

sabato 7 novembre 2015

Between Ezekiel 37,15 and the Gog and Magog war

Between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39

It might look a phrase away, but the gap between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy can take a long time to be fulfilled. For God a chapter could take one thousand years, while for the readers is all now, immediate.

While for many scholars of "End Times" this tiny phrase could even escape to ones logic,  the gap between Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 might as well be 2 prophecies in progress. We see already the war game and the coalitions, starting to take their own positions, according to what God has already set in the history of mankind; and in our view one prophecy follows another. But this is not the case of Ezekiel 37,15.

There is no contraddiction in Bible Prophecy, with one prophecy taking place at the beginningof the other, while the second prophecy already starts setting, even from afar, working to make his way into what we can call, the prophecy in progress.There is no contraddiction in 2 prophecies taking place in the same time, even if the second prophecy and the first, are in two different times of their work in process.

This is exactely the case of the Ezekiel prophecy; there are clear signs in the Israel's situation that show us that Ezekiel 37,15 not only is not fulfilled yet, but that this very importanta prophecy, a key prophecy in our present times, it's only at the very beginning. As we all can  read in the news, Israel is "for sale" for the last 50 years, and a large part of the land, disputed and in the midst of a deadly contest. Until last year, Israel was half jewish and half "opposed" by the rest of the Nation, in an illusion -and in a deception of the "worldwide accords" -that take away from the jewish land, one third of population, and put them into a "no man zone", contended between the East and the West.

All suddently however, one day of the year 2014, the Prime Minister of Israel, started looking for the "forgotten " and forgettable jews, the same ones that for 50 years were for sale; in order to be able to win the election and make sure that ONE and UNITED JEWISH NATION could survive the election. What had happend? Who put in the mind of the PM of Israel, the idea to go and look for their brothers and sisters jews of Judea and Samaria, to UNITE e win the election? And why all suddently the "rejected jews" were wanted? Needed? Their number became vital for Israel survival?

The answer is found in Ezeliel 37,15, the tiny phrase that  seems so short, that looked already fulfilled, while in fact it wasn't. We have entered less that one year ago, in the beginning of the Ezekiel 37,15, were God promise to UNITE Israel with Judah, and make ONE PEOPLE for God.

It is true that the players and the Nations, are also getting into their positions in view of the Gog and Magog war, but while in the "outside", the Nations go trough the preparations for the Final Gog and Magog war, what it seems a little and tiny verse and Prophecy, start and sets into action what concerns only the Israeli situation on their field. In fact what Ezekiel 37,15 and Ezekiel 38-39 teach us, is that God's action comes in 2 different directions. One is the business regarding Israel and the second is what regards the "rest of the Nations, and both Prophecies work together, without contraddiction.

What however the End Times scholars have not yet taken into account, is that while Russia and Iran are working in Siria, that we can consider the "rest of the Nation" work of God in action to fullfill Ezekiel 38- and 39, there is another work in progress in God's mind, and this is the well being of Israel, in Ezekiel 37,15.

In fact, while the rest of the Nation are working hard to trigger the Gog and Magog war games, God is very busy making sure that in the same time, Israel start puting into place all it needs to be ONE STRONG AND UNITED JEWISH NATION. Strong enough to  bear and support herself and her people, to face at the right time, the war of Gog and Magog, that would come into the Israeli territory, where God will destroy the enemy Nations.

The eyes of every "End Time" scholar Bible Prophecy is in fact into Gog and Magog preparations, but we cannot forget that a 15 lines phrase, can take in God's time, even 30 years. It's clear that we are getting very close to the Gog and Magog war, but we should not forget that God  will never let the enemy get started, unless Israel has already started first. And the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy is only at the beginning!

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