

domenica 27 marzo 2016

Solomon and the Messiah- Jesus connection

Have mercy of me, son of David!

There are two very important phrases in the Bible that remind us of the onnection between King David, King Solomon and the Messiah jesus of Nazareth, that must make us think how, the previous King and Kingdom of the State of Israel, are connected...

Jesus without ever having say a word about David, was called "son of David"; King David is linked to the Kingdom of the State of Israel, and for some reasons, the people knew very well the King David and King Jesus connection...

King David had a son by the name of Solomon, the King of Jerusalem and Jesus spoke about David in very few occasions, only to the doctors of the Law, to find out if they understood why the awayted Messiah was connected to David and to his son.

Solomon was the King of David and his name in original hebrew, is the base of the most important word in the all vocabulary: Shalom-on, shalom meaning peace. For this reason Jesus is also calle the son of David but also the King of Peace.

We know that God laid all promises on David shoulders, and his son Shalomon, the man of Shalom, was the King of the city of peace, alias Jerusalem, the city of God and the city where David wanted to build a House for God. Shalomon his son, builded the Temple, lived in peace in Jerusalem and with this fact, the Bible had a message for us; there is a son of peace in the capital of Israel.

Jesus is called the "son of David" just like Sholomon, the son of Shalom=peace, becouse in all his Kingdom, he had 40 years of peace all around, and Israel live in peace with his dangerous neighbours. Jesus is therefore the son of peace, sent by God, to give peace to the jews and to their land and Kingdom.

This is the first connection between King David, the Kingdom of Israele and the Messiah, but not the only one; there is anothere even more important. When the Messiah returns, he wants to be called upon and   welcome back in Jerusalem, like the son of David.

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!” Gospel of Mattew 21

Everyone knew  who the son of David was: Shalomon was the son of peace, and the true nature of the Messiah is to bring Eternal peace to Israel and to the jews.

This is not a little detail in the Gospel and in the understanding of the true nature of Jesus, but a very important one: the Messiah will replicate the Kingdom of God on, and the jewish people will have again a jewish Kingdom. He will be a son of peace, the prince of peace and the King of Israel.

And if this is the case, Israel will not only buld a nation, a jewish nation, a Jewish State, but will build a Kingdom....and this is another story! The world knows that in Israel there in a "Kingdom of Peace under construction", that is awayting His King, and there is a bunch of evil nations that are comitted to destroy the rebirth of the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel.

This is in fact what the struggle of Israel, the BDS, the anti-semitism, the anti-Zionism, the lies against the jews it's all about...

There is a worldwide attempt to prevent this Holy United Jewish Kingdom from seeing the light; this is all the "game" that this evil and wicked world have put on, to prevent the son of David from becoming again the King of Jerusalem, and the Kingdom to be build again for God.

There is a Holy and Divine Kingdom under construction in Israel, and the world leader are shaking their pants out at the idea of a jew taking the position of King of the Universe, from Israel..

If we look at the ancient map of Somon Kingdom that was much bigger than tiny Israele today, we can understand the fight for the borders of Israel, to prevent Jesus to be the King of most areas of the arab nations today.....An attempt that Iran even wants to fight, bringing out his own islamic Messiah, to prevent a jew called Jesus, from taking His place in the Kingdom of Israel.

The Messiah connection therefore, to King David and to Solomon, the man of Shalom = the Divine peace,  is the most important conection in the Bibble; and for us a connection that must sound a bell. It's of vital importance today, that Israel and the jewish people, remember their history and start connecting the dots and their ways to King David; a father that will give to the world his son, in order to bring the everlasting peace of God, from Jerusalem. The King of Shalom!

Father and son is also the connection between God and Jesus, the only beloved son of God!

giovedì 24 marzo 2016

Purim and the Messiah connection

The Messiah and the festival of Purim

Thera are stories that are just another side of the same coin; this is the case of Purim and the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the jews that was crucified in Jerusalem. His primary job was to save the jewish people, just like Esther over the feast of Purim.

