

domenica 27 settembre 2015

The Bible, the Book of God.

The full Revelation of God

The Holy Bible for many years has been associated with the Christians faithful, but a deeper look into this big Holy Book give us the answer to many questions of humanity. The Bible is nothing less that a Jewish Holy Book, splitted in two times of Human History and than put together to confirm one another; the Ancient and the New more recent times. 

The Holy Bible starts with the 5 Books of Moses, continues with the Jewish Prophets of Israel, in the Land of Israel and ends with the Messiah of Israel; in between all sort of Jewish wisdom is teached and it contains the most beautiful books of all; the Psalms of King David, the Shepherd of Israel. The Bible is in fact a collection of books, from the beginning of God's creation to the end of God's creation, of a "New World".

The Holy Bible is a book of  Jewish History with man with God from the Beginning to the End.

The Holy Bibble has been often associated with Christians for the reason that "the people of the Nations" have already recognized the Messiah and the True and only ONE Messenger of God, in Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews and the King of the Universe. But in fact the Messiah is nothing less than a Jew and the Jew fortold by the Prophets of Old, expecially the Prophet Isaiah, the Prophet of Salvation.

But the Bible is in fact 100% a Jewish Holy Book written by man insiperd by God since the Ancient times, that have inspired man until our days; gathering together the Old Testament of God has given to the "people of God" the Jews and the New Testament or Gospel of Jesus, given to the "people of the Nations", the book UNITES in ONE solid Holy Book. There is no inequality between the Old and the New Testament of the Holy Bible and one confirms the other. Readers can see for themself the continuity and the similarity of the 2 Books contained in the ONE Holy Book called the Bible. The Christians faithfull cherish the 5 Holy Books of Moses, the Psalms of King David, the say of the Prophets, the Wisdom of Solomon, and the Revelation of the Messiah of Israel; born, alive, and Resurrected in the Jewish homeland has the Prophets foretold since Ancient times.

The Holy Bible is the collection of Ancient and New Israel and the story of all THE THINGS that the Jews have done and experienced throughout all their way with God and troughout a long period of time of faith in the ONE and TRUE GOD ALMIGHTY. The Holy Bible is from the beginning to the end, a Jewish Holy Book. Some might question the reason why than, the Holy Bible has been always associated with the Christian community, and never with the Jewish community; the answer is simple. The Messiah has arrived and the nations must know Him, to prepare the way for His Coming, before the "Great Day of the Lord" comes and the nations are not prepared!

We know that the Jews are always prepared for the arrival of the Messiah, and that if He delays, year after year the Jews must wait for Him; the Jewish people recite this act of faith in each and every passover meal and year after, time after time for generation, the Jews are still awaiting for the Messiah to come. But the Nations, the NON-Jews what do they know about Messiah? How can they possibly know anything about this man that comes to the rescue of Israel?

In His immense Wisdom, God wanted to "gather the Nations" and UNITE them to His people Israel and in order to accomplish this huge goal, he had to thinks of something big; the Jews knew God's Law of Moses but the Nations did not. The Jews are a small Nation, and until 65 years ago not even a Nation, while the nations are so many and the NON-jews a huge number. The best thing to do for God was to "gather all the Nations" trough the Messiah, and than incorporate them to His chosen people of Israel. It's easier to take the almost 8 Billions people of the all Nations of the world trough History and incorporate them at "The End", His own people, the Jews, a small Nation of people. 

So the Nations of the World have meet The Messiah until the time of the gentiles  Nation is over, to UNITE in ONE PEOPLE the Nations of the all world. How could the Messiah come for all Mankind, without mankind knowing Him? And how could God Almighty expect the Nations and the people of the all world to know and eccept Messiah if it was unknow? What is Messiah Mission? What does Messiah stands for? And how can Billions of people can eccept a Messiah that is not known before? How could Messiah be recognized? Thoese are all questions that cannot be answered in one single day, but in decades of Human reasoning. In His Wisdom, God had to have a plan for Humanity.

For this very reason, the Christians from all over the world, the Messianic gentiles and Nations, have recognized in the Torah and the 5  Holy Books of Moses, the ONLY TRUE WORD OF GOD and in the Jewish people the ONLY PEOPLE OF THE LIVING GOD. Putting together and UNITING the 2 Holy Revelations of God, the First to the Jews and the Last given to the Nations, the Christians have come to the conclusion that the Messiah awaited by the Jews is Jesus of Nazareth, a Jew like them, like Moses. And the same Messiah that Moses spoke about in the Holy Scriptures: the Shepherd of Israel will be one among them, a Jew. And like David was the King and the Shepard of Israel, the Messiah would be recognized by His Nationality. The Messiah will be and must be a Jew!

