...i turned to see who was speaking to me; behind were seven golden menorah and in the middle of these, i saw someone like a Son of Man, dessed in a long robe tied with a golden girdle. Revelation 1,12
sabato 27 gennaio 2018
martedì 23 gennaio 2018
For almost 70 years the world political spectrum has made up many stories about world conflicts and European situation in modern days; now however the time has come to tell the truth about palestine, a non-existent state and IRAN, the mother of modern terrorism.
It's not necessary to gain a University master in international politics to unveil and explain this link; all we have to do is read and listen to the story of the birth or the United Nation Organisation and their goal, and to the story of a islamist-sunni terrorist called Arafat.
When Arafat, an engineer in lies in order to reach his dream of a islamic domination in the Middle East, married a naive Christian woman, he made her submitt to Sunni Islam, his religion. It might seem strange for an Egyptian born, as he claimed to be without prove in it, to be a Sunni-muslim.
We all know that the most Sunni area of the world is IRAN and the link between two hated factions between muslims, might seem odd today; most people did not know the Sunni islamic connection between the PA and ex PLO islamic terrorist terrorisation.
Neither people knew, the real link between IRANIAN dream to conquer and dominate Jerusalem and what is now called the Palestinian Authority (PA). In order to understand and unveil the reality under the many Arafat lies in the last 60 years, we must know why his wife was asked to submitt to Sunni Islam (e not another faction, like Shia islam).
The reality hidden for many decades of deception and Arab lies, is that modern Palestinian Autority needs IRAN to fulfill his dream to take away Israel from the jews, and that the Islamic republic of IRAN need Palestine and therefore the ex PLO, to fullfil his dream of world domination and Islamic dominance of the earth.
While 70 years ago the world unleashed the UN project out of the ashes of the second WW, the muslims took this opportunity to create their own fairytale and "islamic dream" of world domination. Dating back to the ottoman defeat, a sign and a wound "still open" for the islamic region, the muslim world could not think better than create their own "Arab League" to contend to the Western, Christian and civilized "rest of the world".
In order to reach this goal, the muslim nations have made intrmarriage with European women, the number one priority; marry a "White European" woman, meaning most of the time a Christian, get European passport and involvment, mix islam with christianity and make the most of it! If you cannot defeat your enemy, than join him! Second goal use the European citizenship to enter politics and slowly infiltrate islamic believes, doctrine and as a last step, Sharia barbaric Laws.
In the past intermarriage has been used has a mean to keep or gain power, as Cleaopatra did with Roman Julius Cesar and Marco Antonio, and like many modern Qeens and Kings have done, like the Queen Elisabeth of England, the Queen of Belgium etc..etc. Muslims understood that in order to counter the new born United Nation panel, they had to join somehow, and this how was the oldest way to melange with people of power; women. Marrying the daughters of British and American people of power like Ambassadors or Army personnel, islamic male, made their ways to world and national interest, economy and finance, in order to modify and divert them into the islamic world and religion. In islam religion is above politicas, above economy, above language and culture; in islam religion is number one, and for this reason, religion is the glue that kept muslim man with European and western women. As muslims can marry more than once and more than one woman, many time it's sad to tell, these European and western women, where just "a number" and part of the islamic harem. Nothing new under the sun, comparing to 3000 years ago!
What is new however in our modern day, is the strategy that islamic followers are taking, after the first "3 ways" of taking over the Christian Western world, in fact did not work according to muslim goals. The so hated islamic brotherhood factions, are joyning the IRANIAN shias, more cruel and determined, in order to fulfill wat in fact was the ultimate goal of any muslim, especially Arafat and the fairytale of palestine: the Middle east islamic dominion, prevented by the United Nations declaration of the rebirth of the Jewish Nation of Israel and the conseguent Kingdom of Israel.
Something that the muslim League of Arab Nations could not digest, for been the end of their ancient dreams of muslim dominion of the world. After all man persues power and glory for himself in the earth.
The Ishmael dream to destroy Abraham choosen Son Isaac, at the expences of Ishmael, detroned and send away from all Abraham riches and fortunes, did not let the muslim world sleep! The failure of their forefather Ishmael was to be healed, with what is known as "the Big Arab Lie": the muslim revenge for been outcasted and sent away from the House of Abraham!
What a delusional islamic world we see today, 70 years after this attempt to replace and modify the truth in the Middle Eastern history, in order to disposses the jews from their own land and territory, thinking that the new generation of youth, would not remember the last 60 years of world history, pointing to the fact that modern youth do not remember the 2 WW and his deadly conseguences.
What a miserable attempt to change historic events backing 2000 years and more, in order to gain somehow some territory for islamic religious purposes only, in order to destroy innocent life.
The palestinian fairytale has come into an end, with the modern internet and world media, and the IRANIAN hill conceived dream to terrorise the world with Apocalittic and evil imuslim doctrine, has been unveiled. The link between the entity palestine and IRAN is clearer more than ever, and the real goals of the two islamic factions are now totally naked in the eys of the world.
There will never be a place called Palestine, and the IRAN dream to destroy everyone, using the opponent muslim faction, in order to gain more man and power, has faile miserbly. The numbers are out and a few milion of disillusioned muslim, will never be able to sumbitt the world to islam.
The God and Magog war is surely on the way, but there will no be any war before the Judea and Samaria annexation of Israel, and after this event, Israel and the Western world will be so strong, that no islamic army can ever outnumber, the Western Chrisitan world and Israel.
Putting the word END to all muslim dreams of world dominion.
For almost 70 years the world political spectrum has made up many stories about world conflicts and European situation in modern days; now however the time has come to tell the truth about palestine, a non-existent state and IRAN, the mother of modern terrorism.
It's not necessary to gain a University master in international politics to unveil and explain this link; all we have to do is read and listen to the story of the birth or the United Nation Organisation and their goal, and to the story of a islamist-sunni terrorist called Arafat.
When Arafat, an engineer in lies in order to reach his dream of a islamic domination in the Middle East, married a naive Christian woman, he made her submitt to Sunni Islam, his religion. It might seem strange for an Egyptian born, as he claimed to be without prove in it, to be a Sunni-muslim.
We all know that the most Sunni area of the world is IRAN and the link between two hated factions between muslims, might seem odd today; most people did not know the Sunni islamic connection between the PA and ex PLO islamic terrorist terrorisation.
Neither people knew, the real link between IRANIAN dream to conquer and dominate Jerusalem and what is now called the Palestinian Authority (PA). In order to understand and unveil the reality under the many Arafat lies in the last 60 years, we must know why his wife was asked to submitt to Sunni Islam (e not another faction, like Shia islam).
The reality hidden for many decades of deception and Arab lies, is that modern Palestinian Autority needs IRAN to fulfill his dream to take away Israel from the jews, and that the Islamic republic of IRAN need Palestine and therefore the ex PLO, to fullfil his dream of world domination and Islamic dominance of the earth.
While 70 years ago the world unleashed the UN project out of the ashes of the second WW, the muslims took this opportunity to create their own fairytale and "islamic dream" of world domination. Dating back to the ottoman defeat, a sign and a wound "still open" for the islamic region, the muslim world could not think better than create their own "Arab League" to contend to the Western, Christian and civilized "rest of the world".
In order to reach this goal, the muslim nations have made intrmarriage with European women, the number one priority; marry a "White European" woman, meaning most of the time a Christian, get European passport and involvment, mix islam with christianity and make the most of it! If you cannot defeat your enemy, than join him! Second goal use the European citizenship to enter politics and slowly infiltrate islamic believes, doctrine and as a last step, Sharia barbaric Laws.
