

domenica 8 novembre 2015

The seven pillars of Christianity

The 7 columns of God given to Christianity

God always wanted to talk to man and share His mystery and His Life with mankind; in order to be closer to man, God has given His Ruach, His Holy Spirit to every man and every woman that lives on Earth. After talking to Moses, God wanted also to extend His Knowledge to everyone, with the gift of the Holy Spirit, with Jesus coming, when after His Resurrection 2000 years ago- the all world started to change in view of the fact that God wants man to civilize- and discover the truth about the Creation, and all that surrounds the life of man, on this planet.

The only way God had to give to man His Holy Spirit, the Spirit that God used to create man and to give life to the all Creation, was to share His Holyness with mankind; we know that God made a man and a woman, and he blow His Spirit out to man, by the same spirit that man has in himself life. Without this Spirit from God, man could not live or think, or breathd, eat, move, and be a walking human. With this same Spirit God started the creation of a "new mind" and a "new wisdom" in our society, that has given to the world the changes we all see today in our Western society. All suddentely man started to discover new things in many fields, and man life changed from an archaic and demote world without knowledge and understanding, to a booming society with a "new intellectual awakining" about man life. And after Jesus released the Holy Spirit in His Reseurrection, 2000 years ago, man started to understand everything about  God.

Nobody can deny that between 2000 years ago and today, man and women made an incredible accelleration in civilisation, discovery, understanding, knowledge, and all sorts of things that have made the Western society achieved, what the Western culture have achieved today, in medicine and advancement in all fields where man life is involved. But this accelleration in God's plan is to reach the all world where the culture and the civilisation have an open society that welcomes the interchange of culture and races. It is of no doubt that all this happend thank to Jesus of Nazaret first coming; before Jesus presence in the world, man had no idea of Divine Informations and their idea of God was based on theories and not clear infos.

Jesus made a first visit on earth in preparation of man's way with God, to usher His second coming, with man and women empowered in body, soul and Spirit, to encounter God, the Master of the Universe- and to pave the way -of God's Kingdom on Earth. Jesus 2000 years ago clearly stated that:

“The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the Good News!” Good News of Mark 1

All Prophets before Jesus gave Messagges and made miracles, but Jesus give to man what no other man have ever offered to humanity before Him; God's Holy Spirit, His Ruach, the same that God already shared with Moses and the people of Israel, thousand of years ago. God has repeated in our generation the same miracle , and from now on, man can take part of God's Divine Life, directly trough Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

God has given to us the 7 pillars of Divine goodness that He wants to share with man; these gifts are called also the "7 gift of the Holy Spirit, that irradiate man with the life of God in his fullness. Man mind, body and sould become part of God and the man  and the woman that receives God's fire and breath, become's a Prophet of God. A man and a woman called by God to be a Mmessenger of God. In this way God has million of Messengers and Prophets, because God wants to make all humankind to be like Him.

Jesus Revelation of the Holy Spirit is the most revolutionary things that God has even done for mankind in history. What Jesus is giving us today, are seven Supernatural pillars that are the foundation of Christianity.

The 7 pillars of God of Christianity are:
1) Wisdom
3)Right Judgemnt
7)Fear of the Lord God

Empowered with this 7 Holy Lights of God from Heaven, every man, every woman and every child is empowered with the same power of God, and is loaded from Heaven with all the Superpower he needs to be like God on this Earth.

1) Whith the gift of Wisdom, man acquires God's Wisdom and can understand the Mysteries of God.

2) With Understanding man acquires the comprehension of the mystery of mans body and soul, and with this gift from God, the life of man on Earth becomes more and more joyful and healtier.

3) With the  gift of right Judgment man can help others to decide the matters of society according man regulations of good living in respect also of God's Law.

4) With the gift of Courage mand and women are filled with what it takes to move foward in discoveries and difficult times and matters, and never give up whan thing apparently look difficult.

5)With the Knowledge man and women have been empowered with the tools to understand things that could not be understood before about everything that surrounds the life of man.

6) With the pillar of Piety man and women have learned to help other man to be empowered of the knowledge of man's life in this planet, and use God's Creation to reach happyness for everyone.

7) With the fear of the Lord God, God has empowered man with a Holy Fear of the Master of the World, to make sure that after having known God's Law,  we behave according to God's desire and teachings.

Never before was Revealed to man and women of this planet, that God wanted to share His  Own Power with mankind; only Jesus of Nazareth Revealed this Mystery. And not only that: ONLY JESUS was given the Power, the same given to Moses in the anchient generation to the Jews, to give out all the Power of God, and share it with every man and every woman that trust in Him, to become like Moses  friends and a Prophet of God.

Jesus cam from heaven to Earth to give out this gift from God not only to Man, but also to every Woman in the Planet. And this is the very Good News of God, comparing to other man made religions and human movements, that have kept the women out of God's sight. For this very reason, Jesus give to women also the power to be a Prophet and a friend of God. Something totally revolutionary in society.

This is what the Good news of Jesus of Nazareth is all about: for the first time in the history of humanity, God give out His Supernatural Power to every man and every woman, to unify humanity to Heaven, and unify every man and every woman and child to God, making Heaven and Earth united, in order to make peace between man and God in an embrance of love and Eternal Life.

The idea of Light is very common and easily understood by the Jews and the Christians; God is Light in His Pure Essence, and it was only normal that at the appointed time, God wanted mankind to be able to have His Heavenly Light, and share God's brightness on this Earth, where man lives.

The Apostles of Light explaines this concept in the Gospel:  This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Good News of 1John 1,5

God is best known to be Light and the Revelation of the 7 Lights of God given to man, is the most amazing Revelations that God has given to mankind trough Jesus of Nazareth; man should have no other desire in life. Nothing is more usefull in life that light, and if the Light comes from God, it means we will never walk in the darkness for all the years of our life on Earth. This is the Good news of God from Heaven!


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