

domenica 27 settembre 2015

Jesus Christ, the Messenger of God.

The Messenger of God

It's the most important man awaited by mankind and He is a man that will bring God's Message to Humanity;  His coming is foretold since the beginning of the world, and Peace and Justice is what all man have dreamed from generation to generation. He is the most awaited man of the planet, and His name is the Messiah, the Messenger of God, the Privileged, the Anointed and the sent ONE, the Beloved of God.

Many have dreamed of been in the position of the Messenger of God and many have claimed, to be the Messenger of God; but the true Messenger of God must have some qualities, and must bring with Him, some Heavenly signs that only the true Messenger of God, can have.

The Messenger of God must be a man like the Prophet Isaiah describes; a man of power, a wonderful Cancelor, a powerful God a Father forever and a Prince of peace. His power will be immense and the peace in His time will be endless; and most of all,  He will seat in the throne of David and will come to strenghten Rightsness and Justice. Isaiah 9,5

Many have claimed to be Messengers of God without having read the Prophecy of Isaiah that specify that to be a Messenger of God, one must be on the lineage of David son of Jesse, the King of Israel. All sort of false Prophets have arise in the History of mankind, claiming to be in possession of God's final revelations, but none of them, even promising of wanting to bring peace, have come from the Jewish roots of David; ONLY Jesus of Nazaret! Jesus clearly say: I AM the Good Shepherd, knowing that by only saying this word, He would be recognized as the True Messenger of God. Gospel of John 10,11. 

The Psalm of David 22 confirms the wish of a faithfull to have God as a sheperd: "the Lord is My Shepherd". Introducing David to the Jews God say of David; He is a shepherd according to MY heart.

Some false prophets are pathetic and even show some ignorance in prophecy; from India to Saudi Arabia, from Nepal to other Oriental Nations, some parents have claimed to have a son send by God to be  the future prince of the World. And still none of them are from Israel and none of the have anything to do or even mention King David, the King of the Jews. A son Imperor or a son anointed by God, a man to whom God speaks giving special messeges, it's what many man have desired and claimed to be. But the Messenger of God it's only ONE, and must have all the quality and characteristics of the baby spoken by Isaiah.

To be the Messenger of God Isaiah tell us, a man must be born into King David family, and this is the lineage of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of Israel. Born in the town of David, and grown in Galilee, the Land of Zabulon and Naftali, two of the  12tribes of Israel, Jesus meets and fulfills all the quality of the Messenger of God spoken by the Prophet Isaiah.

Jesus is the Messenger of God that came  from the anchestry of a King, and from the boodline of a Jewish Kings; and for this reason can seat in the throne of David, the King of the kings of Israel, the Shepherd of the Jews. And to be a King of peace, he must be in the lineage of King Solomon, the King that has a name, that means peace, the Shalom of God. And ONLY Jesus of Nazareth can fulfill this great quality.

Every false prophet will claim to be a man of peace, but this quality is not enough to meet and fulfill all the other qualities that the Messenger of God must have; He must be a man of Justice, 'couse there cannot be any peace without Justice. So the second and most important quality of the Messenger of God is Justice. He must also be meek like a Lamb, in order to take away the sin of the world without having ever done any wrong to anybody, and in His Holy nature, even forgive all the wrong given to Him. Jesus teached His followers to forgive the enmey and never use violence to conquer Justice. Something that makes Jesus of Nazareth so special, to be the Messenger of God.  

Once again only Jesus of Nazareth meets and fulfills the position; the Book of Revelation unveils to man, many other qualities of the Messiah and Messenger of God, Jesus of Nazareth:

He is Faithfull,
and is the King of the kings of this world,
the Alef and the Tav,
the First and the Last and must be
the roots of David,
the Morning Star.
He is the Spirit of Prophecy
and the Big Shepherd,
the Good Shepard
the Lamb of God and
the Beloved son of God,
must possess the 7 Spirits of God.
He must open the 7 Seals of God and must
be the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

All qualities and titles that ONLY Jesus Christi of Nazareth can meet and perfectly fulfill.

In the Holy Book of Revelation Jesus calles Himself "the Spirit of Prophecy" of GOD and the ONLY ONE WORTHY of opening the 7 Seals of God,  describing what are the 7 Seals all about. Revelation 5,4

Looking to all those special qualities, we can without any doubt say that only Jesus of Nazareth can meet these qualities, and that only Jesus has ever given a  Divine Revelation, with the specific title the "Messenger of God" will possess in Himself, given to Him directely by God the Father. Not given by  an Angel or any other heavenly person. It is important that the Messenger of God is sent directely by God, spoken by God and most of all, appointed and anointed by God. Only Jesus Christ meets this criteria.

Jesus did not came to bring any future Revelation or a New Revelation, but to confirm and fulfill the Revelation that God had already given to Moses. God is faifull and does not change, His name is the Eternal and giving a complete new revelation, would have all suddently  made the prevoius revelation to Moses unvalid. For this very reason, any claims by any man coming from Arabia or Nepal, from Iraq or China, to be a messenger or the final messenger of God, is totally and pathetic false.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, son of David and son of Joseph, is the key to recognise the Messenger of God, the ONE and Eternal God Almighty. There are many other qualities that Jesus Christ has in Himself that can be added to this list, to show his goodness and rightness, but Jesus possesses in Himsel the key  requuirements that no other man can ever possess in the entire world: the Israeli passport.

When we specify that the most important  sign of the Messenger of God, is that He has to be of the lineage of King David, it automaticaly  must specify that he has a Jewish passport. Without this special quality it is sure that any claim, could not be validated.

Since 2000 years Jesus of Nazareth has been recognised has The Messenger of God, the ONLY ONE Messenger that God could have anointed to be like God Himself. Worthy to seat in the Throne of David his father, and to open the 7 Seals of God that only the Lion of Judah could have known. After all having a Israeli passport for God, its all that matters!

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