

domenica 27 marzo 2016

Solomon and the Messiah- Jesus connection

Have mercy of me, son of David!

There are two very important phrases in the Bible that remind us of the onnection between King David, King Solomon and the Messiah jesus of Nazareth, that must make us think how, the previous King and Kingdom of the State of Israel, are connected...

Jesus without ever having say a word about David, was called "son of David"; King David is linked to the Kingdom of the State of Israel, and for some reasons, the people knew very well the King David and King Jesus connection...

King David had a son by the name of Solomon, the King of Jerusalem and Jesus spoke about David in very few occasions, only to the doctors of the Law, to find out if they understood why the awayted Messiah was connected to David and to his son.

Solomon was the King of David and his name in original hebrew, is the base of the most important word in the all vocabulary: Shalom-on, shalom meaning peace. For this reason Jesus is also calle the son of David but also the King of Peace.

We know that God laid all promises on David shoulders, and his son Shalomon, the man of Shalom, was the King of the city of peace, alias Jerusalem, the city of God and the city where David wanted to build a House for God. Shalomon his son, builded the Temple, lived in peace in Jerusalem and with this fact, the Bible had a message for us; there is a son of peace in the capital of Israel.

Jesus is called the "son of David" just like Sholomon, the son of Shalom=peace, becouse in all his Kingdom, he had 40 years of peace all around, and Israel live in peace with his dangerous neighbours. Jesus is therefore the son of peace, sent by God, to give peace to the jews and to their land and Kingdom.

This is the first connection between King David, the Kingdom of Israele and the Messiah, but not the only one; there is anothere even more important. When the Messiah returns, he wants to be called upon and   welcome back in Jerusalem, like the son of David.

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!” Gospel of Mattew 21

Everyone knew  who the son of David was: Shalomon was the son of peace, and the true nature of the Messiah is to bring Eternal peace to Israel and to the jews.

This is not a little detail in the Gospel and in the understanding of the true nature of Jesus, but a very important one: the Messiah will replicate the Kingdom of God on, and the jewish people will have again a jewish Kingdom. He will be a son of peace, the prince of peace and the King of Israel.

And if this is the case, Israel will not only buld a nation, a jewish nation, a Jewish State, but will build a Kingdom....and this is another story! The world knows that in Israel there in a "Kingdom of Peace under construction", that is awayting His King, and there is a bunch of evil nations that are comitted to destroy the rebirth of the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel.

This is in fact what the struggle of Israel, the BDS, the anti-semitism, the anti-Zionism, the lies against the jews it's all about...

There is a worldwide attempt to prevent this Holy United Jewish Kingdom from seeing the light; this is all the "game" that this evil and wicked world have put on, to prevent the son of David from becoming again the King of Jerusalem, and the Kingdom to be build again for God.

There is a Holy and Divine Kingdom under construction in Israel, and the world leader are shaking their pants out at the idea of a jew taking the position of King of the Universe, from Israel..

If we look at the ancient map of Somon Kingdom that was much bigger than tiny Israele today, we can understand the fight for the borders of Israel, to prevent Jesus to be the King of most areas of the arab nations today.....An attempt that Iran even wants to fight, bringing out his own islamic Messiah, to prevent a jew called Jesus, from taking His place in the Kingdom of Israel.

The Messiah connection therefore, to King David and to Solomon, the man of Shalom = the Divine peace,  is the most important conection in the Bibble; and for us a connection that must sound a bell. It's of vital importance today, that Israel and the jewish people, remember their history and start connecting the dots and their ways to King David; a father that will give to the world his son, in order to bring the everlasting peace of God, from Jerusalem. The King of Shalom!

Father and son is also the connection between God and Jesus, the only beloved son of God!

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