

giovedì 24 marzo 2016

The binding of Isaac and the binding of Jesùs of Nazareth

The binding of Isaac and the Messiah connection.

There are things and facts in life that cannot be simply a fatality or the result of pure coincidence; this is the case of "the binding of Isaac" by Abraham, and the binding of Jesus, the King of the Jews and the awaited Messiah in Israel.

Looking at the "binding of Isaac, we see that there are a few things in common, that are more that just fatality, with the story of Jesus of Nazareth. We see a man named Abraham, taking his only beloved son to a "sacrifice" to obey God, we see a bush of thorns, a lamb, a sacrifice to God and an innocent son life offered.

In Jesus case, we see an innocent son, a man that sacrifice his life to obey God, like a sacrificed lamb, the thorns around his head and his final death and resurrection. There are too many similarities in this story, that no other culture, no other race, no other nation can tell. This is the story of Isacc and Jesus, and the connection of their story. Like the story of Jesus and Joseph, in the jewish tradition.

The thorns, keep coming in the story of Moses and Jesus, after the story of the "the binding of Isaac"; the first bush of thorns was for Abraham's lamb, the second bush of thorn was seen by Moses, in the burning bush, the third and last, the thorns that wrap up the head of the Lamb of God, Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews!

What's the connection between Isaac and Jesus? Between the First and the Last Son of God? In His Wisdom, God choosed two different ways of Salvation, ways that sometimes are too difficult for man to accept; nevertheless this is the way God had chosen, and all we have to do is "connect the dots" and collect all the informations, to make the story of Salvation alive.

We know that no other tradition in the all world, except  jews and christians, celebrate Passover; it's a jewish tradition, passed on and handed over to christians, a feast that nobody else wants to celebrate. They simply do not know what coming out of slavery means, or sacrifice of a lamb means; it's just not part of their tradition.

But for God, that have made this Divine plan for mankind, it's all clear; things have started and will end in Israel, with the jewish people, just in the same way, He started the all story.

There is a "direct" connection between the "binding of Isaac" and the "binding of Jesus Christ", and even all the symbols are the same; for a very simple reason. Even if sometimes God starts things in one way, He is always free to finish the job, in the way He wants.

To understand God's way is not difficult, but it can be a bit of a hard work, if we fail to connect the dots, and see the connection between all that happend, to Yeshua, the King and Messiah.

In the case of Jesus, the similarity to Isaac is so evident, that cannot be deny. And the story of Purim and the story of Passover cannot be deny either. In Purim, we see a crown involved, for someone that was just 3 days before, condemned to death. Can we see the connection? Is any other tradition, ourside Israel, celebrating this Miracle? Only christians....

And why Jesus with one sacrifice, fullfilled all jewsih festivities, from the "binding of Isaac, to the feast of Purim? Including Sukkot and Passover? How can one man and one action, fullfilled all the jews can hope for, in one year of celebrations?

If we look at the feast of Purim, we know that 2 things are involved; a death sentence, fear, struggle, and final salvation. A crown of salvation. Is it not the same fear, struggle, death sentence, and final crown of the Messiah Jesus, the jew of Nazareth? Of course it is....

The fact is that in Egypt, in Persia, in Israel and everywhere there is a "death sentence" against the jews", and in different ways, this risk of extermination failed, and someone, saved the people of Israel. Mardochai and Eshter, Mary and Jesus, the salvation cames always by a man of a woman, or a man and a woman together. In the same way a man and a woman were deceived  in the Garden of Eden.

Passover with the sacrifice of the lamb, the miracles in the desert and all the story of Israel freedom, is recollected in one person, called Jesus and in one sacrifice called Passover, death and resurrection of a Jew called Yeshua Ha Massiah, in Jerusalem. Where else could have taken place, if not in the jewish capital of Judea? Judea stand for land of the Jews...Place where a jew lives....

The fact is that when the jews were under the Roman occupation, they were in danger of extermination, and like in Persia, the powerful and wicked one, wanted to destroy them, and destroy their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel. They were afraid of the King of the jews coming, becouse the coming of the Messiah, wuold mean the end of world powers, Romans, Greeks, Persians, etc..etc... Same today; in a evil attempt to put Israel under UN occupation, the world powers are doing all they can, to destroy the jews everwhere they are.

The binding of Isaac and the story of Purim, is just another side of the same coin, and the same way to end the story of salvation,for the people of Israel, and for the innocent one, of the all world.

Jesus, the jew of Nazareth, give his life to save His own people, the jews, and year after year, there is salvation coming for the jews and for the world, for whoever believes in the King of the Jews, the Messiah of Israel. The only ONE that could fullfil all expectations of mankind....


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