

domenica 28 febbraio 2016

Why Abraham was not with Moses, Elija and Jesus in the Trasfiguration of Mount Tabor

Jesus, with Moses and Elija in Mount Tabor.

The story of the Trasfiguration of Jesus in Mount Tabor is the most important event for the world and keeps the most important and best secrets, no more a secret in our days, of Christianity.

Not only, but the all Trasfiguration avent is the key to understand Christianity and Judays and the fake cult of islam sold to the modern world, like a Abrahamitic religion.

We must ask ourself why, for example, why Abraham was not present in the Mount Tabor, where only 3 people show up at God's Comand, to listen to Jesus, God's only Begotten and beloved Son...?

We can also ask ourselfs why only Moses and Elija where called to be seen with Jesus in the Mount Tabor, and nobody else.... ? Why was important for the jewish Apostoles to see Moses and Elija only? And why only 3 Apopstoles where called to see the Trasfiguration of Jesus on the Tabor? Why for God and for Jesus the Son of God, was not necessary to show the Trasfiguration to the other 9 Apostles?

And finially, why the Tabor is the real Mountain of God, and not the Mount Oreb in the Sinai area..? Why Israel is more important than Egypt?

These are all question we must ask ourself as Christians.....

The answers however are easy; we will try to answer to all the questions, taking in consideration the fact that the Trasfiguration is the most important event in the Bible and in the world, after the 10 Comandment in the Sinai of the Ancient Testament of God.

The most important question to answer is why Abraham was not with Moses, Elija and Jesus in the Tabor, in Israel. When Jesus took only 3 of the 12 Apostles in the Mount Tabor, the Mountain of God, Moses and Elija showed up and made themselfs visible to Jesus and His Apostles.

Moses is the Torah (Ancient Testament) and the Apostoles knew the law of Moses very well; Moses free the people of Israel from the slavery of Egypt and Moses guided them out of slavery.
It was Moses that was given the mission by God in the "burning bush" and it was Moses that went up 40 days and 40 night, to came down from the Sinai, with the Law of God.

It was Moses and it is still Moses and the 5 Books of Moses (the Torah) the most important document from God for milions of jewish people all around the world, and for billions of Chrisitans.

Elija is the Prophet of the prophets of Israel, and he was to come back to clean the way for God and to prepare the way of the coming of the Messiah. It was Elija who closed the sky and did not rain and it was Elija that resurrected the boy of the Naum village. It was Elija that told the lady that her oil would not finish, and it was Elija that spoke to the Kings of Israel.

It's quiet clear that Elija would be present at the Trasfiguration of Jesus, the Beloved, the Choosen of God. And God in the Tabor told the Apostles that Jesus was the only person that He sent, (just like Moses and Eluja) and told them this truth, having for witness Moses and Eliaja, the 2 main columns of Judaism.

 Who could be more important than Moses and Elija? Who more that Moses and Elija had listen to God and did what God told them to do? Who if not Moses and Eliaja spoke to God face to face? For this reason Moses and Elija are not only witness of Jesus mission and election in the eyes of God, but  nobody else could be called to be witness of the jewish promised Messiah, only Moses and Elija- the 2 biggest prophets in the history of mankind. God's revelation started and finished in the only Holy Land of the world, Land of Israel.

Why Abraham was not there, at the Tabor and why his presence was not and it is not necessary today to claim islam a fake cult an a total lie? The reason is simple!

God wanted to be know as the God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob-Israel, there is no way anybody can reach God without Israel; after Israel came Moses and Elija and to declare to know Moses means to recognise Israel election and Israel as the only Nation where the messiah could come and rule. Once Moses is seen with Elija, Abraham is not necessary, is only normal that the Messiah comes from and after Moses, from Israel, and not from the dry and empy Arabian desert, claimed by Islam.

So, why Abraham was not at the Tabor, with Moses and Elija to give witness to Jesus?