The 4 Billions of Christians all over the World have recognized and accepted a Jews as the Messiah and the King of the Universe, and for this reason have incorporated to the Gospel and the Good News, the 5 Books of Moses, the writtings of the prophets of Israel, and the Wisdom of the Jewish sages. The Messiah is a man of Wisdom, that knows the Wisdom of His fathers Moses and David, and know how to pasture the flock of God, like a shepherd; He will be the Big Shepherd that will bring the sheeps of Israel to good pastures.

After all to gather 8 Billions of human being, it's not something that can be done in a few days or years, and gather into Judaism 8 Billions of NON-Jews, that are not Torah keepers, is not someting that can be done, without having planned everything in all the details!

In His Wisdom God Almighty insead had a real plan, and He put this wonderful plan in place trough the generations, unitl the "time of the Messiah" had come! And this "time of the Messiah" had "started" to come 2000 years ago, in the Land of Israel, in the mist of the people of Israel and in a time where the Nations invaded Jerusalem and occupay the land of the Jews, thinking of parting the land, between the world powers and the surrounded nations: Syria, Egypt, the Ismaelites and the all world powers. What a better time for Messiah to come, when the World powers think and really believed, that they could take the Land of God, and make it just a subjugated nation like all the others? What better time for Messiah to come, when the world powers would gather in order to destroy the the Jews and "Light of the Nations" , to destroy God's comandments from the face of the Earth? And what better opportunity for God to make Himself and His Great name known to the Gentile Nations, when all the gentile Nations are gathered together?

It is not always easy for mankind to know the "ways of God", so different from the ways of man, but in recognizing in the 5 Books of Moses the Law of God and the Law of the Jewish Nation, the Nations and the people of the world, the so called gentiles-- that troughout History have cherished the Old Testament, have embraced Judaism is it's purest way and praticed Judaism in his fullness and totality-- has the True and ONLY Revelation of God in the History of man. In embracing the 5 Holy Books of Moses through the generations, "the gentile Nations" have confirm that Judaism is the ONLY good Law of God given to man; and a Christian is nothing less that a gentile praticing Judaism!

Who could have ever imagine that the Christians are nothing less than praticing Messianic Jews? Who chould have ever design a better plan for man to become a Jew if not trogh the Messia Jesus of Nazareth? Who could have ever convince the people of the Nations to become a Jew without even inviting them to convert to Judaism and be part of the small and selected Jewish community? How could a few "remanent Jews" could convert to Judaism Milions and Milions of people without even meeting them and talking Judaism to them? Who could make the Miracle of converting 4/5 Billions of people of the Nations, without even talking to them? Only the Jewish Messiah!

The Holy Bible, in the 2 Testaments and 2 Promises, has become ONLY ONE HOLY BOOK and in this book from the beginning to the very end, everything speaks Jewish, from Moses to Jesus speaks of Israel and from the Beginning to the End, Reveals the plan of God for the Jews, in the Jewish Nation and in the Jewish Land of Israel. No other book in the all World, speaks Judaism except the Holy Bible of Christianity!

The Holy Bible is the Testament of the Nations recognising that Judaism is the ONLY a TRUE RELIGION OF GOD, the ONE AND TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD.

The Holy Bible is a Jewish Book in all it's content and no other Holy Book in the History of man can be considered so Jewish has the Bible. The Holy Bille cherishes the jewish History of the people of Israel, and it consider their walk with God, the ONLY and TRUE story of God with Mankind.

In the Holy Bible God has managed to gather the "gentile Nations" into Judaism in a way that no man could have ever manage to do; what the Holy Bible has acomplished, could have only been achieved by the "Hand of God" . For this reason the Holy Bibble is the ONLY TRUE and FINAL REVELATION of GOD. Because the Holy Bible, from the beginning to the End of his books, always speaks of Israel.

The Holy Bible  is the confirmation of the faithfullness of God to the Jewish people and to Israel, the First of the Nations and the Light of the Nations; something that no other book in the all world, is able to acomplish in the History of man.

All this happends to fulfill the Word of God given to the Prophet Isaiah:
He said to me, “You are my servant,
    Israel, in whom I will display my splendor.
 But I said, “I have labored in vain;
    I have spent my strength for nothing at all.
Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand,
    and my reward is with my God.”
 And now the Lord says—
    he who formed me in the womb to be his servant
to bring Jacob back to him
    and gather Israel to himself,
for I am honored in the eyes of the Lord
    and my God has been my strength
 he says:
“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant
    to restore the tribes of Jacob
    and bring back those of Israel I have kept.
I will also make you a light for the Gentiles,
    that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”
 This is what the Lord says—
    the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel
to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation,
    to the servant of rulers:
“Kings will see you and stand up,    princes will see and bow down,
because of the Lord, who is faithful,
    the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”Isaiah 49

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