In the generations the people of Israel have been in constant danger of extermination and in every generation, God arise a man or a woman, or a man and a woman, to save His people. In the Last days we know that the Messiah will come to save Israel has a nation, has a people, has a State, the only Jewish State of the all world. Messiah will make sure nobody will touch the Jewish State of Israel and that in the promised land, the 12 children of Jacob will be living there, according to God's assignment, in the Jewish United Kingdom of Israel. There are 12 piece of land, and every child of Israel will get his own partition, and Judah and Ephraim are God's special portion of the land of Israel. For this reason, the areas of Judea and Samaria,cannot be given to anyone that does not belong to the 12 tribes of Israel. Israel belongs only to the people of Israel.

Jesus the Messiah came and will come again soon, to make sure that nobody else, but Him, will guide Israel like a true and legitimate ruler of the land of Israel, and from there, of the all world.

So, what is the connection between Purim and the Messiah?

The Messiah made sure that when He first came to Israel, all the story about Him, will turn around the Passover time, so that the people would understand that someone was sent to save the jews. Passover is the most important feast for the jews and for the people of Israel, and around this time, nations and powers have made attempt to destroy the jews, just like Pharaon.

It's not a coincidence that Purim it's all about the "Pur", the chance to die or live; same was for Jesus. He could live or die for His own people, and he choose to die, to save them all.

For Queen Eshter the choice was the same; she could stay silent or speak up, and everything and everybody life depended on her and on her action, her faith in the God of Israel. There is no difference between Purim and Passover, but there is a connection that cannot be only the result of a coincidence. The connection between Purim and the Messiah Jesus crucifition is clear.

In fact Purim and Passover, are the very same old story, and in both occasions, someone did something to save the jews! In different ways and times, but acting somehow to make the salvation of Israel possible.

Queen Eshter mission is all about pointing out to, who is the wicked and evil man that wants to exterminate all the jews; to take into light what evil man, plan to do to destroy God's people and to make sure that the King knows, the name of the evil one, and expose his work and actions. In this way Eshter was not afraid to tell the truth about evil Haman.

Jesus of Nazareth mission was and is today, the mission to point out who is the wicked one, what is evil, and to teach how to avoid doing wicked and evil actions, against anybody, starting from the jewish people. What is evil it's evil, and what is wicked is bad, and everyone must make an effort in life, to avoid wicked actions and to damage others for no reasons.

Jesus mission is a mission that even today can be learned, afterall evil is always in people hearts and minds, and it's not an alien coming from another planet; everyday we can chose to do good actions, or evil actions. Jesus came to tell everyone, not to do evil actions, to anybody and strive to do good everyday of our life.

Jesus knew that many innocent people were abused and used only for the sake of power and human glory; today like yesterday, the story it's the same. Milion of people are abused and used, by evil people. Not only the jews, but everyone therefore, needs the Messiah!

The Messiah is well connected to Purim, for a mission that from Israel, goes behond and reaches the 4 corners of the world. Evil people and wicked one, are everywhere, and in our global world, not only the jews are all over the world, but innocent people are abused all over the world,too.

The Messiah connection to Purim is the connection of salvation, the connection of pointing out to the evil actions and evil people committing those actions, and making sure we stop them, before they destroy the world. The Messiah teachings are easy to put in pratice and His message it's all about life, goodness, happyness in this world and in the world to come, Heaven.

No one that have done bad actions and evil actions in this world, should expect to be happy here or in Heaven; Paradise it's only for people that in this world, have strived to do good, and help others to be happy. This is the Purim and Messiah connection; evil will be finally exposed, and the good actions that every man, with a name and surname, will be recorded in God's holy Book of Life. For the evil and wicked, their names too will be written, for Eternal  separation from God and judgment.

For this very reason, we already enjoy life on Purim and Passover, knowing that our names are written in God's Book of good deeds,  for our actions will spek for ourselfs, in this world and in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

In God's Kingdom, only who is good and kind, can be the King of His people, Israel!

