

giovedì 22 ottobre 2015

Jesus the Beloved of God

The Beloved Messenger of God

A voice out of the Heavens said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased. With this phrase the Bible opens the Book of Matthew 3 in the verse 17 to annunce that God had made His choice on someone very dear to Him.

To be the beloved of man is somenthing very important, to find someone that make us feel dear and very important is everyman dream; but find ourselves involved in the pleasure of God is something that only ONE person can tell; and this person is Jesus of Nazaret, the "Beloved of God".

To be Beloved by God means to be choosen, to be appointed, to be sent, to rappresent God; and this is exactly what Jesus of Nazaret is for mankind. There is no other man in the face of the earth, that has been called "Son of God", "Beloved of God" and therefore "Messenger of God"; for in order to be a Messenger of God, ONE must be first God's Beloved Man.

When Jesus was presented to the world, the "Voice of God came out from Heaven" to appoint Jesus is Beloved and God's Messenger directly from God; no angel was send, but God Himself spoke in favor of Jesus of Nazaret appointment has His Divine Messenger, His Beloved Son. The Testimony of God is always bigger and more reliable than any angel; we know that in fact one third of the Angels rebelled to God and when a man receives a revelation from an angel, it could as well be an angel of lie.

This is not the case of Jesus of Nazareth; in two occasions God Himself, the Allmighty and All Powerfull God of the Universe spoke directely to let people know who he chosed, and this person is Jesus. The first time God spoke about Jesus been His Divine Messenger, is during the Baptism in the Jordan River:

"Behold, a voice from Heaven said:“This is my Beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased". Matthew 3,17 

But this was only the first time God spoke directely from Heaven, to tell man that Jesus is "God's Beloved Man", and to make sure that more man could know Jesus Divine Mission. God spoke again a second time in another occasion, the Trasfiguration, when Jesus is joined by Moses and the prophet Elijiah:

"And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is My Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus.  They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. Luke 9,28-35  

This time Jesus was with His best 3 Apostles and wanted to show to them, His friends and God's friends, Moses and Elijiah, the two most important Biblical people for the story of humanity. This happend in Israel in the Mount Tabor, a mountain in the North of Israel, near Nazareth where Jesus lived- and near the Jazreel Valley, where God will destroy all the muslim Nations- the enemies of the people of Israel, in the Final war of Gog and Magog.

These two very important events in the life of Jesus of Nazaret, have marked the "Voice of God" spoken to Jesus, and Moses is the witness of Jesus called the "Beloved of God", the "Messenger of God" of whom God told every man to listen! No other man on earth has ever recived this mission directly from God. This is very important, because inorder to be the Messenger of God, Moses or another great friend of God, should have witnessed God's declaration. Jesus is the only man that not only is "Beloved by God", not only is Sent by God, but he also the only ONE to receive His Divine Mission, having for witness Moses and Elajiah, the two greatest prophets of God.

There is no doubt that anyone seen with Moses, can surely be a real Prophet and a real Messenger of God. And in this occasion, only ONE had this pleasure from Heaven and this is Jesus of Nazareth. A true messenger of God therefore must be not only "Beloved of God", but also Beloved and eccepted by Moses, the greatest of God's Holy Prophets.

Jesus of Nazareth is chosen by God to be His Divine Messenger to manking, and after having seen Moses, we can be sure the He is the ONLY ONE "Beloved of God", has no other man could testify of having seen Moses while in life in this world. 

Jesus of Nazareth has heard the Voice of God, and while God Himself was talking, Moses came to greet Him and talk to him from Heaven; Elijiah came to greet Jesus and Moses and the two, are the witness that God has spoken only once, to confirm Jesus of Nazaret to be His only ONE "Beloved Messenger" that we must listen to. This is the will of God Allmighty. God could not choose better witness than Moses, to introduce Jesus as the Final Beloved Messenger of God, to mankind.

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