In the past intermarriage has been used has a mean to keep or gain power, as Cleaopatra did with Roman Julius Cesar and Marco Antonio, and like many modern Qeens and Kings have done, like the Queen Elisabeth of England, the Queen of Belgium etc..etc. Muslims understood that in order to counter the new born United Nation panel, they had to join somehow, and this how was the oldest way to melange with people of power; women. Marrying the daughters of British and American people of power like Ambassadors or Army personnel, islamic male, made their ways to world and national interest, economy and finance, in order to modify and divert them into the islamic world and religion. In islam religion is above politicas, above economy, above language and culture; in islam religion is number one, and for this reason, religion is the glue that kept muslim man with European and western women. As muslims can marry more than once and more than one woman, many time it's sad to tell, these European and western women, where just "a number" and part of the islamic harem. Nothing new under the sun, comparing to 3000 years ago!
What is new however in our modern day, is the strategy that islamic followers are taking, after the first "3 ways" of taking over the Christian Western world, in fact did not work according to muslim goals. The so hated islamic brotherhood factions, are joyning the IRANIAN shias, more cruel and determined, in order to fulfill wat in fact was the ultimate goal of any muslim, especially Arafat and the fairytale of palestine: the Middle east islamic dominion, prevented by the United Nations declaration of the rebirth of the Jewish Nation of Israel and the conseguent Kingdom of Israel.
Something that the muslim League of Arab Nations could not digest, for been the end of their ancient dreams of muslim dominion of the world. After all man persues power and glory for himself in the earth.
The Ishmael dream to destroy Abraham choosen Son Isaac, at the expences of Ishmael, detroned and send away from all Abraham riches and fortunes, did not let the muslim world sleep! The failure of their forefather Ishmael was to be healed, with what is known as "the Big Arab Lie": the muslim revenge for been outcasted and sent away from the House of Abraham!
What a delusional islamic world we see today, 70 years after this attempt to replace and modify the truth in the Middle Eastern history, in order to disposses the jews from their own land and territory, thinking that the new generation of youth, would not remember the last 60 years of world history, pointing to the fact that modern youth do not remember the 2 WW and his deadly conseguences.
What a miserable attempt to change historic events backing 2000 years and more, in order to gain somehow some territory for islamic religious purposes only, in order to destroy innocent life.
There will never be a place called Palestine, and the IRAN dream to destroy everyone, using the opponent muslim faction, in order to gain more man and power, has faile miserbly. The numbers are out and a few milion of disillusioned muslim, will never be able to sumbitt the world to islam.
The God and Magog war is surely on the way, but there will no be any war before the Judea and Samaria annexation of Israel, and after this event, Israel and the Western world will be so strong, that no islamic army can ever outnumber, the Western Chrisitan world and Israel.
Putting the word END to all muslim dreams of world dominion.
martedì 16 gennaio 2018
lunedì 15 gennaio 2018
Is this the end of the United Kingdom of England?
Did Brexit give us a sign from Heaven?
There has been many people talking about this "great sign" in Europe after the unexpected event of the Brexit from the European Union; some people rejoice and some were so delusional, that their dreams and indeologies in future plans for thir life, has been shattered bringing delusional in many homes in England.
However Brexit brings with her two more important "signs" concerning the actual situation of modern British life, and most of all the last two "signs" are related to the Queen of England and her heirs, particulary her beloved nephew prince William the Duke of Cambrige.
The truble is that William might as be the prince without a Kingdom in the near future of England.
There is nothing left of the United Kingdom (UK) and since Brexit Scottland, N:Ireland and Whales not only are far from been United, but they have accelerate their "deep division" more than ever.
On top of it the Queen Elisabeth II looks at the end of her power and things are not looking good for the "future King of England" and it seems like she will be the last Queen of a "lost Kingdom".
No one dares to put together the pieces of this "new puzzle" together, in an attempt to silence what looks by now so clear; the end of the British Kindom is at hand and the United Kindom is over! The Royal family borrowed time in England has come to her end, and the Crown is gone from the Queen's head, without any chance to pass it over to her descendents.
Brexit triggered not only a regional conseguence, but also a worldwide change in foreign affairs, specially in the places that are more dear to the British, the Middle East with all his riches. It's about 20 years since the British people questioned the monarchy and her role in British society and more recently her own nephew Harry even question the survival of the Royals in England, in the next 5/10, declaring the monarchy dead by 2030.
Brexit is nothing more and nothing less that "a sign of times" that there are in the world, some evident and big "game change events" to pay attention to, that speak to us clearly from Heaven. No other explanation is aveilable when event of this magnitude are so clear! Brexit, a single event in fact brought two more event with it, in the same level of significance and therefore a certain level of conseguences. These are the 3 most important conseguences of the storic Brexit vote!
The end of the Royal family dominion in England will leave prince Charles and prince William without a Kingdom, and their descendent not that powerful and influent anylonger. For good or bad, England will have no Kingdom left in the newxt 10 years, and the actual Queen and mother of the Briths, might as well be what it looks like, the last Queen of England.
For a Heavenly decision might as well be not a coincidence that England has no King and it looks like the United Kingdom will never have a King at all; after all the Queen and head of the Christian Protestans knowtoo well, the King of king and the Lord of lord is about to return!
This will change everything in the "power games" of England in the Middle East and everything looks like the lovely fairytale of the British Kingdom, it's almost over for good! It's not becouse of the bad examples the Royal family members give to the world with all the scandals, divorces, betrayals, unfaithfullness, etc..etc. The Queen supposed to be the "guardian" of Chrisitanity and the example of Christian life, but it failed miserably. All Lady Diana tapes out and with the truth of what was going on "inside the walls" of Buckingham Palace, could shake the Heavens after shaking the world and many people around the world.
No family on the earth, no matter how Royal trys to be, could ever rappresent the Kingdom of God on earth, and therefore the Diana tapes have clearly marked the "beginning of the end" of a man-made Kingdom put into place by the British, with the remorse of a poor example of Christian life.
For this God Himself has been preparing His Kingdom on Earth, with Kings and Princesses, but not in the north of Europe, but in the South of the world; in Israel. It's not a mistery that Jesus the King of the Jews and the Christians so dear to the Queen of England, promised to the first 12 jewish people in Israel that He will rebuild a United Kingdom for Israel and in Israel. He just did not Revealed the time that this great event would happend. Jesus explained that in the "right time" we all have insight from Heaven to understand whaen this Jewish Kingdom would be ready.
The Queen of England in fact knows too well the Bible and the promises God made to the jews; her nephews might too and for this reason they now understand that they, the descendents of the last Queen, will possess no Kingdom in the near future.
Prince Harry already refused to think to be part of any future monarchy in England, after the events involving her mother, that was the worst example of a christian model life; after all Kings and Queens in every fairytale are happy, while nothing in the British monarchy went right. So one of the future princes put already himself out of the " Kingdom game".
Prince Charles has been the joke of every good gossip in the world, and looking everything but royal, he was already discharged from any future position in the future royal Kingdom.His son and prince William however was pointed like the next King of England, with his good example of humility, semplicity and his charming normal family. All eyes point to William the Duke of Cambridge for the future of United Kingdom, but Brexit has waken up everyone to reality.
The will be no continuation of the United Kingdom in England, and with the "biggest shift" in the modern world in International Affairs, England will "exit totally" from any "world-game" of influence in the world. Most of all Brexit marks the exit of England from all Middle East affairs and influence, putting the word END to any futher British involvment in the ME affairs.
