

martedì 15 settembre 2015

Revelation, the unveling of the Torah prophecy.

The Book of Revelation: lifting the veil on Jewish prophecy.

The word Revelation means unveiling and the Book of Revelation it's given with the mission to unveil what for decades has been kept veil, according to YHWH- God Eternal wish and timing. In the fullness of time, according to the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah 25,6- and in order to fullfill this prophecy,  the veil that covet the eyes of the people of the Nations, has been lifted up. 

The Book of Revelation it's exactely what the word means: " surprising and a previous unknown fact that has been disclosed to others". The Book of Rvelation, the last and most important Book of the Bibble, surprises and tells the Christian believer, some facts about God's plan for Israel and humankind, that previously were not known. The Revelation has the mission to disclose to others, unknown facts.

For this reason the Book of Revelation is still largely unknown and largely untold; this short Holy Book of the Bibble, is not yet known to many and must be unveiled in order to bring the prophecy of Isaiah 25,6 into its fullness. It's true that God's timing it's not man timing, but it's also true that we have been trusted the mission, as Christians with Jewish roots, to unveil it to the all world.

Isaiah spoke of this veil acting in the nations and in people's life, and foretold the time when this weil would be lifted. This is exactely what the Book of Revelation was given for; to unveil the eyes of the faithfull and clerly see YHWH-God Eternal plan to "unite" the Nations to the chosen nation of Israel. To unite the chosen people of Israel, to the people of the world.

The Book of Revelation unveils the unknown to both, the jews and the non-jews; it's a Revelation that lift a veil on the jewish people in order for them, to see beyond their own congregation, and open themselfs to welcome the congregations of the Nations.

On the other side, the Book of Revelation was given to the faithfull of the Nations, in order to destroy the "face covering" cast over all people on regards of Israel.

The Book of Revelations in fact, reveals deep understandin of many Jewish spiritual issue, never revealed to mankind before. This Revelation was given to non-jews in order to know in advance, the truth of Israel, and therefore to facilitate the approach of the Nations toward the Jewish people. And in many ways, this veil has been lifted and the truth revealed.

On the other hand, some parts of the Revelation is still unknown to the jews and non-jews, and must be unveiled to Israel. For example the trumphets are a clear and common sign for Israel, and it has been revealed that the trumphets will sound for 7 times. Also the menorah, that once stood in the Tabernacle in the desert, and in the First and Second Temple of Jerusalem, is now seen in the pair of 7 and with a all new meaning; the menorah is a congregation of people, that with all 7 gifts of  YHWH-God Almighty given to man, are the Light in themselfs and have in themselfs, the Light and the sparks of God.

7 menorah's with 7 branches that has been unveiled, are the 7 eyes of God that look at the all world, and according to the Gospel of Yeshua- Jesus the Messiah, the 7 gift of God are now transfered to man and given to mankind, in order to have in themselfs God's attitude and feelings.
It has been unveiled that the 7 branches of the menorah, had a meaning; the 7 gift of God.
1) wisdom
2) understanding
3) counsel
4) knowledge
5) fortitude
6) piety
7) fear of the Lord

It has been revealed and unveiled that everytime the priest light up the menorah in the Temple of Jerusalem, he was in fact lighting up God's 7 gifts and God's 7 eyes, in order to be given to man and help man to have the same wisdom of God, the same understanding that God has of life, the counsel to make the right decisions, the knowledge of heavenly and man issues, the fortitude to deal with heartly matters, and finally the same piety of God for our fellow man, and the fear of the Lord in praticing His laws.

In Ancient times the Holy Priest use to light the menorah, to give light to the Temple where the people of Israel use to go to pray to God; but in our times it has been revealed that the lighting of the menorah was given in order to transform man in pure light of the Eternal God. An awesome transformation and unveiling of YHWH- Eternal God. God could not stay forever inside a golden box and His ruach could not stay forever in a closet. YHWH -God Eternal desire, was one day, to live into man's heart and give mankind His full light, to make mankind like Him.

The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit of God are portrait like a dove of peace, the same dove that was seen by Noah. They bring to mankind the Eternal Shalom of YHWH -God Almighty. They are not only part of the good news of the Christian Gospel, but what Isaiah foretold already; "The Spirit of the Lord should rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord". 
Isaiah 11, 2

The Torah already spoke about the 7 eyes of God that run to and from trough the whole earth in the Book of the prophet Zachariah 4,10; what the book of Revelation does, it unveils not what it was previously unknow, but in many ways, what it was previously veiled.

The Gospel recount the word of a Samaritan woman, that know that when the Messiah would come, he would tell them everything. The coming of the Messiah for Israel is somenthing absolutely sure, and we learn that a jew, even if he tarry, they are comanded to wait for the coming of the promised Messiah. The Gospel of  Jesus told by John 4,5

The woman say to Him: "I know that Messiah cometh, which is called the Christ (the anointhed ONE). When He comes He will tell us all things! John 4,25

 And so the Messiah came and told all things to his jewish faithfull,  in the book of Revelation, where most of the things revealed in this book, are concerning Israel and the 12 tribes of Israel.

The Book of Revelation was given to the Nations, to destroy the separation between jews and non-jews. Blessed is the man that reads this Book, for it will fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 25,6.

And viceversa the face cover was destroyed, in order to give the jews the opportunity to see unveiled all the promised that YHWH -God Almighty gave to Israel in the Torah.

The Book of the Revelation in the Bibble, only unveils things already spoken by the prophets of Israel in the Torah. 


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