

giovedì 1 dicembre 2016

UnConstitutional Islam

Islam, the most UnContitutional religion of the world.

Every nation in the world has a Constitution, a collection of articles and laws, that the people of the nation, citizens and no citizens must follow, to regulate common and peaceful living. A Constitution also makes sure that citizens and foreign visitors or workers, know where they must stand when living with the other people at work, in the streets, in private business, and Governmen offices.

People have always travel, but never like before in the last 20 years, with tecnology and a real desire to meet other cultures, people travel to other nations and continents, knowing before hand, that the nation and culture they visit, have different Constitutions and laws that regulate their own life.

For almost 2000 years people have traveled and visited the all continents of the world, without any problem, eccept respect of the nation that have welcome milion of turist, scientist, accademics, scolars etc..etc..

In the last 15 years however, a religion and a culture have arise that could not care less of people Constitution, laws and culture; the rise of islam, a way of life that came out of the Arab world and that for the first time in modern History, but not in human history, does not comply to the local Constitution, but works to uproot all national and worldwide Constitutions, to impose their laws to foreign countries, by every mean. It can be violence, deception, lies  and all other human and Unhuman means, including death.

There is no such a thing in the all world, as Sharia Law, the islamic law that has the only goal to uproot any other Constitution of the 4 continents of the world, in order to implement islam and islamic barbaric and brutal imposed Law.

When muslims legaly or illigally enter any European nation, any American State, the South American continent or Australia, they do so with one and only simple reason: delete and deny the local Constitution to implement by force and violence, the islamic Constitution of Sharia Law.

Many National Constitution  specially in the Western world, are similar, with 3 main laws: people rights, man and women equality, freedom of speach and movement; something that every human has in this life in order to fulfill his Godly and human life on the earth. But this is not so for islam and muslims.

The islamic law and Sharia way of life is declared UnConstitutional by all other nations of the world, becouse  it strips the citizen away of the fondamental right to be, to express and live in peace with others, without feeling treathened or intimidated by violent or innatural behaviour.

After many years of natural desire to make everyone feel welcome and melt with other culture and ways of life, Europe, America, Australia, Asia, have come to the conclusion that islam is the only way of life that is not possible to integrate in any other nation of the world. Islam is the most UnConstitutional, UnHuman, Untollerant religion, culture, way of life and group of people.

There are many reasons why islam is not compatible with any human group or culture in the earth, but the number one is that Sharia Law is not compatible with any Constitution.

Islam is totally UnConstitutional.

For this very reason many European nations are now going to make sure that Islam will never be recognized as a religion in a nation: Poland, Holland, Hungary,Slovakia and many others to follow, will be forced by the violent and unConstitutional islamic Sharia law, to write a ban of islam.

After giving to every muslim the opportunity to enjoy freedom, equality, respect, the nations have come to the conclusion that islam is the only religion or way of life that refuses to respect other human life and human beings, and that by law, the islamic Sharia Law, they condemned everybody else, non muslim, to be judged by their vicious and barbaric religious Law. And not by choice but by obbligation from few cells of muslims that live in the territory, either legal or illigal.

In fact what islam and islamic law does, it to legalize brutality, inequality, injustice, murder.

There is not need to call islam a terrible religion, there is no need to call islam a barbaric way of life, or to point to the many reasons why islam is incompatible with all other religions; the most important reason why islam is not welcome in any Western nation and continent, is that is totally UnConstitutional. There cannot be two Constitutions in one soils, in one nation to giude the people and the comunity; there can only be 1 Constitution and Sharia Constitution cannot be apply where already there is a Constitution made and placed by free people that have chosen to live by it.

It's not possibile to live in a country that has already a Constitution, and a minority or a religion alien to the nation, try to impose another alien Constitution to the majority of people. Two Constitutions cannot be implemented in the same soil.

Islam is totally UnConstitutional for every human of every continent of the world, and islam must be banned from the nation, as a UnConstitutional religion, culture and way of life.

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