Prince William must be aware of the "new situation" and even if he might hope to keep his job in the Royal priviledged life, he might has well undertand by now, after the shoking death of her mother Diana, that the United Kingdom it's over and coming to his dead end. King george was the last King of England and there will not be any King Geoge V in the future of Britain.
There has been many people talking about this "great sign" in Europe after the unexpected event of the Brexit from the European Union; some people rejoice and some were so delusional, that their dreams and indeologies in future plans for thir life, has been shattered bringing delusional in many homes in England.
However Brexit brings with her two more important "signs" concerning the actual situation of modern British life, and most of all the last two "signs" are related to the Queen of England and her heirs, particulary her beloved nephew prince William the Duke of Cambrige.
The truble is that William might as be the prince without a Kingdom in the near future of England.
There is nothing left of the United Kingdom (UK) and since Brexit Scottland, N:Ireland and Whales not only are far from been United, but they have accelerate their "deep division" more than ever.
On top of it the Queen Elisabeth II looks at the end of her power and things are not looking good for the "future King of England" and it seems like she will be the last Queen of a "lost Kingdom".
No one dares to put together the pieces of this "new puzzle" together, in an attempt to silence what looks by now so clear; the end of the British Kindom is at hand and the United Kindom is over! The Royal family borrowed time in England has come to her end, and the Crown is gone from the Queen's head, without any chance to pass it over to her descendents.
Brexit triggered not only a regional conseguence, but also a worldwide change in foreign affairs, specially in the places that are more dear to the British, the Middle East with all his riches. It's about 20 years since the British people questioned the monarchy and her role in British society and more recently her own nephew Harry even question the survival of the Royals in England, in the next 5/10, declaring the monarchy dead by 2030.
Brexit is nothing more and nothing less that "a sign of times" that there are in the world, some evident and big "game change events" to pay attention to, that speak to us clearly from Heaven. No other explanation is aveilable when event of this magnitude are so clear! Brexit, a single event in fact brought two more event with it, in the same level of significance and therefore a certain level of conseguences. These are the 3 most important conseguences of the storic Brexit vote!
The end of the Royal family dominion in England will leave prince Charles and prince William without a Kingdom, and their descendent not that powerful and influent anylonger. For good or bad, England will have no Kingdom left in the newxt 10 years, and the actual Queen and mother of the Briths, might as well be what it looks like, the last Queen of England.
For a Heavenly decision might as well be not a coincidence that England has no King and it looks like the United Kingdom will never have a King at all; after all the Queen and head of the Christian Protestans knowtoo well, the King of king and the Lord of lord is about to return!
This will change everything in the "power games" of England in the Middle East and everything looks like the lovely fairytale of the British Kingdom, it's almost over for good! It's not becouse of the bad examples the Royal family members give to the world with all the scandals, divorces, betrayals, unfaithfullness, etc..etc. The Queen supposed to be the "guardian" of Chrisitanity and the example of Christian life, but it failed miserably. All Lady Diana tapes out and with the truth of what was going on "inside the walls" of Buckingham Palace, could shake the Heavens after shaking the world and many people around the world.
For this God Himself has been preparing His Kingdom on Earth, with Kings and Princesses, but not in the north of Europe, but in the South of the world; in Israel. It's not a mistery that Jesus the King of the Jews and the Christians so dear to the Queen of England, promised to the first 12 jewish people in Israel that He will rebuild a United Kingdom for Israel and in Israel. He just did not Revealed the time that this great event would happend. Jesus explained that in the "right time" we all have insight from Heaven to understand whaen this Jewish Kingdom would be ready.
The Queen of England in fact knows too well the Bible and the promises God made to the jews; her nephews might too and for this reason they now understand that they, the descendents of the last Queen, will possess no Kingdom in the near future.
Prince Harry already refused to think to be part of any future monarchy in England, after the events involving her mother, that was the worst example of a christian model life; after all Kings and Queens in every fairytale are happy, while nothing in the British monarchy went right. So one of the future princes put already himself out of the " Kingdom game".
Prince Charles has been the joke of every good gossip in the world, and looking everything but royal, he was already discharged from any future position in the future royal Kingdom.His son and prince William however was pointed like the next King of England, with his good example of humility, semplicity and his charming normal family. All eyes point to William the Duke of Cambridge for the future of United Kingdom, but Brexit has waken up everyone to reality.
The will be no continuation of the United Kingdom in England, and with the "biggest shift" in the modern world in International Affairs, England will "exit totally" from any "world-game" of influence in the world. Most of all Brexit marks the exit of England from all Middle East affairs and influence, putting the word END to any futher British involvment in the ME affairs.
Prince William must be aware of the "new situation" and even if he might hope to keep his job in the Royal priviledged life, he might has well undertand by now, after the shoking death of her mother Diana, that the United Kingdom it's over and coming to his dead end. King george was the last King of England and there will not be any King Geoge V in the future of Britain.
William, the Prince without a Kingdom
Why prince William will never have a Kingdom in England.
There are times in history where the world changes and goes trough shifts and change of the guard; this could be the perfect picture of the future life of prince William duke of Cambridge, the prince that will probably never see a Kingdom.
It seems like his grandma the Queen of England and the head of the Protestant christian church, will be the last to seat in a golden chair of Kings and Queens.
There are many things that in the last 10 years have drammaticly changed in the world, and in Europe; however Brexit marks the "change of guard" in England and a huge shift in the EU project, where England had a special power to pressure and dominate the foreign policy and the Middle East affairs. All without compromising their economy, holding tight to their own currency and keeping their dominion in all ex colonies in Europe and the world.
This however started to change with Brexit, a curtain that has been tear down at the point of no return, marking "the change of the guard" not only in London but in worldwide and European affairs. Brexit might has well be the "beginning of the end" of the United Kingdom of England.
There is nothing "United" anymore in Britain; the British Islands are back to their own indipendent dream, Scottland, Ireland, Welsh and Britain are "more divided" than ever, undermining the Unite Kingdom (UK), while on EU level, England exit marks the end of British pressure on EU foreign policies and decisions, the exit of British money from doubts Aid campains linked only to the desire to exercise British power on people and Nations, and last the big question of the monarchy. The Queen of England might as well the last of the Qeens and Kings to seat in the British Kingdom.
The fate of United Kingdom of England is directly linked to the Divine United Jewish Kingdom of Israel and State of Israel; the celebration in 2018 of both the 70 years of the rebirth of Israel and the 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, show us the clear Divine link between these two Kingdoms, and the rise and fall of both.
The United Kingdom of Britain is a recent created Kingdom and not like many would think, something that always existed; UK came out of the "Union" and later "dis-Union" of a few little pieces of lands in the north of Europe. While the "British Unity" started between 1707-1800, their dis-Unity came in the early 1920, making what we know today, has modern Britain or United Kingdom of Britain and northen Ireland. England therefore is a new Nation made up from the "unity" of few little pieces of estates, that has no historical rilevance for Europe or the world.
We can therefore define the United Kingdom of England a recent made Nation, a powerful modern economic, social and military power, that is born out of the need in modern times, of a EU power to lead the "affairs of the world", for what seems to be a "limited time". Brexit has the luck to remind everyone that power and dominion comes and go, and that nothing is forever.
Nothing execpt the Kingdom of Israel; established more than 2000 years ago, for Divine and Eternal construction, the United Kingdom of Israel is the only piece of estate with a real History, with archeological, geological, religious and cultural prove.
Brexit however proves so clearly that any "temporary" power and dominion by any State or Nation or League of Nation is just a "short term" power; what in our modern time we would define a "interim Government" or Kingdom.
