

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2018

Nir B. Artiz message, 16 December 2018 *Jews come to Israel!*

Message from Rabbi Nir Ben-Artzi Shalita
Parashat Vayechi Tasha’t
Sunday, 8 tevet  Tasha’t- 16 December 2018

The Master of the Universe Increases every day judgment on the world, purifies the world until a new world emerges. Eight billion people in the world and most of them live in darkness, impurity and in the serpent filth. The Creator of the world is purifying the world of all the filth of the serpent, and is preparing the way for the Messiah to go out in public.
The Redemption is with Mercy, then the Father in Heavens harms in the way of nature, through harsh winds and storms, floods and tsunamis, fires, earthquakes and volcanoes, conflicts and complications in every country, between states, left versus right and right against left worldwide, accidents with buses, planes and ships. The evil consumes itself every day and the Holy One, blessed be He, breaks the back of the Sitra Achra (the other side), of the filth of the serpent in the world. Slowly, the Holy One, blessed be He, is destroying all evil in the world and at the same time prepares the light of Messiah, prepares the Messiah and connects him with the "Yehidah" soul, in order to bring him out in public in the near future!

The world is going through a jolt, (a big shake) and at the same time, a restoration. The Holy One, blessed be He, breaks the evil in the world and restores the good. It will not stop, it will continue until this world turns white, to people of kindness and truth, to people of peace and free love. There will be no planes, no weapons, no wars, no tanks, and no armored personnel carriers. The State of Israel will rule the world and the Jews will live forever. "Death will be lost from the Israeli people", death will cease for the Jews and the Third Temple will be built. These are the plans of the Creator.

Our Father Jacob wanted Joseph to continue his work, so that the lineage would continue - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. He knew there was something special about him, that he had the Holy Spirit, but he did not know about the kidnapping and the sale. Joseph lived with Jacob for seventeen years, and Jacob was happy to raise him and Benjamin because they were orphans, and Joseph was the special son of old age. For twenty-two years our father Jacob lived in terrible suffering. For twenty-two years his children had not respected him and let him suffer, a suffering of ignorance, of doubt whether Joseph was alive or not. At the end of his life, the Holy One, Blessed be He, gave him seventeen years of abundance and good, in order to connect him with the seventeen years he had with Joseph and to annul the twenty-two years of suffering and agony. Until his dying day Jacob was happy and joyful.

Older people generally suffer most severely in their last twenty years. But Jacob was until his last day filled with joy, love and peace to infinity.

When Jacob knew that his time had come to leave the world, he swore only his son Joseph, that he will be buried next to his father Isaac, his grandfather Abraham and Leah. Many commentaries on this matter: One of them is that Rachel his mother was buried on the way and if he did not make Joseph promise him, Joseph as king over Egypt and all, could have him buried next to his mother Rachel. Another explanation: Jacob did not believe his children who had lied to him in the matter of Joseph. For twenty-two years they did not feel sorry for him, they let him suffer, and they did not tell him that they sold Joseph. They only said: 'he was eaten by an evil animal.' Joseph was a king over Egypt and was innocent and honest and truthful, not like the brothers who lied to him, so Jacob had confidence that he could count on him.

Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Menasheh, were also good. Ephraim was more innocent and honest than Menasheh; he was as honest and innocent as his father Joseph and Jacob his grandfather. After Jacob informed that Joseph's children were for him like Reuven and Shimon, Joseph brought them to his father to bless them. He brought Menasheh with his left hand to Jacob's right hand and Ephraim with his right hand near Jacob's left. At the time of the blessing, Jacob placed his right hand on Ephraim and his left hand on Menasheh. It emerged that Ephraim was blessed with the right hand of Joseph and Jacob's right hand. Jacob blessed strongly Efraim in his day so that he would not get out of the way, so that he would succeed in all his ways in purity and holiness, in the way of his father and grandfather. Menasheh was strong and could handle any situation. Then Jacob blessed all his sons, one by one, each according to his character and according to the blessing that should have been received, because after the reunion with Joseph, the Holy Spirit and prophecy returned to him and he could bless each child with his blessing.

