation. Modern Christ-islam!

This is what is happening right now in our world;  Western christian nations are looking for islamic nations to join their economic projects and ventures, investiment and regulations; they want to find a unity of intent in order to be one-same-man when comes to economy, business, social law. It is of recent news that the newrly formed EU looks for islamic nation for cooperation, in order to mix up and find strenght to fulfill his purposes. Same the muslim nations keep looking West to mix up and  unite to accomplish even bigger project. It's the idol-man-made power plan without God, building projects at the expences of the people, the truth, the right of nations. It's a one-man-made economic power that thinks to rule the world, with their own laws and regulations, that are not any near God's natural laws, and plan to subvert God's natural creation and Creatures. It's the Anti-GOd anti-Christ man -made idol, money, power, dominion.

Someone already warned about a new cult called Christ-islam, a mix of Chrisitans and muslims that mix up in order the world and the people that we can be united, even if we have different values, civilisation, laws, Constitutions, religion, Governments. It's called the One world order, and order made by a mix of powers and nations, that want to dictate waht we must think, do, believe. It's and idol!

Daniel was given the vision of 4 monsters, becouse when man have power, is like a "beast", and act in the likeness of an animal, starved for power, fame, money. But when these 4 beast are united together, they become like "one man" and each animal has his own mission and part to play. And when these 4 power unite to fulfill the same purpose of world domination, becouse each one could never be so strong to dominate the world alone, with this power it believes to go against God, with the strenght it received from others.

So in Daniel's vision, we are told that most of the Nations and powers that constitute this "idol man"  two (Iran and Syria) are from the Middle East and are islamic nations (muslims), while the other 2 (Greece and Rome) are from the Western area of the European Continent and so, it's easy to make what is been named a Christ-islamic idol- power-man that walk with these 2 feet, one east and one West.

Daniel vision however also revealed that unfortunately for the 4 components of these idol-power-man some metals, alis some civilisation, cultures and religiosn cannot mix up with each other, and therefore the idol-man cannot walk following the wish of the head (Islam). The idol-man-made man-power will not succed in his plan, and even if it will make some damage, will never be able to survive or fulfill his wicked and evil project.

This is true and even possible to watch with our own eyes, while the wicked and evil EU as much as it try to unite with islamic Iran in the nuclear deal, or as much as EU try to unite to islamic Turkey, things are not going well at all! Same for Greece and Rome, that as hard as they try to be nice and polite to the other 2 beast, or the other leg of Danile Statue (Iran and Syria), things are not going to happen! The legs are fragile, and will go nowhere! Same for the evil idol -man-made-power, that will do all it can to unite, but the legs are too fragile to accomplish what the head thinks to do, going against God's order; and so it will eventually fail.

Christian Rome had 2 legs and 2 feet in ancient time, and the capitals of these 2 feets where Rome and Costantinopoli, Italy and Asia Minor, today called Turkey. One in modern EU and the other one in modern Middle East. These 2 man-made powers have tried to unite their strenght in order to be one united world power, but according to Daniel vision, they will stand only for a certain period of time, but will not make it. The reason it's very easy; the famose "4 beast powers" or world powers, have been replaced by God's heavenly Kingdom that God has given to His Son Jesus in Jerusalem-israel and this jewish Kingdom will replace the world-man-made kingdoms.

We will not see anymore United Kingdom (UK) Emirate Arab Kingdom, etc..etc..

These man made idol kingdoms have life only for a time, a temporary generations of man, but will never be real kingdoms, becouse God to Abraham promised only one Kingdom, and this Kingdom is a jewish united Kingdom anf the King is Jesus-Yeshua the Son of God.

When God promised to His friend Abraham a Nation, a mighty Nations and a famous one, Israel, God basically told us and everyone, that only Israel at the end, will last. All other man-made -powers would not last and there will be no sign of them, in the near future. So very soon all man-made kingdomes like UK, USA, EU, UEA, UN and all these places where we think we are kings, will be totally obliterated from the face of the earth! None of them will exist!

While Iran was part of the 4 beast in Daniel vision, we can clearly say that the feet of this ma-made power is islamic Turkey, that is part of the 5 toes of this feet, and as he cannot walk with one feet, recently Turkish PM Erdogan had to go to seek help from the 2 leg the Roman Puppet of the Vatican, fake Pope Francis, elected in an lawless way to replace the already elected Pope Benedict, and have a "new world order Puppet" to fit the agenda.

The day Turkish President went to see the Puppet of Rome in the Vatican, he came in Europe to ask for help, from the Christian rappresentative in the West, in order to walk into Israel and dictate a lawleess aggression on the jewish nation, and impose or force the jewish State, to let the idol man walk free to the jewish capital of Israel, and make islam declare himself the God of Jerusalem, and therefore replace Judaism and Christianity as the roots of God Divine Kingdom.

The Vatican rappresenting the Western christian civilisation is the feet n° 1 of this idol-man, and Turkey that is pushing to rappresent and gather all muslims under the Turkish islamic flag, is the n°2 feet. Without this idol-man made by (Iraq, Iran, Syria,muslims) and  (Greece and Rome civilisation) neither the Vatican not Turkey can walk or act and get involved in world events.

The are the 2 puppets of the idol-man-made-power, the walk and obey their head master, and perform the same project the head of the idol tells them; one obeys to islamic laws and false religion, the other obeys to the world power using his religion too....Both are just feet, puppets of their master, the ancient whore Babilonia the Great.

It is clear now that the only way to unite people, with a Great islamic Worldwide Deception, the relion is the starting point, and in order to fulfill this man-made-idol the head needs to use reliogious leaders that can drag with them milion of people. They are the False prophet of Islam and the man of sin, 2 man that will use their religious power and trust, to force people to worship the idol-ma-made powerful one world Government.

They will both be destroyed by God's mighty fire, and of them there will not be any memory in this world, when God's Kingdom will be fully rebuild in the jewish United Kingdom of Israel!

It is already prophecied that of these 2 feet and man-idols there will be no memory, that they will be no more once they they walk in the wrong direction, and that their time is almost expired! They will betray mankind, the right of people to be free to decide, and even their God, in order to serve a man-mad idol that will not last.