The rise to power of the United Kingdom of England is equal to the time Israel and the United Jewish Kingdom needed to rebuiold and take back what for Divine disposition, whold be the Kingdom of God that the Queen of England knows far too well. Being the head of the Protestant Chatolics, the Queen of England knows very well from the Bible, that the Kingdom of God on Earth comes directly from the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel; and that therefore her British Kingdom was living and prospering on "borrowed time" from the Almighty God.
Since the Brexit, the 100 years celebration of the Balfour Declaratio,the 70 years Celebration of the modern rebirth of the State of Israel, that will lead to the United Jewish Kingdom as soon as the Judea and Samaria areas will be annexed, the Queen knows far too well that her Kingom is over and her "borrowed time" its' over. William the Duke of Cambridge and future King of Britain might as well never inerith from the Queen any Kingdom. There will be no Kingdom left in England, in the next 5/10 years!!!
There are times in history where the world changes and goes trough shifts and change of the guard; this could be the perfect picture of the future life of prince William duke of Cambridge, the prince that will probably never see a Kingdom.
It seems like his grandma the Queen of England and the head of the Protestant christian church, will be the last to seat in a golden chair of Kings and Queens.
There are many things that in the last 10 years have drammaticly changed in the world, and in Europe; however Brexit marks the "change of guard" in England and a huge shift in the EU project, where England had a special power to pressure and dominate the foreign policy and the Middle East affairs. All without compromising their economy, holding tight to their own currency and keeping their dominion in all ex colonies in Europe and the world.
This however started to change with Brexit, a curtain that has been tear down at the point of no return, marking "the change of the guard" not only in London but in worldwide and European affairs. Brexit might has well be the "beginning of the end" of the United Kingdom of England.
There is nothing "United" anymore in Britain; the British Islands are back to their own indipendent dream, Scottland, Ireland, Welsh and Britain are "more divided" than ever, undermining the Unite Kingdom (UK), while on EU level, England exit marks the end of British pressure on EU foreign policies and decisions, the exit of British money from doubts Aid campains linked only to the desire to exercise British power on people and Nations, and last the big question of the monarchy. The Queen of England might as well the last of the Qeens and Kings to seat in the British Kingdom.
The fate of United Kingdom of England is directly linked to the Divine United Jewish Kingdom of Israel and State of Israel; the celebration in 2018 of both the 70 years of the rebirth of Israel and the 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, show us the clear Divine link between these two Kingdoms, and the rise and fall of both.
The United Kingdom of Britain is a recent created Kingdom and not like many would think, something that always existed; UK came out of the "Union" and later "dis-Union" of a few little pieces of lands in the north of Europe. While the "British Unity" started between 1707-1800, their dis-Unity came in the early 1920, making what we know today, has modern Britain or United Kingdom of Britain and northen Ireland. England therefore is a new Nation made up from the "unity" of few little pieces of estates, that has no historical rilevance for Europe or the world.
We can therefore define the United Kingdom of England a recent made Nation, a powerful modern economic, social and military power, that is born out of the need in modern times, of a EU power to lead the "affairs of the world", for what seems to be a "limited time". Brexit has the luck to remind everyone that power and dominion comes and go, and that nothing is forever.
Nothing execpt the Kingdom of Israel; established more than 2000 years ago, for Divine and Eternal construction, the United Kingdom of Israel is the only piece of estate with a real History, with archeological, geological, religious and cultural prove.
Brexit however proves so clearly that any "temporary" power and dominion by any State or Nation or League of Nation is just a "short term" power; what in our modern time we would define a "interim Government" or Kingdom.
The rise to power of the United Kingdom of England is equal to the time Israel and the United Jewish Kingdom needed to rebuiold and take back what for Divine disposition, whold be the Kingdom of God that the Queen of England knows far too well. Being the head of the Protestant Chatolics, the Queen of England knows very well from the Bible, that the Kingdom of God on Earth comes directly from the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel; and that therefore her British Kingdom was living and prospering on "borrowed time" from the Almighty God.
Since the Brexit, the 100 years celebration of the Balfour Declaratio,the 70 years Celebration of the modern rebirth of the State of Israel, that will lead to the United Jewish Kingdom as soon as the Judea and Samaria areas will be annexed, the Queen knows far too well that her Kingom is over and her "borrowed time" its' over. William the Duke of Cambridge and future King of Britain might as well never inerith from the Queen any Kingdom. There will be no Kingdom left in England, in the next 5/10 years!!!
domenica 14 gennaio 2018
The time of Israel
The time for the Nations have expired, it's now Israel time.
For centuries and decades, many nations have "taken turns" on the world stage, their economies have exceeded other and the world have grown according to the "games of power" and dominion of a nation or another. This "game time" however its' over, it's finished and the Nations are crying out about it. Time has exprired, the borrowed time for speculation, dominion, economic wealth, cultural superiority it's coming to his end. Nations are shoked of how things are quickly changing, how thisng are turning around and how nothing it's what it used to be: no more business as usual, everything is changed!
The world is out of his mind, the Nations are raging, people in anger, countries againts others, divisions, autrage in the news media, people are pushing back; what is going on in the world and why people are kile this? Banks are shaking, money is dissappearing, people are in total caos, life is no more what it used to be.
The world is shaking and the reason is far too clear; Israel is going trough good times, the jews are conscious of their place in this world, their economy is booming, their society is flourishing and the world is raging.....All suddently the Nations understand that the little Nation called Israel is becoming good, modern, strong, real and the "next big thing" and they cannot control it any more!
Suddently the Nations realized that they are "out of control" when it comes to Israel, and for this reason the worldwide nations are shaking, trunbling, shoked. There is a Nation that they cannot control, no longer dominate, oppress or blackmail; Israel is alive, strong and well and there is nothing the world can do about it!
There is a banner rising into the nations that is a "sign" and a "place card" in the world, something with someone that reminds mankind the "game change" situation, that the world is facing; the miraculous rebirth of a tiny Nation called Israel.
For centuries and decades, many nations have "taken turns" on the world stage, their economies have exceeded other and the world have grown according to the "games of power" and dominion of a nation or another. This "game time" however its' over, it's finished and the Nations are crying out about it. Time has exprired, the borrowed time for speculation, dominion, economic wealth, cultural superiority it's coming to his end. Nations are shoked of how things are quickly changing, how thisng are turning around and how nothing it's what it used to be: no more business as usual, everything is changed!
The world is out of his mind, the Nations are raging, people in anger, countries againts others, divisions, autrage in the news media, people are pushing back; what is going on in the world and why people are kile this? Banks are shaking, money is dissappearing, people are in total caos, life is no more what it used to be.
The world is shaking and the reason is far too clear; Israel is going trough good times, the jews are conscious of their place in this world, their economy is booming, their society is flourishing and the world is raging.....All suddently the Nations understand that the little Nation called Israel is becoming good, modern, strong, real and the "next big thing" and they cannot control it any more!
Suddently the Nations realized that they are "out of control" when it comes to Israel, and for this reason the worldwide nations are shaking, trunbling, shoked. There is a Nation that they cannot control, no longer dominate, oppress or blackmail; Israel is alive, strong and well and there is nothing the world can do about it!
Why Israel will be the United Jewish Kingdom" in a few years
Why Israel is the United jewish Kingdom to come.
There is always a reason on why Kings and kingdoms come and go, however there is a clear reason why Europe and the "League of nations" will not be united, while Israel is the near future United jewish Kingdom to come; and this Kingdom on the making is just under our eyes.
