

Bible Reference

Jesus, tha golden menorah that gives the light of God to the Nations
Biblical reference: Revelation 1,2;John 8,12; Mattew 5,7; Mattew 5,14

The golden menorah, symbol of Christianity and of the Nation of Israel
Bibblical reference: Ap 1,2

The 7 golden menorah of the Revelatio of Jesus
Bibblical reference:  Ap 1,2; Exodus 25,31; Exodus 37,17

The Alef and the Tav
Bibblical Referenze: Rev 22,13

Joel’s trumpets
Bibblical Reference: Ap 8,1; Joel 2,1: Joel 2,15; leviticus 23,25; Numbers 29,1; 1 Cor 15,51

Isaiah, the prophet of Salvation
Bibblical reference: Isaiah 25,6; Ephesians 2,13; Ephesians 2,14

The Book of Revelation Of Yeshua the Messiah
Bibblical references: the Book of Revelation of Jesus Crist

Yeshua the Name above all other names
Bibblical reference: Acts 4,10; Acts 4,12

Le 7 menorah d'oro nell'Apocalisse di Gesù Cristo
Bibblical reference: Ap 1,2; Ap 1,12; Joel 3,1; Esodo 25,31;Esodo 37,17

Il Messia Gesù, la menorah d’oro che illumina le Nazioni
Referenze Bibliche: Giovanni 8,12; Matteo 5,7; Matteo 5,14

La menorah simbolo Cristiano e simbolo di Israele
Referenze Bibliche: Apocalisse 1,12

Le 7 menorah d’oro nell’Apocalisse di Gesu’ Cristo
Referenze Bibliche: Apocalisse 1,12

 Il banchetto nunziale del Messia
Referenza Bibblica: Ap 22,17; Luca 14,15; Matteo 22,1;Luca 13,19

Le 7 trombe finali di Dio
Referenza Bibblica: Ap 8,6; Levitico 23,25; Numeri 29,1; Nemia 4,14; Ap 8,6

Tabor,  the Mauntain of God
Bibblical Reference: Deuteronomy 4,5; Genesis 13,14

The Spirit of Prophecy 
Biblical Reference:  Revelation 9,6; Mattew 3,17; Acts 17,1; Revelation 5,1

The United Kingdom of Israel
Biblical Reference: Ezekiel 37,15; Psalm 2; Ezekiel 37,24

Signore, è questo il tempo in cui ricostruirai un regno per Israele?
Atti degli Apostoli 1,6-7; Isaia 66,13; Apocalisse 5,1

The Bible, the Book of God
Biblical Reference: Isaiah 49

The Keepers of the Torah
Biblical Reference: Isaia 49; Malachi 1,11; Psalm 48,10

Jesus, the Messenger of God
Biblical Reference: Isaiah 9,5; Psalm 22; John 10,11

Zephaniah, God’s secret treasure

Biblica references: Zephainah 1-2-3 chapters

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