

sabato 1 dicembre 2018

Naftali Bennet and the *Jewish Home* prophecy for Israel

Neftali Bennet, the Jewish Home party, and the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy.

With the Celebration of the 70 rebirth of Israel, has become more and more clear that Israel is a Divine Creation and recreation to his ancient Kingdom glory and times. The modern State of Israel was reborn in 1948 in total silence, as the web was not shared with people of every race, langguage and nation and was still in embrio in America.

With the opening of the web to a bigger number of people and nations across the world, for free and 24 hours a day however, Israel became the news of the world for every reason and for no reason at all, any situation has become good, to talk about Israele. Maybe this is just the work of a Divine plan, or just the work of man, that having nothing to talk about, put Israel in the news all the time, but Israel got the headlines in the media world, and this has been a good occasion to make sure that just everybody knows, the story of Israel.

Many of us in our 50ties now, have had a history book in his hands, and someone that even listen the story of the Philistines, the Assyrians and the people of the Seas, including Greek history so dear to most European school subjects. But for the young people, the so called "Millennials", our little children, the story of Israel is a unknown story, just as the story of Jesus and Mary are almost unknown to the new generations. It's the same old story: one generation comes and one generation goes, and the new generation is not aware of what happend before, and therefore is ignorant of the meaning of life.

In our modern times, the issue is even more problematic, becouse the "new parents" had been away from home with their indipendent lifestyles, and have not passed on the family values, as our grandma or grandpa use to, been witness of not only 2 World Wars, but also 2 great rebirth of the world, after many wars and people killed. The new parents are witness only of the rebirth of the generations after so much suffering and strife and therefore when the old generation went by, they had nothing to offer to this new generation of youth, if not more and more good life, and no commitments. Easy life, easy gain, fun and not accountability for the present life.

There is therefore a ring missing in the "wheel of history" that young people are missing, and that makes the new generations weak and subject to false propaganda and fake news, about almost anything. What is fast can be good for a short period of time, and we live in a life when things are going so fast, that anyone that is without roots, will be just wipe out and carried away by the wind. When the roots are not strong, when the tree is not solid, the tree of life can easily be swept away, so we need to make sure that with the good intention of a faster and better life, we make sure we have the time to make our belief strong and firm.

We can see this like in a mirror when we speak about Israel, the modern jewish State and its link to modern life and history. The news media has build a propaganda machine for the last 70 years concerning the jews and the Jewish Home Israel, and therefore we have to look at the biblical accounts to have the true view and the correct story concerning the Home of the Jews.

No one would never deny the story of Great Britain and how it became a British Nation; anyone learning english is given the story of the "war of the Roses", de facto the "civil war" the Briths had to face in order to become a Nation, a United Kingdom as we know today and how England wants the world to be known. The war of the Roses is about 2 Homes of people, reppresented by 2 man that had 2 views of life, and how once in the British soil, wanted the british life to go by. So today milion of students and people all over the world, knows that the House of York and the House of Lancaster had to fight each other, kill each other and destroy each other, to make England the Home of the Briths.

Many other Nations like India and Pakistan, the United States of America, Europe,  are the result of terrible wars, violence, people killed and people divided in factions, that to prove a point or an idea, had to kill fellows humans, in order to see the birth of a Nation.

The story of Israel however is completely different and has nothing to do with hatred, war, fratricide; Israel is born and reborn out of a Divine plan and project, and the story of the birth and rebirth of the modern State of Israel as the Jewish Home, is a concept that cannot be compared to any Nation of the world. Just as the Briths have a home, the jews have a home too, and to deny that Israel is the Jewish Home is a pathetic and antisemitic way to spred the fake news the modern media can create so well; if the Briths have a home and the Europens have a home in EU, there is no reason why Israel should not be the Home of the Jews.

The Bible reminds us that God created everything, but most of all God created Israel and wanted to settle these people in a land, just like the Briths wanted to build their nation and Kingdom in England.  There is no reason why the Briths (made by a mix of people from the north Sea) could decide to build a Kingdom and a place for the Briths, and the jews or God should not!

Therefore is right in our face the reality of a group of people or as we know in our modern times, a party that in Israel is born recently to fight for Israel to be recognised as the Home of the Jews. The Bible tells us even today, that there have always been jews living in the land of Israel, since from ancient times, and that many Empires, including the British Empire, have even "invaded" and "occupy" temporary the jewish land, but when it comes to give the jews the right to live in peace in their own territory, there is an attempt to discredit and defame the Jewish Home Party and his founder Naftaly Bennet.

