

mercoledì 23 settembre 2015

We have found Messiah!

Jesus, the awaited Messiah

We have found Messiah, the Anointed One! With this esclamation a few Jew from the North of Galilee tell the news to their fellows Jews and their family members. In Judaism the Torah is a matter of the all family, expecially the boys that go into yeshiva to study the Torah, the Law of Moses, the big Profet of Israel and the friend of God.

After all every year they prayed for His arrival, and every year could have been that year. In Judaism the Messiah its a matter of faith; they know its coming and even if he delays the order is: wait! And for those young Jews it problably look like a dream, a very Good News: " Andrew find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Gospel of John 1,41

But there was more; in Galilee the voice spread quickly and few more Jews were talking about this: "Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him: "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph". Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? Nathanael asked.

The boys had 2 clues: they had fing the Messiah and they had find the Messiah "son of Joseph"; the one that Moses spoke about and wrote about in the Torah. And not only that, the Prophets also sope of Him; it is not a question of finding only 1 clue when we look at something, but it's a question of finding all clues, and in this case, the boys of the yeshiva find already 2 clues: the Messiah and the son of Joseph they have found Him!

The 3 and last important clue to make sure the person is the right one, was given in the Gospel, by the people that meet the Messiah. We do not how but they all called Him, "son of David": "He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18,38

And with this third clue we can say that really, the Messiah son of Joseph and the Messiah son of David, is endeed the Messiah of Israel.

To be sure that we do not make mistake, and we mistake the persone, the Jewish theology have very specific clues that the Messiah must have in order to fulfill the requirements requested to be the ONE and real Messiah.

And Jesus of Nazaret in fact, fullfills them all!

It was not difficult for the yeshiva boys of Galilee, to tell their friends and fellow that they have found what they have studied for. It takes years and years of study and a long waiting for the Messiah. They are waiting for generations and generations and still the Messiah was not seen; but now all suddently in Galilee, in the North of Israel, the Messiah came! And surely its a Good news and a news to talk about to everyone.

Every jewish yeshiva boy in Israel follows a rabbi, and what a surprise for any yeshiva student to be able to have the rabbi of the rabbies, the Messiah Himself, speaking and going around with them. it's the fullfillment of a dream for every yeshiva student and even for every rabbi in Israel. And this dream fulfilled 2000 years ago when Israel was under the Roman Empire territorial occupation, and under the rule of the neighbour Kings and Imperors, rutheless people that only seek world domination. Siria, Israel and Egypt were under occupation and the King had to share their power with the Roman Imperors.

For Israel maybe was the best time to receive the Messia; he could free them from this horrible oppression. And the Messiah came exactely in the major time of jewish distress; he was there to tell them the "time had come". Or better "the beginning of the end ot times" had come. 

The Kingdom of God is at hand, make teshuva, make repentence and believe in Messiah!

The beginning of the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, according to the Gospel of Mark came in this annuncment, quoting the Prophet Isaia:
“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
  who will prepare your way
 a voice of one calling in the wilderness.
 Prepare the way for the Lord,
  make straight paths for him." Gospel of Mark 1 

“The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1,15. What else the Messiah could say in His "first coming"; the must have been a way to prepare, there must have been time to make streight the path. It looked quiet obvious from the words of the prophet that the Messiah would come when the way was already prepared and the paths were already made straight for Him. Messiah comes to fulfill the promise of peace and Eternal joy, someone must go head to preapare and straighten the path; an who better than the Messiah Himself, with his righ law and and right way? 

It had to be Him, the Messiah himself to show to the people the Way, the Life and the Truth, and when all this is done, he could give Eternal peace and Eternal rest. 

He is the ONE Moses wrote in the Law, He is the one spoken by the Prophets, He is the "son of Joseph" and the "Son of David"; He came to give light to a people walking in the shadow of death and He is the root od Jesse. He came in the North of Galilee like the prophet Isaia foretold and is born in Judea so that he can be called a Jew. He is Jesus of Nazaret the Messiah! 

He came the "Fist time" to prepare the Way in Truth and he is coming a "second time" to give the Eternal Life and Peace of God.  

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