States and Nations had a "limited time" and a "temporary years of times" in order to make it according to God's Divine plan for mankind, and align to His porpose; at the "end of this times " however, their "own time" is to be over and Israel time is to be up to date.
This is "Israel time" and the "end of the Nations borrow time"; from 2018 on the time of the Nations has come to his end and the "Time of Israel" is about to accelerate in order to fulfill the plan that God has made form the "Beginning of Times".
It's clear that while one Kingdom start building, it means that some other or others are about to finish or collaps; has been in this way since the ancient known Kingdom like the persian and the Roman Empire, and even modern Kingdoms like the British Kingom now in accelerate fall. There is not long a British Empire or a British Kingdom, and the Briths are everything but United. Scottland, Ireland, Welsh and the British Island will be again just a bunch of Island, but not any longer a Kingdom.
With the fall of the United British Kingdom, we will see the new United Jewish Kingodm arising from the dust, to become the "Next Big Thing" of the modern world. It's not something that man was planning, but simply the fulfillment of God plan, something that many people of our generation, has not yet understand. However is there since 2000 years ago Jesus promised to regather all the scattard sheeps of the House of Israel.
The House of Lord in England almost estinguish herself with the Brexit vote, and it is possible that in the next few years, we might see this man-made Kingdom, to his total end; afterall the House of Israel is God's home while the British Empire already lost most of his conquest of old. Things don't last forever, unless God has decided so!
Brexit and the "exit" of England from the faild EU wicked project, its not only "a sign" that Germany will not in any way have British forces and money to accomplish his wicked plan to dominate, but Brexit has also been the"sign"of the beginning of the end of Britain as a kingdom. What we now know as the United Kingdom of England and Weles, is now simply the British Island, with some of them not longer part of it. British political parties ask for unity, but the United British Kingdom it's already finished! Their unity ahs been broken forever, the House of Lords might soon be over and there will be no more a place called UK.Time for the nations of the world it's over, and the "time of Israel" is a t the door, taking away every titles, and taking back the only real Kingdom on Earth made by God Himself: Israel!
When a Kingdom falls, there is a "New One" building up slowly, until the Kingdom is completely visible and ready to rule: this is what's happening in Israel. The economy say it, the society show it, the turist talk about, the media pays attention. What's up in the world, is coming to our life!
It's undeniable that Israel is to Unite with the divide part of Judea and Samaria and annexation of the area it's just a matter of years; it's a process that no man in this world can stop, even with their best efforts. When something has to happend, all things will work for the process and the fulfillment of the project, especially when this is part of a Divine plan. History is clear about it and a quick look at historic events, can wake up many people from their dreams.
There is a future at head and the jews are the people of the future Kingdom, a United Kingdom where man have just to follow the rule of Law, the laws of the God of Israel.
England knows quiet too well what it means the King and the Queens laws and rules; been a christian nation with Judeo roots, England knows far too well what living in a Kingdom means. Brexit is also a wake up call for the english people, that have gained the economic world power for quiet a long time since their involvment in world affairs. People must understand that there is a time to be up, and a time to be brought down and all by God's intervention.
Israel time however is a process that many nations fight with all themselfs, especially the European Union, knowing that the same people they try to destroy, are not the one that have been given dominion over their wicked and evil antisemtic powers or Europe. The enemies of man are other man, people that cannot submitt to the will, dominion and life of some evil ones; there are always groups, states and nations that dominate poor and decent people, but they must know that their "time" is over and their ways no longer in fashion.
When the people of the nations of Europe, try to destroy the jewish people and the nation of Israel, lived thinking that they could fulfill their wicked lifestyle and that their power, their money and their number and force, could change the "games"; however soon the EU evil project started to fail and the jews started rebuilding their Kingdom, under God's silent and certain guidence. The same cannot be told about the "League of Nations" that have have based their security on "temporary dominion", temporary power, temporary wealth, temporary ideologies.
Brexit came like a "bolt from the blue", shaked the very foundation of this temporary and limited British Kingdom, shaking it to the very foundation, giving "a sign" of precariusness to a place that was once an Empire that had dominion on countries, people and economies. The return of Hong Kong to China was the first small "sign" of the beginning of the end of an era for England, but the big blow came like a storm during the Bexit, to remind the Briths that all they had was "temporary" and that they would have to "give it back" to the proper owners, the people of Israel.
There are many things that Empires and nations have taken advantage of, taking what did not belong to them with force or deception, sometimes with violence and arrogant means; but finally everything will be "given back" and "taken back" by the rightful owners. Governments and kings take what does not belong to them and for some time are even satisfied; but when it comes their end times, they will have to give back, becouse people must take what belongs to them.
Israel is the example of this modern story; people have taken advantage whan things did not work out well, not only taking but also attempting to arase the jews, their memory, their believes, their history, their dignity. When times comes to take it back, the nations involved in this tefth, sees the hard time coming and the "beginning of the end at their door". it's not easy after you have been spoiled yourself, your citizens, your nation with opulent lifestyle, to even think of loosing it to the same people you wanted to destroy or arase from the face of the earth. It's a game change situation not easy to manage if you are not clever enough to understand that life is a weel, and he goes around and around taking turns for everyone. The United Kingdom time has exipired and will exit from his priviledged position it had for many years, to hand over the Kingdom, to the right owner, Israel!
Years and decades of anti-semitism, bad reports, the enemy financial cooperation, liesand deception , have only slowed down the "process" of dispossession of the Kingdom, but not the actual fact that the Kingdom belongs to the jews and Israel is the right owner of the only Kingdom God ever established in this Earth. There is no promise to England in the Holy Bible or in any other book, that God would build a Kingdom for the Anglo-Saxons or the Briths. However there is a written promise that Israel will receive a Kingdom, and the jews will get back where they belong.
This 2018 started already this process officialy after 70 years of a slow process of rebuild and rebirth of the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel, while 2017 marked the fall and dismemberment of what we knew as the United Kingdom of Britain. It does not exist anymore! THe 100 years Belfour Declaration marks yet another "sign" of this Divine intervention for the United Jewish Kingdom in progress, already a reality.
Brexit is not only the exit of Britain from the European wicked failed project, but also the end of English foreign policy dominion on the evil and wicked EU decisions on regard of Israel, where many bad decisions and evil pressure was put on the jewish nation, reguarding their own nation, life, soil and economy. A "game that is now over" on double portion, has double is the portion of misfortune that God is giving to any nations that disrespect Him and His Land.
Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Book of Isaiah 66,8
This is why has Britain failes and falls, Israel will be in the next few 10 years, the next United Kingodm to talk about in our near future. Israel will live forever!!!!!
There is always a reason on why Kings and kingdoms come and go, however there is a clear reason why Europe and the "League of nations" will not be united, while Israel is the near future United jewish Kingdom to come; and this Kingdom on the making is just under our eyes.
States and Nations had a "limited time" and a "temporary years of times" in order to make it according to God's Divine plan for mankind, and align to His porpose; at the "end of this times " however, their "own time" is to be over and Israel time is to be up to date.
This is "Israel time" and the "end of the Nations borrow time"; from 2018 on the time of the Nations has come to his end and the "Time of Israel" is about to accelerate in order to fulfill the plan that God has made form the "Beginning of Times".
It's clear that while one Kingdom start building, it means that some other or others are about to finish or collaps; has been in this way since the ancient known Kingdom like the persian and the Roman Empire, and even modern Kingdoms like the British Kingom now in accelerate fall. There is not long a British Empire or a British Kingdom, and the Briths are everything but United. Scottland, Ireland, Welsh and the British Island will be again just a bunch of Island, but not any longer a Kingdom.
