


2 commenti:

  1. My name is Anna M Sedda and I am a Catholic Charismatic " new born" Christian. I am part of the International Charismatic Renewal and I am a Pentecostal! Pentecostals are Christians that believe in the 7 " gifts" of the Spirit that God gave to the First Apostoles in the " day of Pentecost" in the upper room, in Jerusalem. I live in Italy where I was " baptized " in the Holy Spirit and I worship God in Spirit and Truth in the Renewal Worship groups. I am dedicated to study the Bibble, the wonderfull and living Word of God, the " End time" prophecy and to the Jewish roots of Christianity. I am committed to Israel, and the truth about Israel, past, present and future, according to the Holy Scriptures of the Torah and the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of Israel for the all World.

    Like the Prophet Joel say: " and it should come to pass afterward, that I will pour My Spirit upon ALL flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old man dream the dreams, your young man shall see visions and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in "those days" I will pour My Spirit. Joel 3,1

  2. Vorrei tanto capire un po' di più il tuo pensiero e il tuo collegamento con le Chiese Evangeliche e il mondo ebraico, tu sei cattolica?
    Grazie se vorrai rispondermi via mail.
    Agostino de Lieto Vollaro - Roma