The entire world outside the Land of Israel is in chaos. We said and say again - every country that goes against the Land of Israel and for the Palestinians and Hamas, and wants to take parts of the land of Israel - the Creator of the world will make a revolution that it even did not dream of it.
Syria is getting erased.
Iraq is getting erased.
Turkey is on the way to revolution.
In Iran there will be a revolution.
Jordan is dead to die.
The most obvious example is FranceThe French president said a few weeks ago that he has a plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, before Trump. The Holy One, blessed be He, gave blows to France and brought France back twenty years and perhaps also forever. A few weeks before Trump, the France president announced that he had a plan for peace and the Holy One, blessed be He, brought him the revolution and the most difficult demonstrations, so that he would deal with his country and would sit quietly and not interfere in the affairs of the State of Israel. Because his plans were not for the benefit of the people of Israel. The Palestinians are more important to him than the people of Israel, so the Creator gave him a 'lesson'.

It has passed in all countries of the world - do not mess with the Land of Israel! On the contrary, help the Land of Israel and the Jews in the Land of Israel. This is what will happen to any country that interferes with the Land of Israel. Let them try and see how they will receive the hardest blows.

Soldiers and civilians are hurt by Hamas and the Palestinians, and yet there are innocent Jews who think there are good Arabs with whom peace can be made. The Holy One, blessed be He, says to them: 'The Muslim Arabs, they do not care about the left or the right, they want to hurt, kill and be killed.'
Abu Mazen is the head of the calamities. Giving them money and pushing them to harm the Jews. They do not want peace, neither Hamas nor the Palestinians. Do not believe them!
Hamas and Abu Mazen are deceiving the Israeli government and the Jews in the Land of Israel. Once they want a cease-fire, once they want peace and sometimes they do not want to. They are liars and crooks. They are fighting with the State of Israel in cold blood. Do not believe them about anything.
 IDF soldier on guard duty must be alert during all his guard duty.
In the Holy Land of Israel, it must be free love. The left and the right must be united and unified. If there is no unity between left and right, Israel is not protected.
Arab Muslims It does not interest them left or right they hate both. Do not trust them. Instead, the people of Israel must pray to the Holy One, blessed be He, and repent and ask for the Messiah revelation.
Lebanon, Nasrallah and Hezbollah They have tunnels and ploys. Do not believe them! Nasrallah is a snake among snakes. There are other tunnels that have reached the Israeli border. In the Yom Kippur War, Syria and Egypt surprised the Land of Israel. A few years ago, Hezbollah and Nasrallah, Palestinians and Hamas, again planned to surprise Israel now through the tunnels they have. But, thank God - and the Holy One, blessed be He, preceded them, brought instruments to discover the tunnels, and their plan went wrong and stopped. They want to snatch, heaven forbid, IDF soldiers, whether through the tunnels or the hitchhikingplaces Everywhere, in order to embarrass IDF soldiers and demand instead imprisoned Muslim Arabs.
Within Israel's borders, one has to be vigilant, Hamas is quiet - it's a lie.
Hamas and Palestinians and Jihad and all these lunatics are planning plans.
In Ramallah and East Jerusalem there are conspiracies. They did 'learn' it when they were in prison.

Europe will become ashes, wild, there is no solution and nothing will help it. Arabs, Muslims and infiltrators and Isis are coming in masse and confuse and make terrible problems. Throughout Europe, Christians and Jews are with a cord on their neck.
Jews who live in Europe, you should escape from Europe to the Holy Land! Do not invest one shekel in Europe; invest money only in the Holy Land of Israel. Let no one come and say that he was not warned. Your life is in danger and it is increasing every day. The anti-Semites and the infiltrators in Europe hate the Jews and it gets worse every day. You Jews are dreaming, are in a dream as if everything is all right and every day worse than yesterday. Suddenly the "boom" will come to Jews in all Europe.

