

martedì 15 settembre 2015

Isaiah, the prophet of Salvation.

Isaiah 25,6 the prophecy of the Salvation of Israel.

In original hebrew the name Isaiah means YHWH is Salvation and for this reason the prophecy of Isaiah 25,6 speaks about the salvation of Israel and of the Nations of the all world. In the Torah and in the Gospel of Joshua Ha Massiah of Nazareth,  the Scriptures of Christianity, Isaiah is mentioned a few times and for a good reason.

Isaiah means also YHWH saves and God wants to save not only Israel but all humankind!In this way the prophecy it's perfectly fullfilled and Jerusalem, the city standing in the high mountain, will be the "Light of the Nations".

For this very reason the prophecy of Isaiah is extremely important: "And in this mountain shal the Lord of Host make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. And he will destroy in this mountain "the face of the covering" cast over ALL people, and the veil that is spread over ALL Nations. Isaiah 25,6

The prophecy of Isaiah, tell us that YHWH- God Eternal, not only wants to save Israel, but that in the feast, He will invite and call the all Nations of the world.

In order for the prophecy to be fullfilled in his fullness, there must be 2 things remouved: the first the face covering that was casted by YHWH -God Eternal Himself on everyone, and take out the veil that prevents people of the Nations, to see God's work.

Isaiah 25,6 is the one "prophecy in progress"; the Gospel of Joshua the Messiah of Nazaret, tells us that: "at that time ye were without Christ (the anointhed ONE), beign aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world. But now in Joshua the Christ Jesus, ye who sometime were far off are made right by the blood of Christ Jesus, Joshua the Messiah! Ephesians 2,13  

And the reason is simple: "He is our shalom and our peace, for he is the one who hath made both (jews and non-jews) has ONE, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us. Ephesians 2,14

Having abolished in His Jewish flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinance, for to make in Himself of twain ONE NEW MAN, making peace-shalom.

This quote of the Gospel of Yeshua Jesus of Nazareth, given to the Christians of all Nations, make perfect fullfillment of Isaiah 25,6 prophecy. The prophecy is still a "prophecy in progress",  a "work of YHWH- God Eternal in progress" that is going trough is complete fulfillment in God's appointed time.

The expectations are in place and in full action, even if there is some work to do, that is not connected to man's will, but surely by God's will and timing...

Joshua, Jesus the Messiah have started the process of  unveiling the prophecy of Isaiah 25,6 and broke already the wall of partition between Israel and the Nations, even if the action of unveiling it's somehow still into place. According to the Gospel, he veil was remouved from the Temple in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, in order to start the work of unveiling between the nations and Israel, and between the Jews and the non-jews. Both of them, had a veil and a middle wall of separation, that had to be remouved in order to gather Israel and the Nations, in the mountain of God, the hight mountain where God is preparing a feast for all humanity.

Many times we wonder why the nations just do not see the truth of Israel, and many times the Nations wonder why Israel does not see the reality of non-jews. Isaiah gives us the answer, unveiled only by the Christian Gospel of Yeshua- Jesus of Nazareth, in the New Testament.

Yeshua- Jesus of Nazareth unveiled, what until 2000 years of history, was veiled in Isaiah 25,6. This is what the jewish people expected from the messiah to come; the Eternal peace-shalom between the Jewish people and the "rest of the world".



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