Epilogue: Invitation and Warning

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.  I am the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
 “Blessed are those who wash their robes,(do good) that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the holy city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll:If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.  And if anyone takes words awayfrom this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Book of Revelation of The Messiah Yeshua
The Messiah is the offspring of David and could not be anybody else than a jew.

I will not come until the day you say: "Osanna to the son of David"! 

The binding of Isaac and the binding of Jesùs of Nazareth

The binding of Isaac and the Messiah connection.

There are things and facts in life that cannot be simply a fatality or the result of pure coincidence; this is the case of "the binding of Isaac" by Abraham, and the binding of Jesus, the King of the Jews and the awaited Messiah in Israel.

Looking at the "binding of Isaac, we see that there are a few things in common, that are more that just fatality, with the story of Jesus of Nazareth. We see a man named Abraham, taking his only beloved son to a "sacrifice" to obey God, we see a bush of thorns, a lamb, a sacrifice to God and an innocent son life offered.

In Jesus case, we see an innocent son, a man that sacrifice his life to obey God, like a sacrificed lamb, the thorns around his head and his final death and resurrection. There are too many similarities in this story, that no other culture, no other race, no other nation can tell. This is the story of Isacc and Jesus, and the connection of their story. Like the story of Jesus and Joseph, in the jewish tradition.

The thorns, keep coming in the story of Moses and Jesus, after the story of the "the binding of Isaac"; the first bush of thorns was for Abraham's lamb, the second bush of thorn was seen by Moses, in the burning bush, the third and last, the thorns that wrap up the head of the Lamb of God, Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews!

What's the connection between Isaac and Jesus? Between the First and the Last Son of God? In His Wisdom, God choosed two different ways of Salvation, ways that sometimes are too difficult for man to accept; nevertheless this is the way God had chosen, and all we have to do is "connect the dots" and collect all the informations, to make the story of Salvation alive.

We know that no other tradition in the all world, except  jews and christians, celebrate Passover; it's a jewish tradition, passed on and handed over to christians, a feast that nobody else wants to celebrate. They simply do not know what coming out of slavery means, or sacrifice of a lamb means; it's just not part of their tradition.

But for God, that have made this Divine plan for mankind, it's all clear; things have started and will end in Israel, with the jewish people, just in the same way, He started the all story.

There is a "direct" connection between the "binding of Isaac" and the "binding of Jesus Christ", and even all the symbols are the same; for a very simple reason. Even if sometimes God starts things in one way, He is always free to finish the job, in the way He wants.

To understand God's way is not difficult, but it can be a bit of a hard work, if we fail to connect the dots, and see the connection between all that happend, to Yeshua, the King and Messiah.

In the case of Jesus, the similarity to Isaac is so evident, that cannot be deny. And the story of Purim and the story of Passover cannot be deny either. In Purim, we see a crown involved, for someone that was just 3 days before, condemned to death. Can we see the connection? Is any other tradition, ourside Israel, celebrating this Miracle? Only christians....

And why Jesus with one sacrifice, fullfilled all jewsih festivities, from the "binding of Isaac, to the feast of Purim? Including Sukkot and Passover? How can one man and one action, fullfilled all the jews can hope for, in one year of celebrations?

If we look at the feast of Purim, we know that 2 things are involved; a death sentence, fear, struggle, and final salvation. A crown of salvation. Is it not the same fear, struggle, death sentence, and final crown of the Messiah Jesus, the jew of Nazareth? Of course it is....

The fact is that in Egypt, in Persia, in Israel and everywhere there is a "death sentence" against the jews", and in different ways, this risk of extermination failed, and someone, saved the people of Israel. Mardochai and Eshter, Mary and Jesus, the salvation cames always by a man of a woman, or a man and a woman together. In the same way a man and a woman were deceived  in the Garden of Eden.

