

mercoledì 25 novembre 2015

Deborah, the woman Prophet of God.

When a woman speaks for God, like a man.

There is a strange way of talking about God and the many man of God man in our days,  keep forgetting  about the many women Prophets troughout the history of mankind; God made man and woman equal since the beginning, but for various reasons, the world keeps forgetting the wonderfull stories of women Prophets. While God havve given to the girls very importat missions to accomplish, even with the recent and modern efforts, women are merely left to the "morsels" of life.

There is not particular reason for it, ecept the fact that the man heart is full of greed and often he forgets that in the world, nothing was good enough for man, so God give him a "helper", something or even better "someone" like him. Nature, the beauty of the seas and the animals, the mountains and the wonderfull creation, was not good enough for man; he was in need of help.

We see in the Bible, that many are the women Prophet, while normally even Sarah the wife of Abraham, spoke so well that her suggestions and decisions where very prophetic. God divided the prophecies in two, and man and women alike are made to be prophets of God. A good way to understand if a religion is holy and true, is looking on how women are treated in a culture, religion and Nation. Any culture that does not trat women in a equal way as man, is surely not only a fake religion, but a anti-religion and a anti-God.

We know today that even in our modern times in Nations like India, Pakistan, Arabia, Siria, Iraq, Iran, China, meaning mainly in the East and Middle East Nations, women are less that human. In India for example still now in 2015, a cow is more holy that a woman and while a cow cannot be killed, women are killed and raped every day. This is the devaluation and degradation of women that is not what God had planned for them and more than this, it's the clear sign that in those cultures and Nation, God's messagge of equality of man and women, is not observed at all.

Not the same in Israel, in Judaism and Christianity and in the Western culture, where the messege of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has brought first of all, the equal right and value of women.

But it is in Judaism first that we find the real value of women, and specifically in the story of the women of Israel, starting from Abraham's wife Sarah. Since Abraham God teach to every man to have only one woman and to be faithful to that one all the way. God dislikes poligamy, in the same way he disliks politheism. God presented Himself like ONE. In the Beginning God made one man and one woman, and this is the correct order in creation.

The stories of the Bible, where Judaism is included, gives us a good example on how according to God's Creation, man and woman lived a good life following this simple way of living. But there is more to discover, while we go trough the pages of the Bibble and we read the wonderful stories of a few women mentioned in the Bible, that were given by God very important and vital "missions" for humanity.

One of the women that deserve some space and mention is Deborah, a woman that was given a mission that normally would be given to a man of value. From Abraham times, that means since at least 4000 thousand years ago, women have been equal to man and we must ask ourself what makes women today, in 2015 sitll less valued that a cow in India, for example, or in Saudi Arabia, where a woman looks like a ghost and it is made invisible and almost a slave to be killed, like in Iran and in islam.

It is already more that 4000 years ago that a woman is of value in the world, but in every generation this fact must be proclaimed and lived again and again, less the man of the world takes advantage of her.

Deborah was not more and not less that just a woman; the only thing that made her different than other women was one very important factor: God's equality and God's value for her capacities to be the rock of the community of Israel. But with Deborah example God wanted to send a message to every woman in this planed: women are as good as man, and in some occasion even vital for the success of world history.

The most important thing for a woman is to know her value and to act in times when man and everybody else is in fear and discouraged; a woman always know how to bring a solution to a difficult case.

Deborah was a lawyer, so she was already a woman with a great goal in her life; justice that is also the most important attribute of God. A lawyer is someone that has in his/her hand the Law of man and the Law of God, to make sure that life on this earth is smooth and pleasent, just. Deborah therefore already had great values in her life, and her work in the society was very important for everyone.

Unfortunately today we can see that there is a great need of women lawyers, in those nations where women are yet to be upgraded in most of man-only posts and places in modern society. When a woman was present in the community, the benefit has been greater and where a woman is left out, we see the caos and the inequality and unjustice of caotic and oppressive cultures.

Since man tends to forget this very important message of equality for women, God had to sent His only begotten Son Jesus, to remind the all world to come back to the original roots of humanity and put the women in the important places of the community where, knowing God's Law and regulations, they can bring into society their very important support.

It is the Gospel of Jesus that brought back into the world the equal treatment of women in society; until 2000 years ago in the Middle East and even in the jewish community, the place of the woman was almost forgotten, and man was acting unfairly against girls. Jesus however started to remind the people of Israel, of the need to look again at the beginning of times, when Adam and Eve, the first man and woman were created.

In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise. Book of Galatians 3,26

It is not a surprise that most of the steps forward in women rights, have been made in the Western culture and in all those Nations where the Gospel of Jesus has been known and teached, empowering women with their natural gifts and make a comittment to be totally part of the society. Even trough the Gospel sends this messege, in every generation man trys to push back women rights, keeping them on the sideline of life and somethimes even treating them lower than a cow, like in India.