The Jewish Home Party in Israel was formed to make sure that Israel, would be the Home of the Jews and that someone would make all efforts to fight in a modern and democratic way, for the jews and on behalf of the jews, to be themself, at home and self-determent and in peace with their neighbours. After 65 years of rebirth and approaching the 70 years of the Divine rebirth of the Nation of Israel, according to the 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah, this group of people, was born in the last 10 years of modern jewish history, to make sure that S tate of Israel would complete the mission of the the jews in the Land of Israel.

Taking into account the fact that the "new generations of youth" worldwide will be ignorant of the Bible or of the ancient history of people, and that the old generation would tell the story adding the usual propaganda coming from past failed ideologies, the Jewish Home party has sprang forth in order to consolidate the truth of Israel, and the modern counterfeit propaganda that some Nations are building up in order to deny the jews a Home, and to deny that Israel is the Home of the Jews, just like Britain is the Home of the Briths.

Thinking of the history of Israel, of the meaning of the names that Jacob gave to each and every child of the 12 Tribes of Israel, it is only understandable that the leader of the Jewish Home party would be a man called Naftaly Bennet.

In the jewish misticism, the most ancient of the all planet,a name is a garantee of delivery, and for the leader of the Jewish Home party, his name could not be more an assurance of result. Neftaly means "i fought and i am a winner" and therefore it could not be more appropriate that 70 years to the rebirth of Israel, God would arise a man that is willing to fight for his people, and win to the jews the right to self determination, self Government and to be a nation, a people, a languagge, a society where jews can identify themlf and express themselfs, according to their history and to their Divine Mandate.

As we are living in Biblical prophetic times, the rise of the Jewish Home party is the reminder that there is a Home for the jews too, there is a jewish Nation, a jewish soil and land, there is a jewish State and there is no way anyone can deny it. For this and many other reason, the Jewish Home party came to the attention of the world, for the very and same reason that while people tend to forget what is true, only the name of the party and the party members themself, will be able to deliver to the jews, the right to call Israel the Jewish Home.

The Jewish Home party came alive and operational in a crucial point of the story of the world, of the Nations and in perfect time for the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy to come alive and start his 5/10 years process of making the jews feel really at Home in Israel, and to make Israel and the State of Israel the Divine Home fo the Jewish people from all over the world, now more than ever.

Since Jacob had 12 sons, and each one of them lived and worked in their own region, (like the Briths, the Scottish, the Welsh live in their own region and lands), the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy will be fulfilled when  all the 12 brothers or tribes of Israel, are re-United in One Strong Jewish Kingdom, (just like the Briths are United in their English Kingdom, until the Brexit), and that will happen for the commitment,the hard work, and even the fight that Naftaly Bennet, just has his name means, will put up in order to win against the forces of fake news of the media, and people of this evil and foolish world. There is no way back on the process of Israel, becoming the Home of all the Jews including the jews living in Judea and Samaria, two areas and two piece of land that had always belonged to the jewish people. Under no circumstances Israel was in the past, or has been in recent times, a land for other people or entities. There were always jews living in the Holy Land of Israel and more are making their way to the Jewish State in recent years, until all jews will feel at Home in Israel.

For this modern process, God has chosen and put out "the right man for the job", making Naftaly Bennet the leader of this party and even him possibly, is not fully aware that he is called to fulfill the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy, calling on all jews to Unite in One Strong Nation and make the Jewish Home, the Home of all the jews!

From 2020 onward the heartland of Israel will finally be enlarged and annexed to the motherLand and this will be the beginning of the process of the fulfillment of the prophecy of both Geremiah and Ezekiel 37,15. Every prophecy "has a time" and a period of times to develop and be fulfilled.

Naftaly Bennet and the Jewish Home party will operate at the beginning of the Ezekiel 37,15 prophecy and will follow the jews in the process of the fulfillment, until the two parts of the israel territory will United into a United Jewish Kingdom. He will have no one to apologise to, for been the right man, in the right place, at the right time, for the fall of the British Kingdom after Brexit, and the rebirth of the Divine and United Jewish Kingdom of Israel.

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