Passover with the sacrifice of the lamb, the miracles in the desert and all the story of Israel freedom, is recollected in one person, called Jesus and in one sacrifice called Passover, death and resurrection of a Jew called Yeshua Ha Massiah, in Jerusalem. Where else could have taken place, if not in the jewish capital of Judea? Judea stand for land of the Jews...Place where a jew lives....

The fact is that when the jews were under the Roman occupation, they were in danger of extermination, and like in Persia, the powerful and wicked one, wanted to destroy them, and destroy their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel. They were afraid of the King of the jews coming, becouse the coming of the Messiah, wuold mean the end of world powers, Romans, Greeks, Persians, etc..etc... Same today; in a evil attempt to put Israel under UN occupation, the world powers are doing all they can, to destroy the jews everwhere they are.

The binding of Isaac and the story of Purim, is just another side of the same coin, and the same way to end the story of salvation,for the people of Israel, and for the innocent one, of the all world.

Jesus, the jew of Nazareth, give his life to save His own people, the jews, and year after year, there is salvation coming for the jews and for the world, for whoever believes in the King of the Jews, the Messiah of Israel. The only ONE that could fullfil all expectations of mankind....


venerdì 4 marzo 2016

The resurrected Jewish United Kingdom of Israel.

Jesus main mission, the Resurrection of the United Kingdom of Israel.

The Bible is a Holy Book with many pages and Divine Words, but most of all the Bible contains the word of God given to Moses and the Holy God's words given to Jesus, the Jew of Nazareth.

It is not a mistery that the most important question the Apostles asked Jesus, was when the reborn Kingdom of Israel would come to pass. We all know that after the sin of King David, The Kingdom of Israel was divided in 2 after Solomon life, with God's promise to re-unite again in the appointed time, the Kingdom of Israel and make out of the 2, one Holy and only Jewish Nation.

In our modern time we know that England is also called United Kingdom, but in God's mind there is only one United Nation in the world, and that nation is the United Kingdom of Israel. Both England and the league of the Nation, have made all efforts to take away from Jesus the Dominium of the World. By doind this, it's clear that the League of the Nations goal, is to  unite to build a world without God's Son Jesus and without God's 10 Comandments Law.

Jesus is born a jew, from a jewish father that knew ever so well the Torah (Moses Law), and from a jewish mother that also knew very well, what it meant to be a jewish woman of faith in God Almighty. All promisies are made to Israel, and this "election" makes every single jew, a man of the promise.

Jesus mission in fact is only one: to regather all jews and make true the desire of the jewish people, to see again the United Kingdom of Israel.

The Bible tells this very important reality, that many have freely choosed to put aside, in the Act of the Apostles, the most important Biblical document for a Christian today:

Now, having met together, they (the Aposteles) asked Him:

"Lord, is this the time for You to restore the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel? Act 1,6-8

This question about the Resurrection of the United Jewish Kingdom of Israel, was asked to Jesus just after he was Risen, and just before Jesus told them to stay in Jerusalem and dare not to leave, until the Holy Spirit would come upon them, and guide them to the Truth of God. The Apostles knew that the promised Messiah would come to bring back all the jews from all over the world, scattered, into one United Jewish Nation. The United Kingdom of Israel!

The jews knew that the only important thing to look forward in life for a jew, was and is today, the United Kingdom of Israel and the regather of a  Jewish Nation.

This is what the King of the jews come from: make visible the jewish Nation to everyone!

Jesus knew it would take quiet some time to make this miracle come true, and for this very reason, He did not tell His disciples when the United Kingdom of Israel would be made. The only thing Jesus told them for sure, is that in the right time, with the help of God's Holy Spirit, they will understand and see these awaited time. And the United Kingdom of Israel could be seen by everyone!

The Apostles asked a question concerning the "End Times", without knowing that the lengt of time to wait to see it happend, would not be for them to see, but a far away time. Jesus did not want to say what must have happend before (holocaust, pogroms, etc..), but indeed Jesus say that before, other things must take place.

