

domenica 4 febbraio 2018

In the Gap between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39

In the gap between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 and what it means for Israel

The gap between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 it's a very special and peculiar time, a time of great commitment where people gives everything in order to fulfil what the Ezekiel PROPHECY speaks about.

What it means to live in "a gap"? What does it mean to live in "a lapse of time" where we are forced "to go through" without which we cannot move forward and without which it will be impossible to THE NEXT phase,the next stage of beign that is already in place and already meant to happen.

We are "the gap generation" living in such a time, that we are forced to do and say what this stage of the political and social situation, expect from us in this generation; young people like the old, individuals like politicians, believers and people of every social spectrum.

The Ezekiel 37,15 is exactly this stage; it's a gap time that must take place in order to prepare what comes next, which must also accur, materialize, happend! The lapse of time that must manifest, in order to move forward into another one: the Ezekiel 38-39 stage that everyone talks about already, almost forgetting that "this gap time" has a set time of years. We cannot move forward without fulfilling, materialize, and prevail in the "gap time", (the Ezekiel 37,15) in order to be in the right attitude of waiting for the next phase.

Many times when we are aware of something we tend to think of "the immediate time", without waiting "the time of years" for the action to accur; when a PROPHECY is spoken, things look immediate, now. But every stage of action has his own "lapse of time", lapse of years, and this is exactly what the "gap time" is all about.

We all know how a time in between a old year gone and a new year coming is presented to us in the news or the media, or how young people are presented with a "gap time" in between school and futher education, or between university and life. The concept is the same: there is a "gap time" under which we must go through in order to get to another stage, without which is not possible to go into the "NEXT STAGE.

Ezekiel 37,15 is precisely this "lapse of time" of at least 10 years, a stage that must occur and that cannot be missed or underestimate, in order to avoid delusion and big opportunities. The Ezekiel 37,15 is gap years of circumstances and aspects that must happend, in order to fulfill it! We fulfill a "gap time" when we do what we expect to achieve, and we have fulfilled the "gap years" when we have reached our goal! In this gap generation we must successfully reach results!

In the political spectrum to reach this result there must be a team of people or a Leader that has the vision to succed; someone that wants to make things happen and fulfill his goal. Sameone that commits himself to it, and by all means does everything he can, to make it happend.

The "gap generation" is a group of people that wants to succed and that understands that in order to be successful, must have the courage to go against the tide, against all obstacle, knowing that he will succed!

A gap generation knows that that it must commit to his duties and that it's imperative for "the time" he lives, to show up and do what it takes in order to make it happen!

Ezekiel spoke and a mighty Army just started to raise up, get back their strength and become a numember of people that could not be counted; but after these people came back to life, they needed the help of God to make out of them all, a ONE_UNITED-STRONG-PEOPLE. God told Ezekiel that he would make out of these 2 people, just 1 STRONG and POWERTFUL ARMy of people, man and women that would rise up and live, fight and win!

This is what a "gap generation" means for our time: be there, be willing to look for unity, be willing to take back life, land, dignity and work by all means to obtain it. In Ezekiel 37,15 PROPHECY there is a leader, that tells the people to gather, to live and to get togher to be just ONE. And there is another force, God's Spirit that makes this possible. it takes therefore a man of God to gather the people, speak well to them, give them the hope and strenght, and wait on God to do the rest.

The question today is what, the Ezekiel 37,15 gap means for Israel? And how this "lapse of time" is going to be fulfilled with the present political, social and religious situation, of the modern State of Israel?

Who is called to take the leadership of the Jewish Nation, to make it happend? 

What are the qualities the team or the leader must possess in order to make sure the Gap time is filled and fulfilled?

These might seem hard questions until recent times, but since the turnover in the United States of America and the "change of tide" in the world, we now can see clearly who, what and how the Ezekiel 37,15 gap will be compleated!

In order to lead a people, one must have the desire to UNITE all under one Home, to believe that he needs everyone to partecipate to the project, someone that believes in inclusion of all living people in the Land, and someone that believes strongly in God's promise to the jewish people has a whole.

Basically, fundamentally, essentially, firstly this team or leader must have 2 essential qualities; the love of God and the love for his own people, all of them nobody excluded!

Essentially this leader must have a "soldier mentality", be a man with strategy, be a man of hard work, be someone that "get's the job done" no matter what.

Fundamentally this leader or team of people, must love his people more than himself, someone that has a family and knows what love means; but also someone that know how to sing and cry, how to wait or push forward.

Primarly he will think, enforce, give courage, gather and empower his people in order to strenghten their spirit and their souls, giving them the tools to ultimatly defende their bodies and their Land.

Basically this leader must be someone that looks forward to his goal and to the importance of "his time", knowing there will not be another opportunity and that the gap time will not come back, been a unique time.

The Gap time between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 it's a "gap time" of 10 years , starting from 2018 to 2028 and is a "lapse time" Divinly given and appointed to fulfill the PTOPHECY. This gap time is the necessary condition to then move forward to the NEXT DIVINE APPOINTMENT with Ezekiel 38-39 and cannot be missed!

Finally this chosen person must be someone that will not apologise for been in the right placetime, at the right time! Timing is what matters when the Ezekiel 37,15 showed up!

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