Not like this for Deborah, the woman that in Judaism, keeps her special place and makes history, giving every woman the courage to think that every woman is called to be a woman of value like her. The Bible calls her a Prophet and she is not the only prophetess in the story of humanity. It's 2000 years since Jesus brought the Good News of equality, human and civil rights for every women, going ever forward; a woman that believes in Jesus is already a prophet and while in the world there are almost 4 Billion of women, this numbers must remind us that half of the women of the world, are still waiting to have their history written for the generation of women to come.

  Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethelin the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. Book of Deborah 4,4 (Book of Judges in the Bibble)

There are times in man history, when some people can re-write the story of a nation or the destiny of a Nation, a Deborah is one of them; for this reason she is the "model" of every woman and the "model of woman" that today we need to have in our society. Becouse of man abuse of becouse of man profit, Deborah is today "the most wanted woman" of modern history.

Then Deborah said to Barak, “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” So Barak went down Mount Tabor, with ten thousand men following him. Book of Judges 4,14

We are in need of many Deborah in our society, where women have lost their place, given since the beginning to Abraham and from him to every man, that today is pretending to write his own laws, and the woman is left aside, taking the "crumbles" of life.

In some situation, a woman in the like of Deborah, not only can be of great help to man, but can even organize an army and give courage to a "head of State", in what sometimes things look really doomed and lost.

God's idea was to give to man, not only some help but a good help, putting a woman on his side; the only thing necessary for this duo to have success is to be a couple of equal trust and righs, equal opportunity and knowledge. In brief what a man needs today, is to give every woman the place she was given in the Beginning from God, and following this simple and Holy order, let her be the help every man needs in life, to succed in every area of his life.

What keeps woman away from the fullfillment of her life is the "left overs" man gives her, without knowing that it's not only the woman that looses dignity, but it's man that looses power and happyness. The fullness of man and women life is found in the perfect and natural order God give to the first man and the first woman on earth, where the woman is the helper of man and somethimes the hero of the situation. What a man today must understand is that when a woman wins, the all world can change and even man can see what it means to have a woman of God in their midst.

Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers!
    I, even I, will sing to the Lord;
    I will praise the Lord, the God of Israel, in song.

“When you, Lord, went out from Seir,
    when you marched from the land of Edom,
the earth shook, the heavens poured,
    the clouds poured down water.
 The mountains quaked before the Lord, the One of Sinai,
    before the Lord, the God of Israel.
 “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath,
    in the days of Jael, the highways were abandoned;
    travelers took to winding paths.

Villagers in Israel would not fight;
    they held back until I, Deborah, arose,
    until I arose, a mother in Israel.
 God chose new leaders
    when war came to the city gates,
but not a shield or spear was seen
    among forty thousand in Israel.
 My heart is with Israel’s princes,
    with the willing volunteers among the people.
    Praise the Lord!

“Kings came, they fought,
    the kings of Canaan fought.
At Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo,
    they took no plunder of silver.
 From the heavens the stars fought,
    from their courses they fought against Sisera.
 The river Kishon swept them away,
    the age-old river, the river Kishon.
    March on, my soul; be strong!
 Then thundered the horses’ hooves—
    galloping, galloping go his mighty steeds.
 ‘Curse Meroz,’ said the angel of the Lord.
    ‘Curse its people bitterly,
because they did not come to help the Lord,
    to help the Lord against the mighty.’ Book of Judges 5

We live in times when man's life is at stake and mankind is on the brink of a gloomy time of war, just like in the times when Deborah lived, and where her story takes ispiration for us today. We are in a situation were we must aknowledge that, more than ever today, we need many woman like Deborah, to succed together in the fight of life that otherwise, seems already lost. Our help comes from every women, that is just there to do what she was borned for; be the only help that man has in this world. And in order to do this, man and woman must take back the plan of God from the beginning, and make their life a success for themself and for mankind starting from there. Naturally!

  Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam no suitable helper was found So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
The man said,
“This is now bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
    for she was taken out of man.”
 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2,19

The story of Deborah is linked to our present modern story, where man and woman are in danger of a gloomy future, a future of war and fights, that are even going to take place in the same area of the world where the Bible story talks about. 

We are living in the "End Times" and the story of Deborah is more real today, of when the Bible was written for our knowlege and our good. The Plan of Megiddo or "Armaggedon" is getting closer day after day, and women on the style of Deborah are needed in order to be able to sing again the praise of the Lord while we see the salvation of mankind, once again.

Deborah was a wife, a mother, a Judge and a woman of God, something not too difficult for any woman today.  

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