With the fall of the United British Kingdom, we will see the new United Jewish Kingodm arising from the dust, to become the "Next Big Thing" of the modern world. It's not something that man was planning, but simply the fulfillment of God plan, something that many people of our generation, has not yet understand. However is there since 2000 years ago Jesus promised to regather all the scattard sheeps of the House of Israel.
The House of Lord in England almost estinguish herself with the Brexit vote, and it is possible that in the next few years, we might see this man-made Kingdom, to his total end; afterall the House of Israel is God's home while the British Empire already lost most of his conquest of old. Things don't last forever, unless God has decided so!
Brexit and the "exit" of England from the faild EU wicked project, its not only "a sign" that Germany will not in any way have British forces and money to accomplish his wicked plan to dominate, but Brexit has also been the"sign"of the beginning of the end of Britain as a kingdom. What we now know as the United Kingdom of England and Weles, is now simply the British Island, with some of them not longer part of it. British political parties ask for unity, but the United British Kingdom it's already finished! Their unity ahs been broken forever, the House of Lords might soon be over and there will be no more a place called UK.Time for the nations of the world it's over, and the "time of Israel" is a t the door, taking away every titles, and taking back the only real Kingdom on Earth made by God Himself: Israel!
When a Kingdom falls, there is a "New One" building up slowly, until the Kingdom is completely visible and ready to rule: this is what's happening in Israel. The economy say it, the society show it, the turist talk about, the media pays attention. What's up in the world, is coming to our life!
It's undeniable that Israel is to Unite with the divide part of Judea and Samaria and annexation of the area it's just a matter of years; it's a process that no man in this world can stop, even with their best efforts. When something has to happend, all things will work for the process and the fulfillment of the project, especially when this is part of a Divine plan. History is clear about it and a quick look at historic events, can wake up many people from their dreams.
There is a future at head and the jews are the people of the future Kingdom, a United Kingdom where man have just to follow the rule of Law, the laws of the God of Israel.
England knows quiet too well what it means the King and the Queens laws and rules; been a christian nation with Judeo roots, England knows far too well what living in a Kingdom means. Brexit is also a wake up call for the english people, that have gained the economic world power for quiet a long time since their involvment in world affairs. People must understand that there is a time to be up, and a time to be brought down and all by God's intervention.
Israel time however is a process that many nations fight with all themselfs, especially the European Union, knowing that the same people they try to destroy, are not the one that have been given dominion over their wicked and evil antisemtic powers or Europe. The enemies of man are other man, people that cannot submitt to the will, dominion and life of some evil ones; there are always groups, states and nations that dominate poor and decent people, but they must know that their "time" is over and their ways no longer in fashion.
When the people of the nations of Europe, try to destroy the jewish people and the nation of Israel, lived thinking that they could fulfill their wicked lifestyle and that their power, their money and their number and force, could change the "games"; however soon the EU evil project started to fail and the jews started rebuilding their Kingdom, under God's silent and certain guidence. The same cannot be told about the "League of Nations" that have have based their security on "temporary dominion", temporary power, temporary wealth, temporary ideologies.
Brexit came like a "bolt from the blue", shaked the very foundation of this temporary and limited British Kingdom, shaking it to the very foundation, giving "a sign" of precariusness to a place that was once an Empire that had dominion on countries, people and economies. The return of Hong Kong to China was the first small "sign" of the beginning of the end of an era for England, but the big blow came like a storm during the Bexit, to remind the Briths that all they had was "temporary" and that they would have to "give it back" to the proper owners, the people of Israel.
There are many things that Empires and nations have taken advantage of, taking what did not belong to them with force or deception, sometimes with violence and arrogant means; but finally everything will be "given back" and "taken back" by the rightful owners. Governments and kings take what does not belong to them and for some time are even satisfied; but when it comes their end times, they will have to give back, becouse people must take what belongs to them.
Israel is the example of this modern story; people have taken advantage whan things did not work out well, not only taking but also attempting to arase the jews, their memory, their believes, their history, their dignity. When times comes to take it back, the nations involved in this tefth, sees the hard time coming and the "beginning of the end at their door". it's not easy after you have been spoiled yourself, your citizens, your nation with opulent lifestyle, to even think of loosing it to the same people you wanted to destroy or arase from the face of the earth. It's a game change situation not easy to manage if you are not clever enough to understand that life is a weel, and he goes around and around taking turns for everyone. The United Kingdom time has exipired and will exit from his priviledged position it had for many years, to hand over the Kingdom, to the right owner, Israel!
Years and decades of anti-semitism, bad reports, the enemy financial cooperation, liesand deception , have only slowed down the "process" of dispossession of the Kingdom, but not the actual fact that the Kingdom belongs to the jews and Israel is the right owner of the only Kingdom God ever established in this Earth. There is no promise to England in the Holy Bible or in any other book, that God would build a Kingdom for the Anglo-Saxons or the Briths. However there is a written promise that Israel will receive a Kingdom, and the jews will get back where they belong.
This 2018 started already this process officialy after 70 years of a slow process of rebuild and rebirth of the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel, while 2017 marked the fall and dismemberment of what we knew as the United Kingdom of Britain. It does not exist anymore! THe 100 years Belfour Declaration marks yet another "sign" of this Divine intervention for the United Jewish Kingdom in progress, already a reality.
Brexit is not only the exit of Britain from the European wicked failed project, but also the end of English foreign policy dominion on the evil and wicked EU decisions on regard of Israel, where many bad decisions and evil pressure was put on the jewish nation, reguarding their own nation, life, soil and economy. A "game that is now over" on double portion, has double is the portion of misfortune that God is giving to any nations that disrespect Him and His Land.
Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Book of Isaiah 66,8
This is why has Britain failes and falls, Israel will be in the next few 10 years, the next United Kingodm to talk about in our near future. Israel will live forever!!!!!
Why Europe will never be united
Why Europe will never become the "united European states".
After the second world war, the European countries political establishment after the all mess they made gasing in German soil milions of jews, they decided to establish out of big sin, a different Europe, a "United European States", where the 2 big superpowers USA and UK would not have any longer any access. Better, they try to drow UK into this wicked and evil project, thinking of "thaking over" the Unted States unique position of a super power of this world, to invent for themself a political and most of all economic agreement, in order to become a big area of influence in Europe and the Middle East.
For European countries the USA and UK ability to be righ and uncorrupted, was an obstacle to their dreams of power and economic strategies have been build to take from each European nation, to build this impossible dream of a European super-state that would duplicate in EU soil a big superpower in the likeness of the United States and UK. Little they know that already 2000 years earlier a man called jesus of Nazareth foretold that after the collaps of the Roman Empire, no other nation, state or power would be any longer be allowed to gain any supremacy in the world; God established His Kingdom in the Earth with the incarnation of Jesus and from that time, no man would be allowed to build what was in the past known as an Empire.
With the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Kingodm of God has total power on world powers and His Son Jesus has dominion on every Nation, State and President. From Jesus Reserretion to this very day, no one had been given permission to build again the "Babel tower" again, and therefore has we have seen in History, no power have had the ability to be in power, if not for just a "certain limited time". Same can be see with the Vatican that well explains this concept: God has given what is known as the "temporary time" to the Roman Capital to engage with God's plan, after witch all man power is "taken away" from every nation or political and economic power, to make sure mankind knows that ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD AND HIS ANOINTED JESUS OF NAZARETH.