He replaid: " it is not for you to know "these times or dates" that only the Father has decide by His own Authority, but you will surely receive the Power of the Holy Spirit, that will come on you, and then you will be My witness not only here in Jerusalem, but troughout Judea and Samaria (todays called the west bank of Israel) and indeed until the end of the all world.

Jesus knew His ultimate mission to be King of the Jews, and King of Jerusalem and therefore the King of the United Kingdom of Israel. The only Godly appointed United Kingdom on Earth.

England have try to be the world United Kingdom, even with the nomination of a Queen, but not a King; becouse of this power, England and english kings man call themselfs "Lords" and even have "the House of Lords", in an attempt to dominate the world and build something that only Israel, has the right to build.

But havings say that, since about 70 years, there is a Nation born out of a Divine Miracle, called Israel, looking only to be the United Kingdom of Israel promised by the prophets. And this United Kingdom of Israel does have a King called Jesus of Nazareth, the Jew of Israel.

Jesus the Son of God, knew that many nations would try to snatch the Jewish Nation from becoming the only Divine United Kingdom of the world, and for this reason he did not want to tell 2000 years ago when or how this would happend. But today, in view of the fact that Israel is real and the real Miracle of the world, Jesus keeps telling us that with the Holy Spirit, we must tell the world that Jesus is King of Israel. King of king, Lord of lords, and King of the United Kingdom of the Holy Nation of Israel!

It would not be necessary otherwise to try to destroy Israel and the jews, by the hand of wicked nations around Israel and around the world, or by trying to undermine Israel and the Jewish Nation. All nations, expecially the United Kingdom of Great Britain, (now little britain only) is shaking at the news of Jesus second coming. The english goverment is doing all it can to stay united and not to fall into pieces.....

The many commonwealt nations are shifting away from England, making Grait Britain a mere small island in the northen Sea. The power of England and the power of all mayor empire are collapsing, making the way for the King of Israel to come and Reign from His Holy Trone in Israel.
In God's Divine plan, there is only ONE United Kingdom, and that is the United Kingdom of Israel, like the prophet Ezekiel tells us:

"Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it, 'Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.' Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, 'Belonging to Joseph (that is, to Ephraim) and all the Israelites associated with him.'

“Son of man, take a stick and write on it, ‘For Judah, and the people of Israel associated with him’; then take another stick and write on it, ‘For Joseph (the stick of Ephraim) and all the house of Israel associated with him.’ Ezekiel 37,16

Many Christians and scholar of, bibble prophecy seems to have forgotten this very important Ezekiel 37,15 and Act of the Apostles 1,6-8 Revelation; in fact everybody waits for Gog and Magog times, without fully understand that God and Magog cannot happend, until the nation of Israel is starting to UNITE in ONE JEWISH NATION, that will see the King of the jews, coming to save them from the worldwide coalition of nations, that want to destroy the tiny nation of Israel. 

The Resurrection of the United Kingdom of Isrel, is the direct result  of the Resurrected Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth; both are real, alive and living, in a process that now cannot be overturn any longer, until the Kindom of God comes in the United Kingdom of Israel, in the earth. One King, one God, One Jewish Messiah, for all!

Jesus the jew from Nazareth, gave His life to santify and bless the all Nation of Israel and the jewish people from all over the world; He will not let anyone take what it belongs to Him, the jewish people, and their land: the only Holy Land in the all world! 
After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitudein heaven shouting:
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
     for true and just are his judgments.
He has condemned the great prostitute
    who corrupted the earth by her adulteries.
He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.”
And again they shouted:
The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.”
 The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried:
“Amen, Hallelujah!”
 Then a voice came from the throne, saying:
“Praise our God,
    all you his servants,
you who fear him,
    both great and small!”

Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
    For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
 Let us rejoice and be glad
    and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
    and his bride has made herself ready.
 Fine linen, bright and clean,
    was given her to wear.”
Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