The answer it's easy; Abraham did not received the 10 Comandments and God's Law, that was given to israel, the jews and conseguence to the Christians and the world, only by Moses the Jew.
The law of Moses and the 5 Holy Books of Moses of the Torah, are the stone of Judaism, and not Abraham. Abraham is the forefather that received all the promises until Moses, but it is Moses the man that Gove to Israel God's Law. So in this case, Moses is more important than Abraham for the claim of Judaism and Chrisitanity alike, to be the only 2 Abrahamitic religions.

Only Moses and Elija are necessary as witness of Jesus Christ, the Son of God to whom we must all listen! God asked to listen to Him, and to nobody else....

Another question that needs an answer is why only the 3 Apostles out of the 12 jewish man, have bee taken to the Trasfiguration in the Tabor...? Also the answer to this question can be quiet easy, also for us today. Our of 12 people, only 3 could manage the revelation of God and the majest of the Messiah Jesus. Only 3 man out of the 12 Apostoles could manage to understand the Revelation of the Trasfiguration and the presence of Moses and Elija, the Man that is spoken in the Torah, the Holy Book of Judaism and Christianity.

Only Mose and Elija have seen and spoken to God face to face, and after them, only Jesus have seen God.

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. 
Gospel of John 1,18

Only reading the first chapter of John we can prove that islam is a pure lie and a cult of deception; only Moses and Elija before jesus, have seen and spoken to God directely, and this is also the reason why mohamad of Arabia have never been to the  Mount Tabor, the Mountain of God, and had to invent the fake story of a cave and an Arcangel. The soty of Islam does not make any sense, and it's pure nonesense.

The Mount Tabot event is the only VIP event where mohamed of Arabia and the Coran does not speak about. Why? Simply becouse God spoke to Mose, to Elija and at the End of Times to Jesus, but never invited mohamad of the desert of Arabia, in Israel.

This makes all islamic claims pure and totale nonesense!

Islam is not a Abrahamitic religion, is not a religion at all, islam has no liks whatsoever to Abraham and less that zero to Moses, the Jew. God at the End of Times sent His Only begotten Son, and to Him told everyone to listen to. After the event in the Mount Tabor, God never spoke to anybody, and did not need to: He told mankind all that needed to be told....

We must askourself some questions, before we belive at anybody nonesense from crazy people of Arabia or from India, or from every other part of the worl that does not include Israel, the Tabor and the event of the Transfiguration.

The Mount Tabor and the trasfiguration is the key to God and only the 3 people involved in that event, are the people of God, Choosen to speak in the Name of God.

Everybody else, who calims any liks to God, but was not invited by God in the tabor, is a lier and a deceiver of fools....

The Gospel of John is the Gospel of God and in the Holy Book of John, Jesus Worlds are recorded to be known and unmask the big lie and deception of Islam. There are only 2 Abrahamitic religions, Judaism and Christianity and after Moses, Elija and Jesus, God did not speak to anybody else.

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord,the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
“This is My Name forever,
    the name you shall call Me
    from generation to generation.
“Go, assemble the elders of Israel and say to them, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—appeared to me and said: I have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you in Egypt. And I have promised to bring you up out of your misery in Egypt into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—a land flowing with milk and honey.’
“The elders of Israel will listen to you. Then you and the elders are to go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. Book of Exodus 3,13

None of those words are wrtiten or ever recorded in the Coran, for the simple reason that the book of islam is a pure fake, and is not a holy book. It was not given by God, and for this reason, islam is a pure lie and total deception.

The Mount Tabor is the key to understand the 2 Abrahamitic religions and revelations and the key to unmask lies and decivers, ignorant and liars. The Trasfiguration of the Tabor is the most important event in modern and ancient history for all mankind!

The Mount tabor is important for another reason; it's located just above and close to the Armaggeddon Valley, the place where islam, the islamic nation armies and all other deceivers and enemies of God, will be destroyed by the simple brath of Jesus of Nazareth.

For this reason the coran did not recorded the words of John, the revelation, the Tabor event and all the most important events where mohamad of Arabia was not invited to assist by God.

The Tabor is the key to the future and the key to the truth of Israel and Christianity. Mount Tabor is a Mountain in the Holy Land of Israel and we know quiet weel for what reason Israel is on the merge of destruction by the surrounded Arab nations.....

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