When building this evil and wicked plan to establish a united European States, the political and economic establishment did not want to mention God and His good law, but in their evil and wicked intentions, well masked under many names, have made laws that are exactly the opposite of the way of living that Christianity and the Judeo-Christian values have driven in European soil. Not only erasing the memory of the WWII damage made in Europe and the world, but bring back the "ancient hatred" for God's law and people, out of whom came christians and jews. In order to build a "new world" in the likeness of the "Babel Tower", not knowing that God Himself destroyed it in order to make sure the NEVER evil man would have a permission to take over God's organized and good Creation and mankind, to use it for egoistic and wicked reasons what God had made since the beginning of the world.
Little they know these "founding nations" of Europe, that God already foretold 2000 years earlier, that no man, or nation, or congregation of man, or power would be denied any "long term power" promoting evil laws, before God would overthrow them down to nothing. This is exactly what has happend to Brexit.!!!
Even in their smart "half way" entrance in EU, the English society could not in any case agree for any longer, to be part of what has been called "a new cathedral and religion" with base in Bruxelles, where foolish and damaging law have been made, to build caos and worldwide corruption, in order to build this foolish and wicked dream of a "big Europe" without God's 2000 years civilisation, that have distinguished Europe and European society.
Seventy years after the fall of evil German Nazi destruction, the new generation of political parties and false Governmental Org's, that are moving the money of the European citizens in a worldwide caos, to avoid to track them and explain their use, little they know that their efforts will be shattered down. Making however a huge economic and social damage, equal only to the previous 70 years, when Nazi Germany was allowed under our nose, to destroy Europe and the Middle East from Turkey onwards.
70 years after the tragic events of the jewish Holocaust, putting away our memory of the tragic killing of milions of European man, women and children and the almost total destruction of the jewish people from European soil, "here we go again" with Germany lifting his head again, and given the permission to repeat the same mistakes of just 2 generations ago! The last survivors of the Nazi German Holocaust are still alive to witness what the previous political and economic generation was capable to do, destroying out civilisation once again. In a different way and using different means, but hoping to obtain the same deadly result of dominance, power and finally building a new world without God, without memory, without shame. A shameless generation with evil ideas and institution, that have the only goal of building their own egoistic and evil society on top of the first society born out of God's Revelation christian way of life for mankind.
Two generations of youth today have been lied and deceived upon, by the same people that after the pathetic defeat of Germany in her dream to overpower everyone by all means, have known the deadly and wicked German style and ideology. Pointind to the fact that 70 years after our youth and children have not experienced the deadly and wicked German ideology, but live a happy and free way of life, the beast of Germany and the deadly arrogance of this European state, lifts up again his deadly and evil head, thinking to repeat once again, the same deadly game, and guide again the European nations to their demise. The united European states, with their globalized and uncontrolled social, political and economic games, are nothing less and nothing more than "the way" to make impossible for 750.000 milions of people, to track and understand what's really going on and what is the real goal of this evil EU project.
The Bible however tells us very well what will be the result of this "evil union of Europe" in the Book of Daniel; it tells far too clearly and well, that the "ancient beast of man arrogance" and his ego, that started in the Middle East and Mesopotamia, where the "HEAD OF ARROGANCE" once lived in the Babylon Empire, will be destroyed by a jewish man called Jesus of Nazareth and that from His coming and Resurrection, having now established God's Good Kindom on this Earth, no other "Empire" or "League of nations", would be allowed to build any other way of life in this world.
Book of Daniel 2- Nebuchadnezzar's dream about a Statue made of 4 metals
“I’ve found one of the captives from Judah who can explain the dream’s meaning to you, Your Majesty.”
This "failed man or power" however, according to the Book of Daniel, will try to rebuild again a "economic and social" power in order to submitt mankind to their wicked and evil laws and ways, but with the clear revelation that none of these man made efforts, will come to pass or bring anyone or any group of people, to power in this world. Any man- made effort to be a king or the boss of milion of people, will be automatically put to an end by God. This is what Brexit means and what will mean for the head of states or parties that had dreamed to build a world without God!
The wicked and evil political establishement of Europe were thinking to use 750.000 of citizens, to exceed the United States of America and their economy, to play the "superpower role in the world", even after the disaster they did in Europe just 70 years ago. Whould Europe not had the English and the USA intervention, Germany and their evil plan, whould have destroyed Europe and the Middle East, with the conseguences we all know Nazi Germany put into place.
The dream of Europe and a few EU nations to gain dominance in the world and most of all in the Middle East, without giving account of their wicked ways, is surfacing again with all is deception to this generation. The strategy of getting rid of America as the world power, in order to arise and become "a replacement" power and economic group in the world, with influence on worldwide event, has brought on the citizens the worst social destruction since Nazi Germany arised in the 19th century. Again in our days, this arrogant and defiant northen Europen nations, are acquiring the means, mostly economic, to reach their goal of changing God's order. Little they know that any effort will "live a short time", just before God destroy them and make it a "hip of ruins". Just like what Syria it's experiencing ringh now.
The real and unspoken dream of this EU nations is to "replace America" in his sphere of influence in the world, and most of all in the rich Middle East, to incorporate America best Anglo-Saxon ally the British, with their wicked and evil deception, and from there, to "take over" by numbers (750 milions or EU people aganst the 350 milions of America). A game of power, financial and social dominion to recreat this strong economic Babylonian ancient power. Brexit however crashed this evil dream born in hell!
God bring up kings and brings them down, when He sees that their plan, is "not in line" with God's Revelation for mankind and each nation. It's not man that can organize a "League of Nations", but it is God that give or takes away power for this or that nation. Man cannot change what God has already ordered since the "Beginning of the World. And no man or powers can change this order!Europe will never be united, will never be a super power !It just will not happend, despite all man efforts to make it happend; numbers is not what counts, what counts is God's Divine and Eternal plan.
After the second world war, the European countries political establishment after the all mess they made gasing in German soil milions of jews, they decided to establish out of big sin, a different Europe, a "United European States", where the 2 big superpowers USA and UK would not have any longer any access. Better, they try to drow UK into this wicked and evil project, thinking of "thaking over" the Unted States unique position of a super power of this world, to invent for themself a political and most of all economic agreement, in order to become a big area of influence in Europe and the Middle East.
For European countries the USA and UK ability to be righ and uncorrupted, was an obstacle to their dreams of power and economic strategies have been build to take from each European nation, to build this impossible dream of a European super-state that would duplicate in EU soil a big superpower in the likeness of the United States and UK. Little they know that already 2000 years earlier a man called jesus of Nazareth foretold that after the collaps of the Roman Empire, no other nation, state or power would be any longer be allowed to gain any supremacy in the world; God established His Kingdom in the Earth with the incarnation of Jesus and from that time, no man would be allowed to build what was in the past known as an Empire.
With the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Kingodm of God has total power on world powers and His Son Jesus has dominion on every Nation, State and President. From Jesus Reserretion to this very day, no one had been given permission to build again the "Babel tower" again, and therefore has we have seen in History, no power have had the ability to be in power, if not for just a "certain limited time". Same can be see with the Vatican that well explains this concept: God has given what is known as the "temporary time" to the Roman Capital to engage with God's plan, after witch all man power is "taken away" from every nation or political and economic power, to make sure mankind knows that ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD AND HIS ANOINTED JESUS OF NAZARETH.
