

sabato 26 settembre 2015

Mount Tabor the Mountain of God.

Kfar Tavor, the Holy Mount of the Prophets of God

In world religions the mount seems to be a "key element" to distinguish a Prophet and since God meet Moses in the Mount Oreb, in the desert of the Sinai in Egypt, many false prophets have used the Mountanis to claim any likeness with God. But God in His Wisdom, have always shown and told man which one is the place and the mountain, He has choosen to give His First and Final message to Humankind, and those mountains are locate in Israel and in Egypt, nowhere else! All other claims are pure fantasy.

Since the time of Abraham, God choosed Israel and the Land of Israel to be Holy ground to God; in Mount Moriah in Jerusalem God asked Abraham to offer Isaac to Him, as a first offering of everything dear he had. When the Jews were coming out of Egypt, God asked Moses to meet Him in Mount Sinai, in the Egyptian desert, the closest Mountain to the People of Israel during their way to freedom. And to Seal all Prophecies, God asked Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a Jew like Moses, to encounter Him in a mountain in Israel, the Mount Tabor, one of the Highest Mountains in Israel with a spectacular view of the all North of Galilee and the Jeazeel Valley, the Valley of Armaggeddon where God will destroy all His enemies.

When Jesus took 3 of His Apostostles in the Mount Tabor, He wanted to show to His jewish believers what no other prophet have ever shown to anyone: Moses and Elija, the most important Prophets and friends of God, also Jew and the Biggest Prophets of History. Jesus wanted to make sure that they could see what no other claimed Prophet would ever be able to see! The Great prophet Moses and the well know prophet Elija; there are no other Prophet cherished in Israel and in the all World, as they are. Moses effigy is in the Chamber of Senate in America, Moses is been read in the Christian Churches all over the World by Catholics and for Christians also, Moses is the friend of God. Jesus wanted to make sure that the Apostles, could see them in order to Seal the Final Prophecy of God, with Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

God's Prophecy started in Israel and could ONLY end in the Holy Land of Israel, and in the mountain of Israel. After Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, where the Jewish Temple stands, the Final Revelation could only take place in Israel, the Land of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the Land of God Almighty. 

God never intended to move anywhere else the Revelation and confirmed another time with Jesus of Nazareth, that every Prophecy starst and finishes, in the Holy ground of the Land of Israel.

It's quiet clear why God asked Jesus to take His Apostostles to the Mount Tabor; Moses and Elija, the 2 most important Witness of Gods Word, where Jewish and it was clear that God wanted to Seal all Final Prophecies in the Holy Land with the Jews.

Galilee in the North of Israel, is mentioned in the Bibble and in the book of Isaiah, as the Galilee of the Gentiles, of the Nations of the people of every language and race, and it's clear that Jesus, as the Seal of all Prophets, had to spread God message from there; Siria Libanon, Egypt, Turkey and all the Middle Eastern Nation and Oriental Nations would benefit from Jesus Christ Final Revelation and Good News . The news that God is "Abba", a Holy Father! We know that Israel is right in the Middle of all this modern regions and Nations, and once again Israel in modern times, plays an important role in the all Middle Eastern and East Nations. Even today Israel is a bacon of advance democracy, of freedom and of civilisation. Israel is today the only shield of Christianity and the most advanced Hight Tec. Nation of the all Middle East region. God fortold about this position of modern Israel to Moses, the great Prophet of God during their exit from Egypt and on their way to the promise Land of Israel, in the Holy Scriptures saying:  

 "See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the Lord my God commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it. Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” What other Nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?  And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Book of Deuteronomy 4,5

Only the People of Moses, the Jews, are a wise Nation that has wise Laws, given from God to His chosen People of Israel; and today ONLY Israel shines in the Earth with the Law of Moses and the Law of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the first and the Last Great Prophets of God. They are both Jews.

We therefore see that God Sealed all the Prophecies with Jews, and never looked anywhere else for any kind of prophets; any claim of prophecy outside Israel is false. There are  only 2 Holy mountans of God in Egypt, and in Kfar Tabor, and no others.  The prophets were Jew and from the Beginning of God's Revelation to the very End, they will be Jews. The Prophecy of God started with Abraham going into the Land of Israel, and must be Sealed at the end with the Seal of the Prophets in Galilee, with Jesus Christ .

God's Holy mountain are Mount Sinai in Egypt, Mount Tabor in Israel and Mount Moriah know today as Jerusalem, the Ancient and moder Capital of the Jewish State of Israel. All Prophecies from Abraham to Jesus, started and ended in the land of Israel. No other nations in the Middle East was ever the action of God's messege to humanity. Any claims from other Middle Eastern Nation, of having God's message is pure falsity.

Jesus of Nazareth is a Jew born in Israel, son of the Jewish People of Israel, and like Moses, the Great Prophet and friend of God, guides His own people to God with the same Law of the Torah and the law of Peace and love of God, given to Moses.

Like Abraham, Jesus walked troughout the Land of Israel, according to the Word God spoke to Abraham; 

"The Lord said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west.  All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” Genesis 13,14

Jesus of Nazareth, the Final Seal of God's Prophecy, walked troughout the Land of Israel, and He is the ONLY Prophet that like Abraham, has the right of Dominion on the Land of Israel. A real Prophet of God must have walked in the Land of Abraham, in order inherit God's Word and God's Land. 

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