

lunedì 26 ottobre 2015

The 2 Abrahamitic religions

Abraham, the father of the Jews.

In the last 50 years, since people are travelling more and more in the 4 corners of the world, and since man is discovering the world culture and costums, in the era of new thecnological advancement, worldwide knowledge as been accessible to an increase number of people, allowing a largest number of people to learn, write, read and share more informations about the history of religions.

In the last 20 years, as the world is globalized, there is a sharing of informations about the beginning of human life and the beginning of Divine Revelation, and how man have encounter God since the dawn of mankind. Man have always had a sense of God, and the Divine Revelation has been available to everyone since the era of great comunication,now obtainable to almost everyone in the planet. But with the spreading of information also there has been a spreading of inaccurate facts and distortion, with the alteration of the truth of Divine Informations and Divine Revelation.

The Bible is the most know and sold book in human History and it's clearly divided in 2 parts; the Ancient Testament and the New Testament of God to Humankind; we know that after this 2 Holy Books, God had finished and concluded His Holy and Divine Information, and man of every Nation, race and language can have access to God trough this Unique Holy Source.

In the last 10 years however, the world have coined the phrase "3 Abrahamitc religions" to include the muslim religion into this "duo"; an inclusion that was added due to the incorrect and inaccurate thought related to Abraham, the father of faith in God, and the father of the Divine Revelation of God to Humanity.

Abraham was asked by God to leave the Middle East, where people still worshiped the Moon and the stars, and move in into a Land called Israel, where the Divine Revelation of God was given to him and from where the Ancient Testament takes his roots; the moon and the starts cannot speak to man, and God wanted to speak to Abraham. And in order to talk to him, God wanted to show Abraham, how to know and  understand God Revelation, from a place that will be the beginning of Divine Information.

Abraham was a tipical man of the Middle East, a man that lived far from civilisation and knowledge, and God asked Abraham to move in a place closer to the Greek world, where knowledge and man thought could be shared with some of the most civilised and intelligent people. A place where each man could speak up , listen to others and share man advancment in thoughtful and meanfulness Way. God desire for Abraham is to empower his mind and know how to understand man and God, in a way never revealed before; and to do this, Abraham had to leave the far Middle East, and make his way closer to the Greek and more advanced and civilised world.

Abraham was asked by God to leave behind this demote and downgraded civilisation, to approach a more civilised and advance one, where God could explain to him some godly and Divine Informations. In the Greek and Western part of the world, man where already civilised and man were asking themselfs questions about life and God; so God took Abraham out of the downgraded civilisation of the Middle East and Far East, to make him and all man starting from him, have access to Divine Revelation.

God made Abraham leave the Middle East, to push him towards the Western civilisation, and in that contest also God; the way to know God then is from the Middle East to go toward the Western part of the world, to get Divine and Human Revelation. This is very important and we must understand that the Way to God goes from the Middle East region to the Western world, and not viceversa. To know God and God's Message, all man must leave the East and go West. This is the Way!

Abraham therefore had to make this exit from the Middle East, and go West and meet God; today the Way is the same since Abraham times, and is not changed at all. 

Abraham di made this exist from the Middle East, and made his way with his all family to enter Israel; from the Jewish Tenach we know that God spoke to Abraham, who is the father of Judaism, ONE God Revealed to ONE people, the Jews. From Judaism, that is know for the symbol of the Olive tree, comes every goodness to man, and in order to receive any goodness of God, alla man must "graft themselves into Judaism", where the Tree of Life blossoms.

In order to get Divine life Abraham had to graft himself into the Tree of Judaism and from there, make all families of man blossom and prosper. There is no other Way to God, except the ONE God Revealed to Abraham, the father of Judaism.

Judaism is not the base of other religions, but is the ONLY Revealed religion, and all man must come out of their own culture, to go toward Judaism and meet the ONLY ONE GOD of Abraham; therefore there are not 3 Abrahamitic religions, but only ONE; ONE GOD, Revealed in ONE religion, with ONE Revelation and with only ONE Prophet, Moses.

Christians know this very well and for this reasons have incorporated themselfs into Judaism and they have graftet themselfs into Abraham and  Moses; for this very reason the Bible is the only Holy Book that "includes" the Jewish Torah. Therefore Christianity is not a separated religion from Judaism and is not separated from the Torah, but is "grafted". For this reason a Christian studies the Torah also named Ancient Testament, becouse it's the Ancient revelation of God to Abraham and Moses.

We can therefore say that there are only 2 Abrahamitic religion, that in fact convey into only ONE! ONE God, ONE People, ONE Law. God is only ONE! 

The muslims and the people leaving in the Far East and Middle East today, in order to know God and God's Divine Revelation, must make the same Way that Abraham made in his life, with all his family. God is the same ONE GOD of Abraham and to be included into the Abrahamiti religion, every man and every woman, every family, must make their Way toward Israel and Judaism.

There they will find the Olive Tree, and the Tree of Life, and in order to live they must "graft themselves" into the original and unique Olive Tree, from where God give life to all mankind.

The declaration of muslims claiming Islam to be Abrahamitic religion is uncorrect and false, for this very simple reason; Abraham had to come out of the Middle East to go to Israel, where God Revealed Himself trough Judaism, to be ONE GOD and ONE LAW for all humanity.

Nobody needs to go to the Middle East to find God and God's Revelation, but viceversa like Abraham did, the muslims and all the people of the Oriental world must go toward the West and the Western civilisation, to meet  the True and ONLY God of Abraham. 

To be an Abrahamitic religion, means to do what Abraham did; take is family and make their way to the West, where God stopped, giving birth to Judaism, and include themselves into it. Whoever does not enter into the tree of Judaism, cannot meet the ONE God, who is the Tree of Life. 

There is no God in the Middle East, but only moon god and the god of the start, also called the God of Creation; but God wants to Revealed Himself to Abraham with His Name, to be the God of Humans, of man and women, and this is what  the people of the Middle East and the Far East must discover. God is the God of Creation and of Creatures, and to be complete, one must know this ONE same God, that wants to speak to man, like he did to Abraham and Moses. And to listen to God, the Way is ONLY trough Judaism, who's father is Abraham.

Many religions are presenting themselfs without having made this "Way out" of their own cultural teachings; Abraham had the courage to take his family and move toward the West and the Western culture, to discover a God that loves man and creation, that has Revealed Himself as the ONLY ONE; The Lord. Therefore God's Final Message to everyone is the same He gave to Abraham, to "get out of their local culture"   and enter the Land of God in the West toward Judaism and Israel, in order to follow Abraham and Moses steps.

Outside this "Way of Abraham", there is no knowledge of God and not not part in the Abrahamitic religion. Only illusion and deception.  

The God of Abraham is the same God of Israel and Moses, and in order to be called Abrahamitic religion, any religion must follow the Tenach of Judaism given to Abraham and Moses.  With Moses "the Way" leads to the promised Land of Israel, where Abraham lived and God Revealed to him, from were Judaism takes it's Divine roots. This is where Abraham walked and where every man and woman must walk in order to know and listen to the ONE GOD of Abraham. ONE people under ONE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Israel. This is were Abraham life started and finished, and where God lives today.

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