

lunedì 15 gennaio 2018

William, the Prince without a Kingdom

Why prince William will never have a Kingdom in England.

There are times in history where the world changes and goes trough shifts and change of the guard; this could be the perfect picture of the future life of prince William duke of Cambridge, the prince that will probably never see a Kingdom.

It seems like his grandma the Queen of England and the head of the Protestant christian church, will be the last to seat in a golden chair of Kings and Queens.

There are many things that in the last 10 years have drammaticly changed in the world, and in Europe; however Brexit marks the "change of guard" in England and a huge shift in the EU project, where England had a special power to pressure and dominate the foreign policy and the Middle East affairs. All without compromising  their economy, holding tight to their own currency and keeping their dominion in all ex colonies in Europe and the world.

This however started to change with Brexit, a curtain that has been tear down at the point of no return, marking "the change of the guard" not only in London but in worldwide and European affairs. Brexit might has well be the "beginning of the end" of the United Kingdom of England.

There is nothing "United" anymore in Britain; the British Islands are back to their own indipendent dream, Scottland, Ireland, Welsh and Britain are "more divided" than ever, undermining the Unite Kingdom (UK), while on EU level, England exit marks the end of British pressure on EU foreign policies and decisions, the exit of British money from doubts Aid campains linked only to the desire to exercise British power on people and Nations, and last the big question of the monarchy. The Queen of England might as well the last of the Qeens and Kings to seat in the British Kingdom.

The fate of United Kingdom of England is directly linked to the Divine United Jewish Kingdom of Israel and State of Israel; the celebration in 2018 of both the 70 years of the rebirth of Israel and the 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, show us the clear Divine link between these two Kingdoms, and the rise and fall of both.

The United Kingdom of Britain is a recent created Kingdom and not like many would think, something that always existed; UK came out of the "Union" and later "dis-Union" of a few little pieces of lands in the north of Europe. While the "British Unity" started between 1707-1800, their dis-Unity came in the early 1920, making what we know today, has modern Britain or United Kingdom of Britain and northen Ireland. England therefore is a new Nation made up from the "unity" of few little pieces of estates, that has no historical rilevance for Europe or the world.

We can therefore define the United Kingdom of England a recent made Nation, a powerful modern economic, social and military power, that is born out of the need in modern times, of a EU power to lead the "affairs of the world", for what seems to be a "limited time". Brexit has the luck to remind everyone that power and dominion comes and go, and that nothing is forever.

Nothing execpt the Kingdom of Israel; established more than 2000 years ago, for Divine and Eternal construction, the United Kingdom of Israel is the only piece of estate with a real History, with archeological, geological, religious and cultural prove.

Brexit however proves so clearly that any "temporary" power and dominion by any State or Nation or League of Nation is just a "short term" power; what in our modern time we would define a "interim Government" or Kingdom.

The rise to power of the United Kingdom of England is equal to the time Israel and the United Jewish Kingdom needed to rebuiold and take back what for Divine disposition, whold be the Kingdom of God that the Queen of England knows far too well. Being the head of the Protestant Chatolics, the Queen of England knows very well from the Bible, that the Kingdom of God on Earth comes directly from the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel; and that therefore her British Kingdom was living and prospering on "borrowed time" from the Almighty God.

Since the Brexit, the 100 years celebration of the Balfour Declaratio,the 70 years Celebration of the modern rebirth of the State of Israel, that will lead to the United Jewish Kingdom as soon as the Judea and Samaria areas will be annexed, the Queen knows far too well that her Kingom is over and her "borrowed time" its' over. William the Duke of Cambridge and future King of Britain might as well never inerith from the Queen any Kingdom. There will be no Kingdom left in England, in the next 5/10 years!!! 

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