

sabato 7 novembre 2015

God has a Name: I AM the Lord

I AM, the Name of God Revealed to Moses

When Moses spoke to God, he wonder what people will say when he told them, that God spoke to a man like him; so he asked God, by what Name He wanted to be known.

I AM the God of the Jews, and with this Name, i want to be called forever. This is the first Revelation Moses received from God; if we are to talk to people, and tell them God spoke telling me whatever, it's clear that we must know the Name of God.

When God spoke to Moses, He made sure the people of Israel, and today everybody, knows the Name of God. Before Moses trusted "this God" that wanted to speak to His people, Moses wanted to make he knew Who he was talking to.

 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his Name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
This is My name forever,  the name you shall call me, from generation to generation. Exodus 3,13
 It was not only Moses duty to know God's Name, in order to tell people that want to know and believe in God, Who they will be talking to, but also God's desire. If man is to call on God, we must call Him with His Name, in order to have our prayer answered. We must call the right person for our needs, and even more for God; He Has a Name and only calling God By His Holy Name, we can get any answer!
We live in a time where people do not know God's Name and many people do confuse God with the god's; but the Tenach and the Christian Bible, that keeps the words of Moses, tell us a truth; God has a Name, and only calling His Name, we can get in contact with God. 
The risk today, with the Pantheon of the god's, is that lot of people will call names, but not the Only Name of God, risking to get no aswers at all, in the illusion that God and the god's are the equal. God is equal to no other, and knowing God's Name will keep people from living in fanstasyland or in delusionsland. God has a Name: I AM, the Lord.
This detail is very important, and vital: whoever we call will answer!  
 When Jesus came from Heaven, He teached the same Revelation Moses did long time earlier; it's easy to claim to discendent from Abraham without even knowing Abraham, and it's easy today to speak about Moses, without even having meet Moses. What it's not easy, is to talk about God, without talking to I AM. And Jesus made clear that each one of us understand one simple concept: Jesus is I AM, Jesus of Nazareth is God, and whoever does not recognise this truth, will die in his sin. Becouse nobody will meet God, if first does not meet the Son of God.
I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I AM He. Gospel of John 8,24
We are living in the last times, the time close to Messiah arrival, and we do not have much time left to believe; now it's time either to believe, or to get Eternally lost, forever! We must make an effort today, even now, to believe in God and believe to THE ONE He send, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.
Moses knew that in the "Last Days" people would ask the same question he asked at the beginning of days, when God started talking to him, the friend of God, and from him to alla mankind. Moses told us thousand years ago how to recognize God, and by what name to call on, in order to be God's friends like he was. Moses was given many Revelations about God's Name, and when God sended Moses to speak on His behalf, God made sure everyone understand clear Who God is:
 Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey Him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.”
Then they said, “The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Exodus 5,2

Jesus in His time did the same thing, like Moses; he told the man He met during His Ministry, Who He was and by what Name God must be called, in order to get the answers from God, and be God's friends. Jesus Revealed the same thing that Moses did, and for this very reason: only Jesus of Nazareth, is the connection to God today.
We should make no mistake; Moses and Jesus Revealed to us thousand years in advance God's Name. His Name has not changed and we must make sure today, that we are using the right Name when talking and calling on God. Any other name given to God today, that is not the same Name that Moses and Jesus have Revealed to us, and that is not connected to the Jewish People and Israel, clearly does not respond to the ONE same TRUE God, I AM.

Jesus also made sure we had the right direction: Whoever sees Jesus sees the God the Father, and whoever wants to see God must look at Jesus. The is no other God that Jesus, and the Son of God is the Messenger of God. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, this is God forever, I AM.
The book of Romans tells us clarly this truth: "After all, is God the God of the Jews only? Isn't he also the God of the Gentiles? Of course He is". Book of Romans 3,29
This is the Name of God, by wich God wants to be known, for every generation. Including our generation!

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