

domenica 6 settembre 2015

The 7 golden menorah of the Revelation of Jesus.

The 7 menorah's in the Book of Revelation.
I turned to see Who was speaking to me; behind me were seven golden lampstands and, in the middle of these, I saw someone like a " son of man" dressed in a long robe, tied with a golden girdle.
Revelation 1,12

The first 12 Apostles and the first followers of Jesus of Nazareth, were all Jews. The all Bilbble is written by Jews of Israel, who were awaiting the " promised Messiah". Therefore when the Bilbble was translated, the word " menorah", was translated as lampstands, taking away from the picture, the real meaning of this word. The menorah was present in the First Temple of Jerusalem, and the Priest would light the Menorah with 7 candlesticks, sign of the future 7 gifts of the Spirit of God, given to man on the days of Pentecost, as promised by the Prophet Joel 3,1 in the Holy Scripture.

During the translations of the Gospels, the word menorah was not translated accurately according to the Jewish tradition and culture. For this reason, the menorah and the symbol of the "golden menorah" mentioned by the Book of Revelation, was overshadow at the point were the believers, did not know the real image of the lampstands, according to the Book of Exodus, where the menorah was mentioned, Exodus 25,31. In the Book of Exodus, God specifically asked Moses how to make the Tabernacle and the golden menorah: " you are to make a menorah of pure gold, the menorah must be of hammered gold, both in it's base and stern. Six branches must extend from it's sides, three from one side, three from the other". And in Exodus 37,17 the all description of the lampstands, the menorah's, were confirmed. The lampstands is nothing more than the menorah, the symbol of Light used in modern days as the symbol of the Nation of Israel.

In our modern day Christianity, the menorah as not yet reach the full meaning, becouse of the translation of the Bible, where the Jewish roots of the 5 Books of Moses, did not took into account of the Jewishness of the Gospel of Jesus.

The goal of this blog, is to give to the Bibble, the Jewish roots where it came from, in order to understand fully the Holy Scriptures, according to the culture it came from. The Bibble is written in a Semitic culture and reflects the Jewish culture of Jesus of Nazareth.

The reason why Jesus was seen between the 7 menorah's is that the same menorah's were part of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, where Jesus is born, grow up, lived, died and was resurrected!
Has a Jew, Jesus appeared to the Apostol John in the island of Patmos, walking between the 7 golden menorah's explaining to John, the meaning of the symbol of the Menorah.

Has the priest used to light the menorah's in the Temple, Jesus, the Holy Priest of all humanity, walks trough the 7 menorah, a symbol of the 7 churches of God and the New Temple of God.
While the Holy Priest use to light the menorah, in the Last Days, the Messiah Jesus has taken into Himself, the duty to be the Light of the future Temple.

In this way, all "old things" are made perfect and find the "new" mining. Even if  Jesus made all things new, He used the old symbols and all the same items, that the Jewish people used since the times of the Tabernacle of Moses, and the Temple of Jerusalem.

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