RussiaPutin loves Israel.
U.STrump is entirely for the State of Israel and the Jews living in the Land of Israel.
In Asia they live without an economy. There are over a billion people and no one know how to bring them food to eat.
Jordan is in a bubble.
In Syria there are wars and killings every dayThere is no solution and will be no solution.
Turkey, is acting as if it is helping, to get money.
In Egypt, Sisi does not want to interfere, acts as he's interfering. He is secretly at peace with Israel. It is worthwhile for him to continue this peace. He knows that Hamas and Palestinians, Isis and Muslim extremists are against him.
Iranall the tricks to smuggle arms and ammunition to Hezbollah are not working. Everywhere in Iran, in the reactor, in the atomic plant, there are Mossad personnel. The atomic plant in Iran has people ready for the Day of Judgment, ready to blow up the factory and die there. Every plane that goes from Iran to Lebanon - IDF knows about it.

Jews need to follow "you will very careful with your souls." Death and life are in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, and man must also make an effort to preserve himself. The Holy One, Blessed is He, gives economics to man. Livelihood in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, but one must strive to go to work. The couplings are in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, but we must meet and see and strive to find a match. Despite the coupling from the Holy One, blessed be He, the Holy One, blessed be He, will not bring your mate to your home. The Holy One, blessed be He, will not bring you food to your home. Livelihood is from the Creator of the Universe - yes. Coupling in the hands of the Creator - yes. Death is in the hands of the Creator - yes. But one has to try to work and look for a match. You also have to be alert everywhere and not take any risks, travel with caution "and be very careful for your soul."

The hatred between right and left brings disasters in Israel. The left is informing on the right, and the right is informing on the left and through it they are repenting. People today do not trust each other. Many are repenting.

Parents, keep your children safe from assimilation, gambling, drugs and alcohol.

The Israeli economy is very good. In Heaven they ask: What is the reason you raise prices?! The government of Israel has to make a proper economic calculation, there is no shortage of jobs and there is an excess of money. There is everything in abundance, why raising the prices?! It affects the poor and the middle class, and the rich get richer.

Do not think that the afrashat Hallah (blessing on the bread) cancels decrees or revives man? It does not do anything. It is good on Friday in honor of Shabbat, to light candles or celebrate Friday night in honor of Shabbat. However, if a person does not repent and will not correct his defaults, he will not be helped by the blessing of the bread. An Angel will not help him, not a thousand righteous men who will bless him, not a thousand Angels who will bless him. Nothing will help him to heal his suffering. The same person who committed great sins, only he can correct himself by a complete repentance, only himself. Nothing else can help him. No one can fix another person. Everyone corrects himself by repenting. The blessing on bread does not help a person correct his sins. Even when you go to the graves of the righteous, to ask for the people of Israel, and ask the Holy One, Blessed be He, to pity the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces and the people of Israel as a whole. The tombs of the righteous do not atone for a person's sins and do not fix his correction. If the Holy One, blessed be He, does not fix the person's correction and does not give up to anyone, then what righteous person will not listen to the Holy One, blessed be He, and do this work to the sinner? Only the sinner will correct himself. What he had sinned - he must stop. If he stole - he must return the thefts. If he lied - he must stop lying. If he commits adultery - he must stop adultery. If he shames people - he must stop to shame people. If he does not observe the Sabbath - he will keep Shabbat. If he respects his parents because of the inheritance, he will respect them without interest. He will believe in the Holy One, blessed be He, and follow "we shall do and we will hear" without questions. Not "When He will give me, I will pray ..." We do not make conditions with the Holy One, Blessed be He. If you follow this message nicely - you will have a good life for everyone!

Everything is ready to be revealed. Messiah is ready to be revealed at any moment. The Holy One, Blessed be He, sifts and sifts, does harsh things in the world so that everyone will awaken to repentance. Repent - this is the beginning of following the entire Ten Commandments. Messiah does not come lightly. To receive the right to live for all eternity and the Land of Israel, the State of Israel will rule the world, it is not simple. The people of Israel must strive to ask the Father in Heaven to appoint the King Messiah, to reveal him publicly. Messiah is doing kindness and saving the people of Israel and the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, working day and night, yet Messiah is waiting for the great and auspicious day for the people of Israel, who will never suffer again!

If the Jews knew and understood what the Messiah was and what the power of Messiah is, they would pray every day, before all to ask for Messiah. When Messiah will come out in public, no Jew will die and the Jews will have eternal life!

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