When building this evil and wicked plan to establish a united European States, the political and economic establishment did not want to mention God and His good law, but in their evil and wicked intentions, well masked under many names, have made laws that are exactly the opposite of the way of living that Christianity and the Judeo-Christian values have driven in European soil. Not only erasing the memory of the WWII damage made in Europe and the world, but bring back the "ancient hatred" for God's law and people, out of whom came christians and jews. In order to build a "new world" in the likeness of the "Babel Tower", not knowing that God Himself destroyed it in order to make sure the NEVER evil man would have a permission to take over God's organized and good Creation and mankind, to use it for egoistic and wicked reasons what God had made since the beginning of the world.
Little they know these "founding nations" of Europe, that God already foretold 2000 years earlier, that no man, or nation, or congregation of man, or power would be denied any "long term power" promoting evil laws, before God would overthrow them down to nothing. This is exactly what has happend to Brexit.!!!
Even in their smart "half way" entrance in EU, the English society could not in any case agree for any longer, to be part of what has been called "a new cathedral and religion" with base in Bruxelles, where foolish and damaging law have been made, to build caos and worldwide corruption, in order to build this foolish and wicked dream of a "big Europe" without God's 2000 years civilisation, that have distinguished Europe and European society.
Seventy years after the fall of evil German Nazi destruction, the new generation of political parties and false Governmental Org's, that are moving the money of the European citizens in a worldwide caos, to avoid to track them and explain their use, little they know that their efforts will be shattered down. Making however a huge economic and social damage, equal only to the previous 70 years, when Nazi Germany was allowed under our nose, to destroy Europe and the Middle East from Turkey onwards.
70 years after the tragic events of the jewish Holocaust, putting away our memory of the tragic killing of milions of European man, women and children and the almost total destruction of the jewish people from European soil, "here we go again" with Germany lifting his head again, and given the permission to repeat the same mistakes of just 2 generations ago! The last survivors of the Nazi German Holocaust are still alive to witness what the previous political and economic generation was capable to do, destroying out civilisation once again. In a different way and using different means, but hoping to obtain the same deadly result of dominance, power and finally building a new world without God, without memory, without shame. A shameless generation with evil ideas and institution, that have the only goal of building their own egoistic and evil society on top of the first society born out of God's Revelation christian way of life for mankind.
Two generations of youth today have been lied and deceived upon, by the same people that after the pathetic defeat of Germany in her dream to overpower everyone by all means, have known the deadly and wicked German style and ideology. Pointind to the fact that 70 years after our youth and children have not experienced the deadly and wicked German ideology, but live a happy and free way of life, the beast of Germany and the deadly arrogance of this European state, lifts up again his deadly and evil head, thinking to repeat once again, the same deadly game, and guide again the European nations to their demise. The united European states, with their globalized and uncontrolled social, political and economic games, are nothing less and nothing more than "the way" to make impossible for 750.000 milions of people, to track and understand what's really going on and what is the real goal of this evil EU project.
The Bible however tells us very well what will be the result of this "evil union of Europe" in the Book of Daniel; it tells far too clearly and well, that the "ancient beast of man arrogance" and his ego, that started in the Middle East and Mesopotamia, where the "HEAD OF ARROGANCE" once lived in the Babylon Empire, will be destroyed by a jewish man called Jesus of Nazareth and that from His coming and Resurrection, having now established God's Good Kindom on this Earth, no other "Empire" or "League of nations", would be allowed to build any other way of life in this world.
Book of Daniel 2- Nebuchadnezzar's dream about a Statue made of 4 metals
“I’ve found one of the captives from Judah who can explain the dream’s meaning to you, Your Majesty.”
26 The king asked Daniel (who had been renamed Belteshazzar), “Can you tell me the dream I had and its meaning?”
27 Daniel answered the king, “No wise adviser, psychic, magician, or fortuneteller can tell the king this secret. 28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets. He will tell King Nebuchadnezzar what is going to happen in the days to come. This is your dream, the vision you had while you were asleep: 29 Your Majesty, while you were lying in bed, thoughts about what would happen in the future came to you. The one who reveals secrets told you what is going to happen. 30 This secret wasn’t revealed to me because I’m wiser than anyone else. It was revealed so that you could be told the meaning and so that you would know your innermost thoughts.
31 “Your Majesty, you had a vision. You saw a large statue. This statue was very bright. It stood in front of you, and it looked terrifying. 32 The head of this statue was made of fine gold. Its chest and arms were made of silver. Its stomach and hips were made of bronze. 33 Its legs were made of iron. Its feet were made partly of iron and partly of clay.34 While you were watching, a stone was cut out, but not by humans. It struck the statue’s iron-and-clay feet and smashed them. 35 Then all at once, the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were smashed. They became like husks on a threshing floor[a] in summer. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a large mountain which filled the whole world. 36 This is the dream. Now we’ll tell you its meaning.
37 “Your Majesty, you are the greatest king. The God of heaven has given you a kingdom. He has given you power, strength, and honor.38 He has given you control over people, wild animals, and birds, wherever they live. He has made you ruler of them all. You are the head of gold. 39 Another kingdom, inferior to yours, will rise to power after you. Then there will be a third kingdom, a kingdom of bronze, that will rule the whole world. 40 There will also be a fourth kingdom. It will be as strong as iron. (Iron smashes and shatters everything.) As iron crushes things, this fourth kingdom will smash and crush all the other kingdoms. 41 You also saw the feet and toes. They were partly potters’ clay and partly iron. This means that there will be a divided kingdom which has some of the firmness of iron. As you saw, iron was mixed with clay. 42 The toes were partly iron and partly clay. Part of the kingdom will be strong, and part will be brittle. 43 As you saw, iron was mixed with clay. So the two parts of the kingdom will mix by intermarrying, but they will not hold together any more than iron can mix with clay.
44 “At the time of those kings, the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed. No other people will be permitted to rule it. It will smash all the other kingdoms and put an end to them. But it will be established forever. 45 This is the stone that you saw cut out from a mountain, but not by humans. It smashed the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. The great God has told you what will happen in the future, Your Majesty. The dream is true, and you can trust that this is its meaning.”
This "failed man or power" however, according to the Book of Daniel, will try to rebuild again a "economic and social" power in order to submitt mankind to their wicked and evil laws and ways, but with the clear revelation that none of these man made efforts, will come to pass or bring anyone or any group of people, to power in this world. Any man- made effort to be a king or the boss of milion of people, will be automatically put to an end by God. This is what Brexit means and what will mean for the head of states or parties that had dreamed to build a world without God!
The wicked and evil political establishement of Europe were thinking to use 750.000 of citizens, to exceed the United States of America and their economy, to play the "superpower role in the world", even after the disaster they did in Europe just 70 years ago. Whould Europe not had the English and the USA intervention, Germany and their evil plan, whould have destroyed Europe and the Middle East, with the conseguences we all know Nazi Germany put into place.
The real and unspoken dream of this EU nations is to "replace America" in his sphere of influence in the world, and most of all in the rich Middle East, to incorporate America best Anglo-Saxon ally the British, with their wicked and evil deception, and from there, to "take over" by numbers (750 milions or EU people aganst the 350 milions of America). A game of power, financial and social dominion to recreat this strong economic Babylonian ancient power. Brexit however crashed this evil dream born in hell!
God bring up kings and brings them down, when He sees that their plan, is "not in line" with God's Revelation for mankind and each nation. It's not man that can organize a "League of Nations", but it is God that give or takes away power for this or that nation. Man cannot change what God has already ordered since the "Beginning of the World. And no man or powers can change this order!Europe will never be united, will never be a super power !It just will not happend, despite all man efforts to make it happend; numbers is not what counts, what counts is God's Divine and Eternal plan.